
  1. 受援国将按极低的利率向imf支付利息,相当于所有可兑换货币国债收益率的综合平均水平。

    Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate , equivalent to the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies .

  2. 铸币税实际上是通过通胀对货币和国债持有人征收的税收。

    Seigniorage is really a tax on holders of money and government debt which is paid via inflation .

  3. 但让人惊奇的是,有不少的国家正在采用S处方,他们增发了货币与国债。

    But a surprising number are flirting with the Stiglitzian prescription : they are issuing more currency and selling more hot cakes .

  4. 在外围国家和核心国家统一陷入衰退、利率已经接近于零的情况下,欧洲央行(ecb)或许不得不咬紧牙关,启动一轮量化宽松,利用新创造的货币买进各国国债。

    Faced with recession in both the periphery and the core , and with interest rates already close to zero , the European Central Bank may have to bite the bullet and begin a programme of quantitative easing , using newly-created money to buy government bonds .

  5. 货币政策对国债收益率曲线影响的实证研究

    An Analysis about the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Yield Curve of Bond

  6. 但同样有可能的是,市场可能出现糟糕的冲击,尤其是如果货币市场或国债利率上升。

    But it is equally possible that there could be nasty shocks ahead , particularly if money market or treasury rates rise .

  7. 但为了使奥巴马更巨大的赤字不得胁迫联储局扩张货币以购买国债,我们有此政治共识否?

    But is there a political consensus that the much larger Obama deficits will not pressure the Fed to expand reserves to buy Treasury bonds ?

  8. 银行间债券市场成立于1997年6月,是我国货币市场和国债市场的重要组成部分。

    The inter-bank bond market was established in June of 1997 , it is the important component of the money market and the national debt market .

  9. 由于害怕美联储会减少货币刺激措施,国债的收益率得到了推动,同时抵押贷款率也大幅上涨。

    Fear the Fed will reduce monetary stimulus has pushed bond yields and in turn mortgage rates up sharply .

  10. 之前各国用来增加货币供应和购买国债的“定量宽松”政策几乎快要走到尽头,或至少也要暂时喊停。

    QE creating money and using it to buy bonds is coming to an end , or at least pausing .

  11. 尽管利率处于下降通道,企业为了避险,还是将更多资金存入银行或投资货币市场基金和国债。

    They are moving more cash to safety in bank accounts , money-market funds and Treasurys , despite declining interest rates .

  12. 美联储自2008年底以来一直在施行过分宽松的货币政策,长期国债利率现已处于极低水平。

    The Fed has been running ultra-loose monetary policies since late 2008 and interest rates on long-term bonds are already extremely low .

  13. 介绍了我国在1998-2001年实施财政政策和货币政策时,国债市场所起的作用,及对国债市场的要求。

    Introducing the effect of our national debt market when our country has implemented fiscal and monetary policies from 1998 to 2001 . ( 3 ) the present conditions of our national debt market .