
jīnɡ chánɡ xiànɡ mù
  • current account
  1. 德国2007年经常项目盈余占GDP的7.6%。

    Germany ran a current account surplus of 7.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2007 .

  2. 中国经常项目顺差、FDI与外汇储备相关性分析&基于全球经济失衡的视角

    Correlations among Current Account , Direct Investment , and Foreign Exchange Reserve & Based on the Perspective of Global Economic Imbalances

  3. 葡萄牙1992年经常项目可能会出现小额顺差。

    Portugal will probably have a small current-account surplus for 1992 .

  4. 服务业占GDP的比重由41.9%升至44.6%;经常项目顺差占GDP的比例由10.1%降至2.3%。

    Its current account surplus has dropped to 2.3 % of GDP from 10.1 % .

  5. 在第三部分中,详细分析了FDI怎样通过货物和投资收益账户两方面来影响经常项目的。

    The third part analyses in details how FDI effects on current account via goods and income account .

  6. FDI对我国经常项目收支影响基于19822006年数据的实证研究

    The Impact of FDI on China 's Current Account in the Balance of Payments : An Empirical Analysis from 1982 to 2006

  7. 我国1996年接受IMF第八条款,实现了人民币经常项目下自由兑换。

    In 1996 China accepted No. 8 item of IMF , then realized RMB free exchange in current account .

  8. 经常项目顺差猛增,占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例从2004年的3.6%升至去年的11.3%。

    China 's current account surplus has soared , from 3.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2004 to 11.3 per cent last year .

  9. 但即便在较高储蓄率影响GDP增长的时候,经常项目余额依然等于储蓄与投资之差。

    But even when higher savings depress GDP , it remains true that the current account balance is equal to the difference between savings and investment .

  10. 特别是在我国2001年加入WTO后,由于经常项目和资本项目的双顺差,更加速了我国外汇储备规模的扩大。

    Especially our access to WTO in 2001 sped up the enlargement of the size of foreign exchange reserves due to the favorable balance in both current account and capital account .

  11. 中国于1996年12月正式成为IMF第八条款国,开始实行经常项目开放;

    Since December 1996 , China has formally become the member of IMF , accepting the No. 8th clause and beginning the current account liberalization ;

  12. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .

  13. 盈余国家与赤字国家:存在高额贸易及经常项目逆差的国家,希望G20讨论全球经济失衡问题。

    Surplus versus deficit countries : Countries that are running large trade and current account deficits want the G20 to discuss global economic imbalances .

  14. 尤其是2001年我国加入WTO之后,我国连续维持着高额的经常项目和资本项目双顺差,使我国的外汇储备以每年40%左右的速度大幅增长。

    Especially after we entered into WTO in 2001 , China keep enjoying surplus balance of both current account and capital account , which led to a 40 % annual growth rate of foreign exchange reserves .

  15. 去年中国经常项目顺差占GDP比重也大幅下降至仅为2.8%的水平。固然有不少理由可以使人相信中国经济增速放缓将是长期性的。

    China 's current account surplus also declined substantially to a mere 2.8 per cent of gross domestic product last year . There are good reasons to believe China 's slowdown is permanent .

  16. 朗伯德街研究公司(lombardstreetresearch)的查尔斯杜马(charlesdumas)指出,其后果之一就是美国对外资流入的需求,正随着其经常项目赤字一道缩减。

    A consequence , Charles Dumas of Lombard Street research points out , is that the US requirement for foreign inflows is shrinking along with its current account deficit .

  17. 经济学家据此预测,今年经常项目盈余占gdp的比率,将从去年的近10%降至5%左右。

    As a result , economists are predicting that the current account surplus , which was near 10 per cent of GDP last year , will this year be closer to 5 per cent .

  18. 因此即便企业投资和居民住房建设投资保持在较低的水平,国民投资超过国民储蓄也导致了经常项目赤字占到GDP的2.3%。

    So even with a relatively low level of business investment and residential construction , the excess of national investment over national savings resulted in a current account deficit of 2.3 per cent of GDP .

  19. 不同于中国的是,印度的经常项目赤字(current-accountdeficit)也恶化,而这恰好是经济过热的典型,它表明国内是供不应求。

    Unlike China , India also has a widening current-account deficit & a classic sign of overheating , as domestic output fails to keep pace with surging demand .

  20. 研究结果显示,全球有效劳动力供给促使发展中国家大量积累经常项目顺差,而且随着FDI的大量流入,劳动力全球化和FDI对顺差扩大的影响作用被不断强化。

    The results shows that global effective labor supply promotes current account surplus in developing countries , and with the massive FDI inflow , the impact of labor globalization and FDI on surplus accumulation is constantly strengthened .

  21. 根据高盛(GoldmanSachs)的计算,美元的贸易加权汇率需要下跌27%,才能把美国的经常项目赤字减少一半。

    According to a calculation by Goldman Sachs , it would take a27 per cent fall in the dollar 's trade-weighted exchange rate to reduce the US current account deficit by half .

  22. 一个例子,2002末至2007年中期,作为最大的发达国家之一的日本,外贸加权汇率贬值13%,积累了较去年的GDP高出4.9%的经常项目盈余。

    For example , despite a current-account surplus of4.9 % of GDP last year , one of the biggest of any developed economy , Japan 's trade-weighted exchange rate sank by13 % from the end of2002 to mid-2007 .

  23. 过去一年印度卢比对美元大幅下跌,部分原因在于投资者对印度高额经常项目赤字的担忧情绪日益强烈。目前印度经常项目赤字占GDP的比重约为4%。

    The country 's currency , the rupee , has tumbled against the dollar in the past year , partly due to growing investor concerns about India 's high current-account deficit , which is roughly 4 % of GDP .

  24. 现状是,尽管中国的经常项目盈余占其经济总量的比例已不像数年前那么高了,那时经常项目盈余一度达到GDP的10%,但总量还是十分巨大。

    Not , it is true , as massive a surplus as a share of its overall economy as it had a couple of years ago , when the current account surplus reached 10 % of GDP , but huge nonetheless .

  25. FDI是外部投资者衡量某国经济一个至关重要的指标。对于贫困国家、储蓄率较低的国家以及越南和印度等经常项目赤字的国家来说,FDI也是获得资本的重要来源。

    FDI is a critical measure of how outsiders perceive an economy and can be a critical source of capital for poor economies , countries with low savings rates , and economies with current account deficits , such as Vietnam and India .

  26. 然而,几年过去了,他们并未成功实现这种转变。事实上,中国去年的经常项目盈余超过GDP的10%,而近年来消费在经济中发挥的作用却越来越小。

    Yet several years later , they have not managed to bring about this shift – indeed , while China ran a current account surplus in excess of 10 per cent of GDP last year , consumption in recent years has played an ever smaller role in the economy .

  27. imf指出,由出口拉动型增长转向内需驱动型增长,将帮助德国减少其“庞大的经常项目盈余”,这将有助于德国在带领欧元区走出债务危机方面扮演“关键性角色”。

    According to the IMF , a shift from export-led to domestic-driven growth would see Germany reduce its " high current account surplus " , which would also contribute to Germany playing " a pivotal role " in heaving the eurozone out of its debt crisis .

  28. 我国在1996年11月正式宣布接受国际货币基金组织(IMF)第8条款规定,实现了人民币经常项目下自由兑换。

    Since the official announcement of acceptance of the Article No. 8 in the Agreements of International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in November of 1996 , China 's monetary reform has basically entered into a stage in which RMB can be freely converted under current account .

  29. 经常项目和资本项目共同构成基本差额。

    The current and capital accounts together are the basic balance .

  30. 劳动力全球化视角下的经常项目失衡

    The Current Account Imbalance under a View of Globalization of Labor