
  • 网络economic parks
  1. 基于复杂性混沌理论的中国经济园区研究

    Research of China Economic Parks Based on Complexity Chaos Theory

  2. 其次,本文对宁波经济园区发展状况进行分析,指出各类经济园区在宁波区域经济发展中发挥举足轻重的作用,可以而且应当进行产业功能分区。

    Secondly , this article make a analysis on the developing status of economic parks in Ningbo , which indicate the significant contribution of economic parks to the regional economic development in Ningbo , so there is a feasibility and necessity to make a division on industries function .

  3. 循环经济园区发展的技术经济分析

    Tech-economy analysis on development of recycling economy in the industrial park

  4. 山西能源工业循环经济园区的发展模式

    The Development Model of Circulating Economy Area of Shanxi Energy Industry

  5. 深圳经济园区土地开发模式研究

    Study of the Development Mode of Shenzhen 's Economic Park

  6. 街道经济园区内中小企业外部成本分析与调控

    Analysis and Control of External Costs for Smes in Economic Park Street

  7. 基于B/S模式的经济园区业务管理系统

    B / S-based Business Management System for Economic Park

  8. 循环经济园区研究

    Research on the Circular Economy Park

  9. 产业集群与工业经济园区建设尚处于起步阶段等。

    Build and still at the starting stage and wait in industry 's cluster and industrial economy garden .

  10. 面向政府与市场的控制性详细规划探索&以上海虹桥临空经济园区为例

    Regulatory detailed planning based on government and market : a case study of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Business Park

  11. 本文通过对总部经济园区规划的设想,结合群力新区开发建设实际,研究总部经济园区创新设计理念。

    This paper studies the of headquarters economy garden combining with construction practice in Qunli newly built district .

  12. 城区与重点经济园区排污管网已全面配套。排水管被污泥堵塞。

    Necessary sewage discharge pipeline has been laid down in the city proper and the major economic zone .

  13. 纵观世界地理版图,经济园区遍布在世界各个角落。

    Looking at the geographical map of the world , the parks spread over every corner of the world .

  14. 项目是虹桥地区现有最大规模国际化低碳生态总部经济园区,全新国际化标准。

    The project is the largest international low-carbon ecological headquarter economy park in Hongqiao area , featuring the brand-new international standard .

  15. 经济园区的存在是非常普遍的经济现象,且成为全球经济发展的潮流。

    The existence of the economic zone is a very common economic phenomenon , which is a trend of the global economy .

  16. 本文根据2008年对上海地区经济园区小企业的调查数据,分析总结小企业融资的几个主要特征。

    Based on the survey of small enterprises in Shanghai'industrial parks in2008 , the paper summarizes some features of financing of small enterprises .

  17. 旅游经济园区兼具旅游功能与园区集聚功能,表现出“一体二翼”和“S曲线效应”的发展特征,成为当前景区发展的重要形式。

    There are the Character of the pattern of one center to two wing and the S curve effect in the park-district of tourism economy .

  18. 目前,经济园区已经成为我国区域经济发展和参与世界竞争的重要力量。

    At present , the economic zone has become the regional economic development and the competition in an important force in the world of our country .

  19. 宁波是中国经济园区发展最为典型的地区之一,无论是园区的数量、规模还是园区创造的效益,在全国都处于领先地位。

    No matter on the quantity of established parks , the park scale or the benefit they create , Ningbo keeps ahead of the whole China .

  20. 循环经济园区是贯穿了循环经济理念的园区发展形态,是一种新型的组织关系。

    The circular economy park ( CEP ) is a park development form of running through the circular economy ideas , and a kind of new-type membership .

  21. 企业治理权的配置:内外部治理的成本收益假说街道经济园区内中小企业外部成本分析与调控

    The Distribution about the Rights of Corporate Governance , the Cost-income Hypothesis of Interior Governance and Exterior Governance ; Analysis and Control of External Costs for Smes in Economic Park Street

  22. 如何充分发挥经济园区的竞争优势,促进园区经济与区域经济的良性互动,已成为经济发展过程中迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to give full play to the competitive advantage of zone economy , promote zone economy and regional economy positive interaction , have become an urgent problem to be solved .

  23. 经济园区作为一种发展区域经济的有效形式及重要载体,所表现出来的强大竞争优势,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    The zone economy as an effective form of development of the regional economy and an important carrier , which has shown a strong competitive advantage , has aroused extensive attention .

  24. 实践证明,循环经济园区以物质与能量循环利用为内容、以产业集群为载体,同时兼顾两者的长处,是一种先进的生产组织形式。

    Practice proves that the recycling economy park , taking the recycling of matter and energy as the content and the industrial cluster as carriers and having the advantages of both , is an advanced production organization form .

  25. 目前全球有超过60个工业循环经济园区项目正在规划和建设之中,大多数项目在发达国家,尤其集中在美国、加拿大和日本。

    At present there are more than 60 global eco-industrial park project is in the planning and building , most of the projects in the developed countries , particularly concentrated in the United States , Canada and Japan .

  26. 同时本文对宁波经济园区的期望功能和实际功能进行剖析,认为只有经济园区的实际功能才是产业功能分区的主要依据。

    Meanwhile , this article makes an anatomy between the expected function and actual function of economic park in Ningbo , as it indicates that only the actual function of economic could be the premise to divide industry function .

  27. 接着通过以登封循环经济园区为例分析在单个企业中发展循环经济的优势及劣势,最后提出建设循环经济园区、促进河南省循环经济建设的建议。

    Then the article take circle economy park of Dengfeng for example to analysis that a single enterprise in the development of circular economy disadvantage . Finally the paper make recommendations to promote the construction of circular economy industrial park proposal .

  28. 世界产业组织发展的基本特征之一,就是相似或相关的产业在相同的区域内的集聚,因相互依赖形成产业集聚优势,进而形成经济园区。

    With the development of the world , the basic characteristics of industrial organization is that similar or related industries within the region in the same concentration , and the formation of industrial agglomeration advantages for interdependence , leading to an economic zone .

  29. 本文认为深圳经济园区土地开发模式具有负债开发、集约开发、滚动开发和功能开发的特征,它是规划机制、市场机制和政策机制相互作用的结果。

    This paper concludes that the land development mode of Shenzhen 's park features debt-backed development , intensive development , rolling development and function-oriented development , and it is the result of the interaction of planning mechanism , market mechanism , and policy mechanism .

  30. 由于土地利用的管理体制和微观运行机制等方面所存在的不足和制度缺陷,从总体上说,目前我国城市经济园区土地集约化利用程度较低。

    For the disfigurement and lack there are in the use of land on macroscopical policy and microcosmic running mechanism etc , as a whole , our intensified utilization of the lands of economy development areas in urban is still at a low level .