
jīnɡ jì xié zuò qū
  • Economic Cooperation Zone;economic coordination zone
  1. 管理上区域旅游属于经济协作区的范畴。

    Regional tourism is belong to a category of economic region .

  2. 重庆经济协作区科技发展与合作研究

    Research on Scientific Development and Cooperation in Chongqing Economic Cooperation District

  3. 重庆经济协作区区域市场发展研究

    Research into Regional Market Development of Chongqing Economic Negotiation Region

  4. 重庆经济协作区与长江上游经济带

    Economically-Coordinated Region of Chongqing & The Economic Zone Along Upper Reaches of Changjiang

  5. 重庆经济协作区发展路径选择

    Options on Development Approaches of Chongqing Economy Cooperative Region

  6. 泛珠三角经济协作区战略的确立和实施可以认为是运用和实践区域经济发展辐射理论的一个实例。

    The economy cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta is an example of radiation theory .

  7. 搞经济协作区,这个路子是很对的。

    It is right to establish economic cooperation between developed and less developed areas .

  8. 泛珠三角经济协作区与经济发展辐射理论分析

    The Economy Cooperation of Pan-pearl River Delta and the Radiation Theory Analyzing of Economy Development

  9. 区域旅游、经济协作区和中心城市,三者间在空间环境上具有极大的关联性和整体性。

    Regional tourism , economic region , and key city is a whole of geographic environment .

  10. 中原经济协作区是边缘行政区主动合作实践的缩影。

    Central China economic cooperation zone is the epitome of active cooperation in marginal administrative region .

  11. 建立流域经济协作区,促进区域经济持续发展

    Establish economic cooperation areas based on the drainage area to promote the development of regional economic

  12. 三明市在闽西南经济协作区中的地位、发展方向和对策

    Studies on the Position , Development Direction and Countermeasures Sanming in the Economic Cooperation Area of Southwestern Fujian Province

  13. 该经济协作区内各地方政府间如何协调合作从而推动区域整体协调发展是本文研究的对象。

    How to coordinate the cooperation between the local governments in that economic region and to promote coordinated and balanced development as a whole were discussed in this paper .

  14. 完整的区域行政体系应包括行政主体各地方政府首脑组成的经济协作区发展委员会、行政客体区域经济事务、行政运行三个基本内容。

    A complete regional administration system should include three major parts : administration subject ( economic coordination region development committee made up by heads of local governments ), administration object ( regional economic affairs ) and administration operation .

  15. 于是,出现了跨行政区不同形式的经济联合,如经济技术协作区、经济协作区等。

    Thus , inter-administrative different forms of economic integration emerged , such as economic and technological cooperation zone , economic cooperation zones .

  16. 宁夏位于西部经济大区域和黄河经济协作区的交集之中,在这两大经济板块中找到自己的位置十分重要。

    Located in the junction of the great region of west economy and the Yellow River economic cooperative area , it is important for Ningxia to find its own position in such two great economic areas .

  17. 为推动区域整体经济社会协调发展,武陵山经济协作区应运而生。

    To promote coordinated and balanced development of the whole trans-regional economy and society , the economic cooperative area of the Wuling Mountain came into being .

  18. 依据经济发展辐射理论,泛珠三角经济协作区的发展要积极培育辐射点,加强辐射干线的建设,推进面辐射进程,提高其区域经济的竞争力。

    According the radiation theory , the economy cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta , radiation point must be trained , the building of the radiation line must be improved , and then the surface radiation will be quicker , the competition of the district economy will be strengthened .