
huò yùn dài lǐ rén
  • freight forwarder
  1. 海上货运代理人随着国际贸易和国际运输的发展,不断扩大其经营范围,从传统意义上的货运代理人发展到无船承运人、多式联运经营人和物流经营人。

    With the development of the international trade and international transportation , Freight Forwarder has enlarged its operating scope and developed NVOCC from traditional Freight Forward whose responsibility is as an agent .

  2. 无船承运人与货运代理人的识别

    The Identification of the Non-Vessel-Carrier and the Freight Forwarder

  3. 国际货运代理人民事法律地位探析

    Study on the Civil Legal Status of the International Freight Agent

  4. 国际货运代理人执行美国航线服务合同的若干法律问题

    Relate Legal Issues in the Service Contract of Sino-American Line

  5. 第二、第二节探讨了航空货运代理人的法律地位。

    The second section discusses the legal status of the international air freight forwarder .

  6. 浅谈货运代理人的法律地位

    On the Legal Status of Freight forward Agency

  7. 论我国国际货运代理人的法律地位

    The Status of the Freight Forwarder in China

  8. 伊朗还利用非伊朗船运公司和货运代理人,以获取和出口危险原料。

    Iran also uses non-Iranian shippers and freight forwarders to obtain and export dangerous materials .

  9. 第三章对国际货运代理人处于不同的法律地位,即在不同身份条件下的权利、义务及法律责任进行详细阐述。

    Chapter three gives the different rights , obligations and responsibilities under diverse legal status .

  10. 货运代理人收据的法律性质以及与提单的异同

    A Study on legal nature of FCR and its similarities and differences with bill of lading

  11. 国际货运代理人在国际货物运输中的地位和责任

    The Position and Liability of the International Freight Forwarder in the International Carriage of Goods by Sea

  12. 第二章作者将无船承运人和承运人、货运代理人、实际承运人、契约承运人等相关民事法律主体进行比较分析,并以多个表格形式进行归纳总结。

    Chapter 2 compares the NVOCC with carrier , freight forwarder , the actual carrier and the contractual carrier .

  13. 货运代理人的法律定性及多式联运中集装箱货损区段的确定

    Determination of the legal nature of freight forwarders and the section of containerized cargo damage in the multi-modal transport

  14. 传统意义上的货运代理人只是充当代理的角色,不是运输当事人。

    The freight forwarder is not a party of the transport contract , but only acts as an agent before .

  15. 供应调拨,门市零售,邮购代销,办理进口,装箱托运,送货上门货运代理人运输证书

    Supply and allotment , retail , mail order and commissioned sale , import , packing and transportation , and home delivery

  16. 大量的货运代理人已转变成为无船承运人,所提供的服务越来越多样化、综合化、全球化。

    A large number of freight forwarders has been transformed into NVOCC , whose services provided more diverse , comprehensive and global .

  17. 班轮公司不仅仅是港口设施、操作的直接使用者,更是货主、货运代理人获取港口信息的来源。

    The liner shipping companies are not only port users , but also the information sources for the owners of cargo and forwarders .

  18. 交付与验收1、货物所有权应自交付给买方或卖方委托的货运代理人起转移至买方。

    Since the ownership of the goods should be delivered to the buyer or the seller authorized shipping agents since transferred to the buyer .

  19. 在这一章,本文引用了一些案例直观的展现了这些风险的产生以及对如何造成了国内的货运代理人的损失。

    In this chapter , the article also refers to some cases to visually show these risks and losses caused by domestic freight forwarders .

  20. 无船承运人是国际货运代理人发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The NVOC ( Non-vessel-operating Carrier ) or NVOCC ( Non-vessel-operating Common Carrier ) is an outcome when international freight forwarder develops into a certain stage .

  21. 其次以S公司的无船承运人经营资格入手,介绍了无船承运人的概念和经营模式,以及无船承运人与国际货运代理人和第三方物流的区别。

    Then it introduces conception of NVOCC and its operating model , and the differences between NVOCC and international freight forwarder , and third party logistics .

  22. 以期对我国国际货运代理人法律制度的建设和国际货运代理业务的发展有所裨益。

    I hope this article will be conductive to the development of business of freight forwarding and the perfection of relevant legal system of freight forwarders .

  23. 通过分析论述,进一步明确了货运代理人的民事法律关系以及调整我国货运代理关系的法律规范;

    Through the analysis , the author clarifies the civil legal relations of the freight forwarding and the legal norms regulating the legal relations of international freight forwarding ;

  24. 分析了国际货运代理人充当第三方物流经营人后,因实施的具体法律行为不同,而具有不同的法律地位。

    This paper analyzes the different legal positions of international freight forwarding , acting as the third party logistics operators obtained , because of conduction of different concrete legal actions .

  25. 本公司将有权保留及收取由货运代理人按惯例保留或收取的所有代理费、佣金、补贴及其他报酬。

    The Company shall be entitled to retain and be paid all brokerages , commissions , allowances and other remunerations customarily retained by , or paid to , freight forwarders .

  26. 笔者以货运代理人是以委托人的名义还是以自己的名义开展业务为主线分析了货运代理人在经营代理业务活动时的不同身份,以及所应承担的相应责任。

    The writer analyzed the different statuses of Freight Forwarder and the corresponding responsibilities with the main thread that Freight Forwarder develops business in the name of the Principle or itself .

  27. 为加强行业管理和方便货主选择货运代理人,特此公布国际货物运输代理企业名单。

    In order to strengthen the administration on this profession and make a convenience for cargo-owner to select forwarder , the MOFERT is publishing The Name List of International Freight Forwarders .

  28. 从民商法范畴来讲国际货运代理人只和货主有权利义务关系,他只是货主(托运人)的代理人。

    In terms of civil and commercial law , an international freight forwarder has only right and obligation with shipper , he is just the agent of cargo owner ( shipper ) .

  29. 第一章首先分析了港口经营人的含义,指出其不同于承运人、多式联运经营人、货运代理人及装卸工人;以及实践中与实际港口经营人的关系。

    Chapter one first analyses the concept of the port operator , pointing out the difference from the carrier , multimodel transport operator , freight forwarder and stevedore and the relations with the actual port operator .

  30. 第一章对国际货运代理人以及其海外代理进行了基本的阐述,包括国际货运代理人在同海外代理人合作的角色,以及海外代理的基本情况。

    In the first chapter , this article will be international freight forwarders , as well as its overseas agent for the basic exposition , including international freight forwarder in the role of agents with overseas cooperation , as well as overseas agents and the basic situation .