
ɡuān shānɡ
  • government merchant;government commerce;official commercial business;state-run commercial unit
官商 [guān shāng]
  • (1) [state enterprise]∶官府经营的商业

  • (2) [of bad quality of service in the state-owend business]∶指从事公营商业而缺乏为顾客服务精神的人

  • 改变官商作风

  • (3) [joint state-private business]∶官府和私商

  • 官商合办企业

  1. 在我国,官商之间存在一种对立关系。

    In our country there is an adversarial relationship between government and business .

  2. 《案例》:新宝进出口公司&国有外贸企业的官商文化初探

    Xinbao Import Export Corporation Study of the Culture of " Government Merchants " in State-owned Foreign Trade Company

  3. 从中国通商银行之创办看晚清的官商矛盾

    Discussing the Contradictions between Government Officials and Businessmen in Late Qing Dynasty from the Establishment of China Business Bank

  4. 为了更好的构建稳定和公平的商业秩序,官商共同努力。

    In order to build a stable and equitable order of business , officials and businessmen to work together .

  5. 在活跃地方经济、协调商民关系、官商关系等方面,也起到了重要的作用。

    Which had also played the vital role about locate trade activity , the coordinated mercantile class relate and bureaucratic government-people relations .

  6. 在袁世凯的经济思想中,官商合作即官为商助思想占有重要的地位,其表现有二,一是扶持周学熙近代工业企业集团以为示范,二是扶持近代民族资本蓬勃发展以增强国力。

    In the YUAN Shi kai 's economy thought , the thoughts of government official helping the merchants occupied the important position .

  7. 不仅官僚可能会从政府部门空降到公用公司内部任职,而且官商之间偶尔也会靠结亲家来拉近关系。

    Not only do bureaucrats parachute from their ministries into the utilities , but their sons and daughters occasionally marry each other too .

  8. 晚清官商关系透视&以李鸿章、唐廷枢与开平煤矿为例

    The Relationship between Officers and Businessmen in the Late Qing Dynasty & An Example of Li Hong-zhang and Tang Ting-shu and Kaiping Coal Mine

  9. 西周时期的官商自然具有官的身份,而普通商人则以平民身份活动。

    At the Western Zhou period , the official merchant had ' official ' identity naturally , but the ordinary merchant acted as common people .

  10. 从官办、官商合办到商办:浙江实业银行及其前身的制度变迁(1908-1937)

    From Government Bank , Government-Private Joint Bank to Private Bank : Institutional Changes of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and Its Predecessors , 1908 ~ 1937 ;

  11. 中国历史上官商合流长期存在,其中渗透着儒家传统文化与商品经济发展之间的矛盾与统一。

    In Chinese history , officials associated themselves with businessmen , which reveals the contradiction and unity between traditional Confucian culture and the development of commodity economy .

  12. 上述三家银行均系官商合办的股份制银行,具有地方银行职能,并兼营商业银行业务。

    All of those three banks above mentioned were government-private joint banks with the sharecapital system , they had the functions of provincial bank and operated the business of commercial bank .

  13. 其依据当时的潜规则,效仿前任盐运使的惯例提取少许引银预留,作为官商奢侈消费的储备,此行为也并不为过。

    It was in accordance with rules and follow the salt of the convention to draw little allow as high consumption reserves , this behavior is not too much salt in it .

  14. 辛亥革命后,河南组织起官商合办的中原煤矿股份有限公司,与福公司合并组成福中总公司,使福公司在中国的活动由原来的独家经营进入与中国官商合办企业联合经营的历史阶段。

    After the Revolution of 1911 , central China Mine Company invested by government and businessman , jointed with Peking Syndicate Limited , the situation was put by joint-venture_Fu-China General Company into a new stage .

  15. 周代的商人在最初以官商为主,而此时的官商却不同于一般意义上或后世所说的官商,他们有着自己的特殊性。

    Official merchant was the main merchant in Zhou Dynasty at first , but at this time they had been different from that in ordinary meaning or later ages said , they had their own particularity .

  16. 以薛焕、吴煦、杨坊为首的上海官商集团深感危机,杨坊在此联络各方,积极寻求军事保障,借外国军事力量保卫上海局势,促成华洋会防。

    Shanghai official-merchant group led by Xue Huan , Wu Xu and Yang Fang felt the great crisis , and Yang Fang actively contacted with parties , seeking for military guarantee , and safeguarded Shanghai by foreign military force .

  17. 当时的粮食贸易有地方贸易、官商贸易、军需贸易、贩运贸易、加工贸易等多种形式,不同形式的粮食贸易对晋商的崛起有着不可忽视的历史作用。

    And at that time the grain trade took different forms such as local trade , governmental trade , army trade , long distance trade etc , and each form contributed a lot to the growth of Shanxi business .

  18. 四川旅行社是近代中国继上海中国旅行社之后又一大型的以赢利为目的、为旅客提供旅行服务的企业,原属官办性质,改组为股份有限公司之后成为官商合办企业。

    " Sichuan Tourist Agency ", another large profit-oriented tourism service provider in modern China after " Tourist Agency of China " in Shanghai , is originally officially-run but later is transformed into a stock limited company between the official and businessmen .

  19. 略论晚清洋务派官商合作经济管理思想及运行模式论洋务派官督商办企业的经营形式&以轮船招商局及李鸿章为中心

    On Late Qing Dynasty Foreign Learners Thought in Economics and Management ; The Operation Form of Enterprises Supervised by Government and Managed by Businessmen in the Movement of Advocating Foreign Affairs & With Steamship Investment Promotion Bureau and Li Hong-zhang at the Center

  20. 另一方面一些不法开发商投机取巧,通过商业贿赂以结成官商同盟,从而操纵房地产市场和商品房的价格,最终获取高额的非法利润。

    For another , a number of unlawful real estate developers form an alliance with local officials though bribery . They dominate and manipulate the real estate market and the price of commercial houses . They can make big profits and illegal incomes .

  21. 现代烟草零售终端建设要求对市场需求的快速反应,要求卷烟供应链各节点单元间的无缝对接,要求烟草公司尽快适应从官商到服务商,从传统商业企业到现代流通企业这个角色的转变。

    Modern tobacco retail terminal building requires quick response to market demands and seamless supply chain , and it also requires tobacco company to change his role , from " officials and businessmen " to " service providers ", from traditional to modern and circulation enterprises .

  22. 政府权力介入并主导企业的运作,扭曲了企业的经济行为,损害了股东权益,引发了官商矛盾,企业因而缺乏独立自主性。

    The government right intervened in and dominated over the enterprises ' operation , distorted the enterprises ' economic actions , harmed the stockholders ' rights and interests , caused the contradictory between the government and the stockholders , so the enterprises lacked independence and decision-making power .