
  • 网络Benchmark Data;Benchmarking;Benchmark
  1. 分析了WEB爬虫检测系统的评价标准,并对WEB-CIS爬虫检测系统进行了实验与测试,比较了WEB-CIS爬虫检测系统与其它几种WEB爬虫检测方法在同一基准数据集上检测WEB爬虫的能力。

    The ability in detecting web crawler was compared in WEB-CIS and several other web crawler detection system in a benchmark data set .

  2. 在数据仓库基准数据集SSB上的实验结果验证了本文方法的有效性。

    The experimental results on data warehouse benchmark data set SSB testify the effectiveness of the proposed method .

  3. 地学基准数据对SAR地理编码图像拼接的影响

    Influence of Geodetic Datum on SAR Geocoding Image Mosaic

  4. 使用PerformanceMonitor和Probe负载收集到一些基准数据之后,我们还尝试用不同的设置来提高性能。

    Once we collected some of this baseline data using the Performance Monitor and the Probe workload , we also tried varying different settings to see if we could detect an improvement in performance .

  5. 虽然这是一个分级示例,但IBM分级工具不仅依赖于派生的基准数据,还依赖于来自客户和内部生产环境的分析和反馈。

    Although this is a sizing example , IBM sizing tools rely not only on the derived benchmark data , but also on analysis and feedback from both customer and internal production environments .

  6. 本文在UCI数据集和基准数据上进行了实验,并与现有的构建图的算法进行横向比较,实验结果表明ASE算法优于其他构造图的方法。

    The paper conducts experiments on UCI data sets and benchmark data sets and compares with other state-of-the-art graph construction methods . Experimental results validate the effectiveness and superior of ASE algorithm .

  7. 首先,基于约翰逊方法的问题框架,修改其中基准数据的相邻像元值相互独立的假设,导出了地形相关MSD算法度量值的统计分布的解析函数。

    First , based on the issue of Johnson method , we modify the independence assumption of consecutive elements in reference data and develop distribution functions of measures of MSD .

  8. 最后利用AFIT基准数据进行仿真验证,结果表明该算法是可行的。

    At last , the algorithm is simulated by using AFIT benchmark data , the result shows that the algorithm is feasible .

  9. Mulet还小心谨慎的指出,该百分比是临时性的,公共基准数据很快就会公布。

    Mulet was also careful to note that these percentages are provisional , and that public benchmarking data would be published in the near future .

  10. 在基准数据集和文物图像集上的实验表明,RKBP算法具良好的分类性能。(3)针对MIL应用于图像检索中的歧义性问题,提出了一种KP-MIL图像检索算法。

    Experiments on benchmark data sets and cultural relic image sets show that RK_BP algorithm provides better classification results . ( 3 ) Aiming at the ambiguity problem of MIL in images retrieval , a novel image retrieval algorithm named KP-MIL is presented .

  11. 在数个基准数据集上的实验表明,相比交叉验证算法,VC-CV算法不仅能获得性能更好的分类器,而且具有较低的计算复杂度。

    Experimental results on several benchmark datasets show that , compared with the cross validation algorithm , the VC-CV algorithm not only can obtain better classifiers but also has less computing complexity .

  12. 生成基准数据是非常重要的,这一点无论重申多少次都不为过。

    I can 't reiterate enough the importance of generating baseline data .

  13. 基于地面重力基准数据的航空重力数据向下延拓

    The downward continuation of airborne gravity data based on land gravity data

  14. 基于模拟数据集和基准数据集分别进行实验,结果表明该算法是有效的。

    The experiments with two simulation datasets and three benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of the algorithm .

  15. 在两个基准数据集和电火花线切割机床上的实验研究证明了该算法的可行性和有效性。

    An empirical study on two benchmark and WEDM datasets demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach .

  16. 科学家缺乏基准数据来记录和监测植被、野生生物和森林的变化。

    There is no baseline data to help scientists document and monitor changes in vegetation , wildlife and forests .

  17. 我还简要地介绍了优化方法和建立系统正常运行时的基准数据的重要性。

    I also briefly discussed tuning methodology and the importance of establishing a baseline while the system is behaving normally .

  18. 利用模拟数据集和基准数据集进行仿真,实验结果表明该方法具有良好的适应性。

    As demonstrated by the authors'experimental studies in synthetic datasets and benchmark datasets , the proposed algorithm is more adaptive .

  19. 在基准数据集与人脸图象库上的实验显示,显著训练样本集中的样本数仅占总训练样本的一小部分。

    Experimental results on benchmark datasets and face image database show that significant nodes are much less than total training samples .

  20. 由这些理想的理论,最好的方法仍是依靠转换器性能的基准数据。

    With these theories of the ideal , the best approach is still to rely on bench data for your converter performance .

  21. 本文通过在网络视频基准数据集上进行的实验结果表明,文中提出的方法较现有方法在聚类的准确度上有更好的效果。

    The clustering method is evaluated by experiments conducted on web video dataset and has a better performance than single modal clustering .

  22. 基于不同基准数据集的实验结果验证了该方法在蛋白质属性预测中的有效性。

    Experimental results on different benchmark datasets and machine learning algorithms verify the effectiveness of the method proposed in protein attribute prediction .

  23. 在基准数据集上的对比实验表明:本文算法在不牺牲推广性能的前提下,以相当低的计算复杂度获得了稀疏分类器。

    Experiments on benchmark data sets show that our algorithms obtain sparse classifiers at a rather low cost without sacrificing the generalization performance .

  24. 我们所生成的各种数字最终成为了衡量此客户与体育比赛相关的数据提要的质量和总体状况的有效基准数据。

    The various figures that we generated turned out to be effective benchmarks of the quality and overall health of the client 's sports-related data feeds .

  25. 最后,分别用基准数据集和酵母基因芯片数据对这两种算法进行仿真实验,都获得了较好的效果。

    Finally based on the new method , we did some simulation experiments using benchmark datasets and yeast gene chip datasets , and obtained great results .

  26. 为了展现一种趋势,你必须收集基准数据,说明在你的科技传播项目完成前情况是如何的。

    In order to show a trend , you need to have collected baseline data , which shows how things were before you implemented your science communication project .

  27. 通过合理的属性选择,使得多示例学习过程变得简单,在基准数据下实验证明了算法是有效的。

    By choosing reasonably attribute , the process of Multi-instance Learning become sample . And the experiments on benchmark data sets show that it is effective . 4 .

  28. 该方法通过基准数据构建规模与工作量之间的关系,然后利用被估算项目的规模计算得到工作量值。

    This method first constructs the relationship between size and effort using historical project benchmarking data , then effort of project being estimated can be derived using its size .

  29. 提出了12个应用领域软件成本、质量和生产率的基准数据,依据这些业界平均基准,读者可以对本组织的表现进行判断。

    This article provides software cost , quality and productivity benchmarks in twelve application-oriented domains that readers can use to determine how well their organizations are performing relative to industry averages .

  30. 丹尼尔斯说,在为这一职位做准备时,他不断遇到一个相同的问题:缺乏衡量大学学位价值的基准数据。

    As he prepared for the job , Mr. Daniels said he kept bumping into the same problem : a lack of benchmarked data to measure the value of a college degree .