
  1. 空港物流产业的发展离不开完善基础配套设施的支持。

    Airport Logistics industry development is inseparable from perfect the supporting infrastructure support .

  2. 潮连投资环境、基础配套设施完善,是企业发展的理想宝地。

    The tide connects investment environment , foundation kit facilities perfect , is a business enterprise development of ideal treasure ground .

  3. 城市污水处理系统是城市基础配套设施的重要组成部分,在控制水环境污染方面发挥着重要作用。

    Urban sewage treatment system is an important part of the city auxiliary infrastructure facilities , which plays a significant role with the water pollution control .

  4. 此外,分散的居住形态也不利于基础配套设施的建设,不利于农民生活质量的提高。

    While the disperse distribution of inhabitation in the rural is neither benefit for the basic construction nor benefit for the improvement of the peasants ' life quality .

  5. 改善赛场周围住宿交通条件,增加码头泊位、专业港口、会馆等相关基础配套设施,扩大赛事规模。

    Accommodation to improve traffic conditions around the stadium to increase berths , specialized port , Hall and other related infrastructure facilities , expanding the scale of events .

  6. 但随之也带来了一系列的相关问题,如交通压力的增大、基础配套设施的滞后等等,成为制约城市发展的瓶颈。

    But it also brings a series of problems , such as traffic pressure , supporting infrastructure lag and so on , become restrict the bottleneck that the city develops .

  7. 但随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市的快速发展急需大量的基础配套设施跟进,单靠政府一己之力已远不能满足巨大的投资需求。

    With the accelerating steps of urbanization and the fast growing , the fast development needs plenty of infrastructures . It is impossible to meet the huge investment demand only by relying on governmental financial .

  8. 影响企业决策的因素主要有:城市经济、城市发展区、交通便利度、产业发展、基础配套设施、土地成本、土地规模、政府合作、优惠政策、自然环境和城市规划。

    The affecting decision-making factors are urban economic , regional development , transportation , supporting infrastructure , land prices , land size , incentives , industry support , natural environment , regional planning and so on .

  9. 而物流区基础配套设施为入园企业提供标准的七通一平,主要包括道路、给排水、污水、电力、通讯、燃气、热力及场地平整,且基础配套设施接至规划红线。

    The logistics area-based facilities for the joint venture provides a standard of " seven connections and one leveling ", including roads , drainage , sewage , electricity , telecommunications , gas , heat and site preparation , and infrastructure is connected to the red line plan .

  10. 所有基础配套设施的成本费用和安装费用都应包含在房价内,除了在合同中明确表示在交房时另行收取的,都属于不得收取的费用。

    The cost cost of establishment of all foundation form a complete set and installation charge should be included inside house price , besides when expressing clearly in the contract to making a room separately of collection , belong to the fee that does not get collection .

  11. 基础和配套设施相对落后、安全性、信用问题、观念问题是制约我国网络销售发展的因素,必须采取多项措施促进我国网络销售的发展。

    It is vital to take various measures to improve Chinese network sales , especially overwhelm those restrictive factors including backward infrastructure and auxiliary facilities in terms of security , credit and concept , etc.

  12. 本章对长三角自驾车旅游的开发条件、自驾车旅游者的消费行为特征以及长三角的基础旅游配套设施和特定需求设施进行综合分析,掌握目前市场状况。

    Part Three mainly discusses the conditions and backgrounds of the Yangtze River Delta Region as to develop self-driving tour market , the characteristics of the tourists ' consume behavior in this region , and the basic and special establishments for self-driving tour .

  13. 目前,许多城市中都存在一些城市基础和配套设施不足、居住条件简陋的少数民族聚居区,这些区域犹如城中村一样,成为城市建设开发的死角。

    At present , many cities have some urban infrastructure and inadequate infrastructural facilities , poor living conditions of areas inhabited by ethnic minorities . These regional areas just like the " Village ", becoming the the difficult part in the development of urban construction .

  14. 同时,对社会保障制度的改革和完善是实行科学、有效的生育制度的基础,加强配套设施的建设刻不容缓。

    Meanwhile , reform and perfect the social security system is a scientific and effective to birth system foundation and strengthening the construction of facilities is urgent .

  15. 在农业综合开发区域内,外商可自建农业基础设施和其它配套设施;

    In integrated agricultural development zones , foreign firms may build their own agricultural infrastructure and supporting facilities ;

  16. 第二,改善旅游企业经营管理,提高旅游目的地的可进入性,加强旅游基础设施、服务配套设施建设,加强旅游形象营销。

    Second , improve the tourism business management , improve the ability of tourist destinations can be entered , strengthen the tourism infrastructure , service facilities construction , strengthen the tourism image marketing .

  17. 笔者认为解决问题的关键是完善A银行厦门分行服务运营管理体系,重点建立以客户为中心的服务观念,更新服务运营管理,提高银行服务质量的基础上进行各种配套设施的建设。

    Therefore , the solution is to improve the banking services management system , focusing on the establishment of " customer-centric " service management concepts , improving the various facilities of the building on basis of the serving quality .

  18. 从1999年开始,高校招生数量的逐年扩大,高校原有的教学基础设施及生活配套设施已远远不能满足需求,已成为制约高校发展的瓶颈。

    Beginning in 1999 , college enrollment has expanded each year the number of colleges and universities existing educational infrastructure and living supporting facilities have been far from being able to meet the demand , has become a bottleneck restricting the development of universities .

  19. 做好杨家岭革命旧址配套的基础设施建设,有计划、分步骤的改善设施条件,做到保护旧址与完善基础配套设施相结合。

    Completes Yang JiaLing to revolutionize the former site necessary infrastructure construction , has the plan , the gradually improvement facility condition , achieves protects the former site and the consummation foundation necessary facility unifies .