
  • 网络straw burning;crop residue burning
  1. 3S技术在农作物秸秆焚烧监测中的应用

    The application of the 3S technique to the management of crop residue burning

  2. 卫星遥感在秸秆焚烧监测中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Data to Monitoring Straw Burning

  3. 基于MODIS的秸秆焚烧火点识别原理及算法IDL实现

    Principle of Indentifying Crop Straw Fire Based on MODIS and Its Algorithm Implementation Using IDL Language

  4. 用POM-SPE方法研究秸秆焚烧对农田土壤吸附多氯联苯的影响

    Effects of Crop Ashes on Adsorption of PCBs to Agricultural Soil Measured by POM-SPE

  5. 通过对MODIS光谱特征的分析,提出了一种综合运用3S技术进行秸秆焚烧动态监测的资料处理流程和量化判识指标。

    Based on the analysis of the MODIS data spectrum characteristics , and synthesis application of 3S technology , a work flow and quantified indexes to process the remote sensing data for monitoring the wheat straw burning in the field after harvest are suggested .

  6. 治理秸秆焚烧环境污染面临的困局与出路

    Predicament and Way Out of Environmental Pollution Caused by Straw Burning

  7. 农村秸秆焚烧的原因及对策研究

    Straw-burning in rural areas of china : causes and controlling strategy

  8. 秸秆焚烧使群落的多样性降低。

    Straw burning also sort of lowered the diversity index .

  9. 我国秸秆焚烧的现状危害与禁烧管理对策

    Problems of Burning Straw and Its Management Countermeasures in China

  10. 秸秆焚烧对北京市空气质量的影响

    Influence of straw burning on the air quality in Beijing

  11. 农作物秸秆焚烧污染治理的政策分析

    A Policy Analysis on Crop Straw Burning Pollution Control

  12. 秸秆焚烧和秸秆次生污染危害及控制利用

    Control and Use of Straw Burning and Secondary Pollution

  13. 基于卫星遥感的秸秆焚烧监测及对空气质量影响分析

    Satellite-Remote-Sensing-Based Monitoring of Straw Burning and Analysis of Its Impact on Air Quality

  14. 浅谈农作物秸秆焚烧的危害和对策

    Talking about the Harms of and Countermeasures for the Burning of the Crop Straws

  15. 合肥市多年来一直受到秸秆焚烧带来的环境污染问题。

    For many years , Hefei has been subjected to environmental pollution because of the straw burning .

  16. 秸秆焚烧土壤提取液对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Soil Extraction Solution of Burned Crop Straw on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Wheat

  17. 华北灌溉区秸秆焚烧与直接还田生态效应研究

    Study on the ecological effect of crop residues burned or incorporated in field in North Central Irrigated Area of China

  18. 这些结果揭示秸秆焚烧土壤对小麦种子萌发影响不大,但不利于小麦幼苗生长。

    These results suggested that crop straw burning was harmless to seed germination , but unfavorable for the growth of wheat seedlings .

  19. 该文为解决秸秆焚烧污染问题,研究以秸秆为燃料,直接燃烧的热水锅炉供热系统。

    In order to decrease the pollution from direct burning of straw , the paper studied on hot water boiler of straw burning for heating plant .

  20. 为解决农村秸秆焚烧污染问题,研究以生物质颗粒为燃料的家用生物质颗粒燃料炉供农家炊事使用。

    In order to decrease the pollution from directly burning of straw in countryside , the paper research domestic biomass pellet fuel stove for domestic cooking .

  21. 农业生产中肥料的不合理使用所引起的农业面源污染、秸秆焚烧带的环境污染等危害日益受到重视。

    Agricultural nonpoint source pollution caused by unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers in agricultural production process and hazards such as environmental pollution from straw burning have raised increasing attention .

  22. 然而对其利用率极低,特别近年来秸秆焚烧现象在一些农业主产区尤其严重。

    However , the utilization to production ratio is very low , huge of the stalks are directly burnt in the field , especially serious in the main agriculture areas .

  23. 据书面陈述显示,哈里亚纳邦过去一年记录在案的试图限制秸秆焚烧的方法只有一种,这种方法就是广播有关秸秆焚烧副作用的短歌和广告。

    The state only documented one way it tried to limit burning in the past year , and that was by broadcasting jingles and advertisements about its adverse effects , the affidavit showed .

  24. 森林火灾以及田间秸秆焚烧现象在向土壤中施加热量的同时,也会引入一些新的物质,对土壤的物理化学性质以及有机质的组成结构等都会产生极大的影响。

    Forest-fire and straw-burning not only impose heat on soils , but also induct some new substances , which may affect the physicochemical properties of soils and composite structure of soil organic matter .

  25. 秸秆焚烧使土壤甲螨的类群和数量均有不同程度的减少,对玉米样地的影响比对大豆样地更为明显;

    Burning straw has make both their groups and their amount of soil Oribatida reduce to a greater or lesser degree and the influence of crop straw burning was even stronger on corn field than on soybean field .

  26. 通过在关中地区2004年麦秸秆焚烧监测中的应用,效果良好,为政府部门迅速、准确地了解全省秸秆焚烧情况,提高预警能力和监督检查的效率提供了科学依据。

    These methods are successfully used to monitor this circumstance in Guanzhong Area in 2004.This work not only has significance for government to quickly and fully find out the situation of wheat straw burning , but also can improve the ability and efficiency of supervising this sort of happening .

  27. 研究表明,中心城区中污染行业能源消耗以煤炭为主,工业源排放的烟尘粉尘与交通源的尾气和扬尘是大气重金属的主要来源,其次为生活排放源和秸秆焚烧带来的。

    The research indicated that the major polluting industries by the coal-based energy structure , the dust emissions from industrial sources and the transportation sources of dust emissions was the main source of heavy metals in the atmosphere , the following was the life emission sources and straw burning sources .

  28. 秸秆露天焚烧排放的TSP等污染物清单

    Inventory of Emissions of Pollutants from Open Burning Crop Residue

  29. Phe/Ant和BaA/Chr比值和有机质13C-NMR图谱显示,古水稻土中的多环芳烃主要来源于水稻秸秆的焚烧,同时还原条件下的生物合成可能是其另一个重要来源。

    The ratios of phenanthrene anthracene and benzo ( a ) anthracene chrysene and (() ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR ) spectrum of soil organic matter showed that PAHs in ancient paddy soil mainly originated from rice straw burning , biogenesis under reducing conditions may be another source .

  30. 中国大陆秸秆露天焚烧的量的估算

    Estimating the Quantity of Crop Residues Burnt in Open Field in China