
  • 网络NPKS;straw incorporation;straw;straw returning
  1. 稻田生态系统在保证中国粮食安全上有重要作用,同时也是温室气体的重要排放源,主要受到轮作制度、秸秆还田和氮肥施用等因素的影响。

    Paddy field ecosystem played an important role in ensuring food security and a great source of GHG ( CO2 , CH4 , N2O ) emissions as well . GHGs emissions from paddy fields are mainly affected by cropping rotation system , straw incorporation and N fertilization .

  2. 50%秸秆还田效果低于常规施肥方式,而50%秸秆+绿肥效果高于常规方式(平均高10.94th/m2);

    The saturated carbon storage under 50 % of straw incorporation was lower than the conventional fertilization , but the storage of 50 % straw incorporation combined with green manure plantation treatment was higher than the conventional fertilization ( increased by 10.54t/ha averagely ) .

  3. 秸秆还田显著减少了N、P的流失,减幅为60%~76%;

    Returned straw significantly reduced 60 % ~ 76 % of the total nutrient loss .

  4. 不同秸秆还田模式和施氮量对农田CO2排放的影响

    Effect of straw-return and nitrogen fertilizer application on the CO_2 emission in farmland

  5. 秸秆还田主要通过改变土壤Cd形态分布情况来影响植株Cd吸收。

    Straw returning influenced plant cadmium uptaking mainly through changing soil cadmium fractions .

  6. 不同秸秆还田模式与氮肥施用量对土壤N2O排放的影响

    Effect of straw return and nitrogen fertilizer application on the N_2O emission of soil

  7. 大气CO2浓度升高和秸秆还田对稻麦轮作农田N2O排放的影响

    Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 on N_2O Emission from Rice-Wheat Rotation Fields with Different Wheat Straw Incorporation Rates

  8. 麦田玉米秸秆还田时,调整其C/N≤20为宜。

    When corn straw is applied to wheat field , the C / N ≤ 20 is suitable for the growth of wheat .

  9. 提高秸秆还田比例、合理减少化肥施用量都会有效减少土壤中N2O的排放。

    The N_2O emission will be decreased , while improving crop straw return proportion , decreasing fertilizer , choosing no-tillage .

  10. 转Bt基因克螟稻秸秆还田对稻田厌氧微生物种群和酶活性的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt rice straw on anaerobic microbial populations and enzyme activities in paddy soil

  11. 温度升高、增加秸秆还田比例都会不同程度地增加土壤中CO2的排放,而在减少化肥施用量和免耕条件下,会减少CO2的排放。

    The soil CO_2 emission amount will be increased with temperature rising , fertilizer and straw-returned increasing , but it will be decreased under no-tillage cropping system .

  12. 四年试验期间,秸秆还田处理的作物产量表现比较稳定,而且始终高于CK。

    Four-year experiment period , the straw returning treatment more stable on crop yields , and always higher than that of CK .

  13. 秸秆还田后,土壤C/N的比值在13.86和17.23之间变化,证明了秸秆还田并没有产生人们顾虑的与土壤争氮导致农作物生长受到抑制的现象出现。

    The ratio of C and N in soil varied from 13.86 to 17.23 . It tured out that the phenomenon crop growth restrain for scramble the nitrogen element with the straw decompostion has disappearance .

  14. 与常规水稻相比,转Bt基因水稻秸秆还田后对土壤硝酸还原酶和亚硝酸还原酶活性并无影响。

    Compared with non-transgenic Bt rice , transgenic Bt rice straws in paddy soil had no significant effect on the activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase .

  15. 试验结果表明,氮肥施用量与秸秆还田模式都是影响土壤N2O排放的重要因素;

    The results indicate that different straw return and nitrogen application are two important factors to effect the N_2O emission of soil .

  16. 根据玉米秸科的矿化率以及腐殖化系数,通过Jenny模型可预测秸秆还田后土壤有机质的动态及平衡。

    Mineralization rate and humification coefficient of the maize stalks by Jenny model can predict the dynamic and balance of soil organic matter after stalk returned .

  17. 而且秸秆还田可以减少CO2和SO2的排放,增加土壤碳,为保护环境和减缓气候变暖做出贡献。

    Fertilizing soil through straw returned into field can reduce emission of CO2 and SO2 and increase soil carbon , which would contribute the protection of environment and relieve the warming .

  18. 小麦秸秆还田可以大大降低土壤N2O的排放,施用有机粪肥是影响N2O排放的另一重要因素。

    Most important of all , the N_2O emission of soil can be decreased by wheat-straw-return but it can be hasten by the application of manure .

  19. 试验结果表明:1秸秆还田条件下腐植酸配施钾肥可以增加土壤中速效P、K的含量,P增加的含量较多,而K较少。

    The test result indicates : 1 under the condition of retuning straw , combination of humic acid and the potassium fertilizer may increase the quantity of soil fast-acting P K , the quantity of P increased more , but K is less .

  20. 不同农作措施下农田CO2释放总量的范围是3494~4113gCO2m~(-2)a~(-1)。秸秆还田处理比秸秆不还田处理具有更高的释放总量;

    The total amount of soil CO2 emission under different straw management , irrigation and nitrogen application strategies were from 3494 to 4113 g CO2 m-2 a-1 Straw amended treatments showed a higher total CO2 emission than no-straw amended treatments ;

  21. 秸秆还田调节了土壤pH值,提高了土壤养分含量,随着秸秆还田量的增加,土壤中有机质、速效氮、速效磷、有效钾、交换性钙和镁的含量逐步增加。

    Straw returning soil can regulate the soil pH , increase soil nutrient content , the amount of soil organic matter , available Nitrogen , available phosphorus , available potassium , exchangeable calcium and magnesium content are increased progressively by the straw .

  22. 与CK相比,秸秆还田(NPK+S)处理的小麦千粒重、面团抗延伸性略有提高,其它品质指标则有不同程度的下降。

    Contrast to CK , the treatment of crop straw return to field ( NPK + S ) increased the 1000-seed weight and dough tenacity ability and decreased the other characters in a certain degree .

  23. 试验研究保护性耕作与秸秆还田对土壤微生物及其溶P特性结果表明,免耕和秸秆还田均能促进土壤麦角固醇的增加,而少耕却显著提高土壤微生物生物量。

    The effects of conservation tillage and straw application on the soil microorganisms and P-dissolving characteristics were studied . The results show that minimum tillage has a good effect on the microbial carbon , zero tillage and straw application can increase the ergosterol level and accumulation of organic-C in soil .

  24. 在小麦成熟期,免耕、轮耕RNT和翻耕秸秆还田土壤碱解氮、速效钾比CT均有一定的提高,而对土壤速效磷增加不明显。

    At the wheat maturity stage , alkali-hydrolyzable N , available K of no-tillage , RNT and convention tillage and straw returning treatments were higher than CT , while available P was not significantly increased . 2 .

  25. 试验结果表明,长期施用有机肥料和秸秆还田可明显促进土壤有机质和易氧化有机质的积累,而难氧化有机质和KOS值降低。

    The research showed that the organic matters and active organic matters increased obviously , but the inactive organic matters and KOS value decreased with long-term application of organic fertilizer .

  26. 秸秆还田与否,及还田秸秆量的多少,对土壤0-10cm,10-20cm的土壤微生物量的影响不同。

    Whether the crop residue was incorporated and the amount of crop residue incorporated caused different effect to different soil depth .

  27. NTS播前与常规耕作(T)、传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS)、免耕地膜覆盖(NTP)的0~5㎝土层全碳含量差异极显著。

    The total organic carbon in NTS is extremely significant difference in 0 ~ 5 ㎝ layer with conventional tillage with no straw ( T ), conventional tillage with straw incorporated ( TS ), no - till with plastic mulch ( NTP ) before sowing .

  28. 另外,秸秆还田显著提高了0~20cm土层0.25mm的土壤机械稳定性和水稳定性团聚体含量,增强了该土层土壤团聚体的稳定性。

    We also find that in 0 ~ 20 cm soil layer , straw returning can significantly increase the content of 0.25 mm soil mechanical aggregates and soil water-stable aggregates , enhance the stability of soil aggregates . 7 .

  29. PKR-处理在两季的累积排放量与R无显著差异,但是R+的累积排放量两季平均比R-高42.7%,说明秸秆还田有利于N20的产生与排放。

    There is no significant difference of cumulative emissions between PKR - and R - in the two wheat season , but the mean N2O cumulative emission of R + is 42.5 % higher than R. , indicating that the straw returning in favor of N2O generation and emission .

  30. 化学氮肥的施用对N20排放的促进作用则比秸秆还田更明显,与R+处理相比,只施氮肥的NR-和氮磷钾配施的FnR-处理的两季平均排放量分别高118%和84%。

    For N2O emission promoting effect , chemical nitrogen fertilizer is more obvious than straw . Compared with R + treatment , the NR - and FnR-respectively 118 % and 84 % higher than it .