
  • 网络green lifestyle;Well-Being Life Style;Well-Being LifeStyle
  1. 演员基弗•萨瑟兰已经在美国拍摄了一段公共服务宣言,宣传绿色生活方式的优点。

    Actor Keifer Sutherland has already filmed a public service announcement in the United States extolling the virtues of a green lifestyle .

  2. 但易物网站的忠实顾客们却坚信这种免费交换才是人们所向往的绿色生活方式。

    But their patrons believe money-less exchange is the way forward for a green lifestyle .

  3. 从住宅建筑设计角度引导绿色生活方式

    Advocating green life style from the perspective of residence design

  4. 建构科学的生活方式理念,协调人与自然、人与人的关系,在全社会形成与生态文明相适应的绿色生活方式,将是人类解决生态危机问题的正确抉择。

    Construct a scientific way of life concept , coordination of man and nature , and interpersonal relationships , in the entire society and ecological civilization and way of life suited to the green , will be the human beings to solve the ecological crisis of the correct choice .

  5. 绿色的生活方式是否在城市中引领潮流?

    Is green the new black in big cities ?

  6. 对绿色消费者生活方式特征的研究

    A Study about Life Style Characteristics of Green Consumer

  7. 可持续的(2006)不会使自然资源枯竭的“绿色”生活方式的关键。

    Sustainable ( 2006 ) The key to " Green " living where natural resources are never depleted .

  8. 绿色生活重庆人的新居方式

    Green life The New Life Style of Chongqing People

  9. 随着绿色、健康的生活方式日益深入人心,自然环境因素在设计权衡因素中的地位将越来越高;

    With the green and healthy life styles gradually being accepted by public , more and more importance will be attached to environment in the process of design .

  10. 绿色生活原则要求时尚追求者要养成绿色的生活方式与工作方式,不管是蓝领、白领、金领,都要成为绿色公民。

    The green living principle requires pursuers nurturance green fashion lifestyle and ways of working , whoever blue-collar , white-collar or golden-collar , all must to be " green citizens " .

  11. 它包括绿色风格创新、绿色技术创新、绿色环境创新、绿色建筑设计、绿色物业管理服务和绿色生活方式服务六个方面内容。

    It includes green-style innovation , green technology innovation , green environmental innovation , green building design , green property management services and green lifestyle services in six aspects .