
jī cénɡ dān wèi
  • basic unit;gross-roots unit
  1. 组织包括个人、基层单位、高校和中央四个层次。

    The levels include individual , basic unit , institution and central authority , which is the structural components of the model .

  2. 因此,不断提高党支部书记的履职能力对促进基层单位的发展十分关键。

    Doing self 's duty improving Party branch secretary therefore , unceasingly the ability develops to the science promoting a basic unit very key .

  3. 大学毕业生应响应党的号召到基层单位去。

    College graduates should answer the party 's call to go down to the grass-roots units .

  4. 基层单位对国家自然科学基金管理探讨基于SVM的省级自然科学基金项目评价研究

    Research on Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project Evaluation Model Based on Support Vector Machine

  5. 斑点ELISA方法不仅具有快速、经济的特点,而且可用肉眼直接判定结果,适合在基层单位应用推广。

    Dot-ELISA was characterized by rapid reaction , economical feasibility , and observable results and widely adopted .

  6. 石油企业基层单位推行HSE管理初探

    Preliminarily Probing into Pursuing HSE Management in Grass Roots Department of Petroleum Enterprise

  7. 前言:目的建立适于基层单位应用的针对副溶血性弧菌流行群的特异多重PCR方法。

    Objective In order to set up rapid identification for the pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus , develope a pandemic group-specific multiplex PCR assay for base unit .

  8. 因此测定菌株毒力,以VW抗原、Vi抗原和毒力因子测定最特异而敏感,特别后两种方法简单、易行、可靠,可在基层单位推广使用。

    The strains which had the presence of VW antigen , Vi antigen or virulence factor all were virulent . The three methods are reliable and convenient in detecting virulence of Yersinia enterocolitica .

  9. 在工作过程中,实施hse管理体系文件的各个部门、基层单位和员工应及时向公司hse办公室反映存在的问题。

    During work procedure , all the departments , grassroots organizations and employees , which are responsible for the implementation of HSE management system , shall promptly report the problems existing in the system to HSE Office of the company .

  10. 本方法值得向基层单位推广。

    These methods are worthy to generalize in base level unit .

  11. 石油销售企业基层单位薪酬管理中的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Salary Management in Basic Petroleum Sale Enterprises

  12. 全面预算管理在企业基层单位的实施与改进

    Implementation and Improvement of Comprehensive Budget Management in Basic Units

  13. 提高基层单位预算管理水平之探讨

    Discussion of How to Improve Budget Management of units at the grass-roots

  14. 浅谈水利基层单位人才的培养与激励

    Talking about the Cultivation and Motivation of Talents in Waterworks Establishment Units

  15. 供电所是供电企业进行服务的基层单位,是供电企业面向大众,服务社会的一个窗口,担负着供电企业部分资产管理、设备安全运行管理和电力营销等基本管理工作。

    Power supply office is the grass roots unit of power supply enterprise .

  16. 高校的教研室作为教学评估的具体落实的基层单位,在高校教学评估中起着重要的作用。

    The teaching and research section plays an important role in the assessment .

  17. 基金净值估值问题研究基层单位对国家自然科学基金管理探讨

    Net Property Estimation of Mutual Fund On Fundamental Management of Natural Science Funds

  18. 对基层单位实行会计集中核算的探讨加强基层单位财务管理与监督之我见

    Investigation on Accountant Centralized Accounting In Grass-roots Unit Discussion on Financial Management and Supervision

  19. 浅谈基层单位思想政治工作

    On Ideological and Political Education of Foundation Units

  20. 来自基层单位的30名姐妹,因为有着共同的希望和梦想走到了一起。

    The30 sisters coming from grass-root units walked together for the same hopes and dreams .

  21. 浅议如何协调会计核算中心与基层单位的关系

    On How to Coordinate the Relationships between the Accounting Assessment Center and the Grassroots Units

  22. 加强教学基层单位建设与管理,全面提高教学质量

    Strengthening the Construction and Management of Grass-Roots Unit of Teaching and Improving Overall Teaching Quality

  23. 发往基层单位的全面定期统计报表,必须严格限制。

    The issue of regular overall statistics forms to the grass-roots units shall be strictly limited .

  24. 卫生装备三级检修站是其基层单位,它的设立完善了保障体系。

    As a grass-root unit , the third class ser icing station perfects the support system .

  25. 作者认为,该法适应于基层单位水质卫生监测工作。

    The author considered it a good way to analyse Mn in water for primary level unit .

  26. 该方法简便、实用,有利于在基层单位推广。

    Simple , convenient and practical , this technique is likely to be popularized in basic units .

  27. 消防部队基层单位公共关系构建初探浅谈水利基层单位人才的培养与激励

    Fire Brigade Building of Grass-roots Public Relations Talking about the Cultivation and Motivation of Talents in Waterworks Establishment Units

  28. 社区是社会的基层单位,和谐社区是和谐社会的基石。

    Community is the primary unit of society , and harmonious community is the footstone of a harmonious society .

  29. 第四章着重论述了对我国军队基层单位工程建设项目管理模式的构建及优化。

    Chapter IV focuses on the basic units of our army of construction project management model building and optimization .

  30. 信息化水平比较落后,有的基层单位甚至处于手工管理阶段。

    The level of information is rather backward , and even some units are still in the manual management .