
jī chǔ biāo zhǔn
  • basic standard
  1. 机械工业基础标准工程数据库的建立

    The establishment of engineering database of mechanical industry basic standard

  2. 钢产品基础标准综述

    Overview of the Steel Product Basic Standard

  3. 简易地开始,利用SOAP和Web服务描述语言(WSDL)作为基础标准。

    Start simple , using SOAP and Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ) as the fundamental standards .

  4. 在SOA出现之前以及稍后一段很长的日子内,IT界一直在位出台一种完美的基础标准而努力。

    Before SOA emerged and for some time longer , the IT industry effort was on perfecting these basic standards .

  5. 它们都是支持BPM开发生命周期的基础标准。

    They are both foundational standards which support the BPM development lifecycle .

  6. 产品几何规范(GPS-GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification)标准体系是影响最广、最重要的基础标准体系之一,是制造业信息化、质量管理、工业自动化系统与集成等工作的基础。

    Geometrical Product Specification and verification ( GPS ) standard system is the most fundamental standard system , and the foundation of quality management and automatization integrated system for the manufacturing industry .

  7. OSGi支持者们感到不高兴只是因为基础标准用的不是他们的实现,而且还考虑了很多其它方面的东西。

    The OSGi people just get upset that the standard baseline is not their implementation , and actually takes other things into consideration .

  8. 本文论述了机械工业基础标准工程数据库的建立及命令文件的设计,解决了查询的数据向AutoCAD传递的问题,为机械零件设计人员提供了较完整的前置处理的工具。

    The present paper reviews the establishment of the database and the design . of command files . It solves the problems of how to transmit the inquired data to AutoCAD .

  9. 食品添加剂使用标准是食品安全标准体系中一项非常重要的基础标准,属干WTO/《SPS协定》所指的卫生措施。

    Standards for uses of food additive is very important base in food safety system . It belongs to the hygienic measure appointed by WTO and SPS Agreement .

  10. 简要介绍了ISO14000国际标准及其基础标准、ISO14000的主要内容,重点阐述了实施ISO14001系列标准的意义

    The article gives a brief introduction on main contents of international standards and basic standards for ISO 14000 emphatically expounds significance of implement series for ISO 14000

  11. 德国以系列标准DIN6700及欧洲专业基础标准CENTC121作为对铁道机车车辆焊接质量要求的基础。

    The basis for welding quality assurance in rolling stock construction in Germany is the set of DIN 6700 standards together with the basic European CEN TC 121 standards in that specific area .

  12. 水利数字图书馆基础标准综述

    Summary of basic standards for the numerical library of water resources

  13. 上海电机厂贯彻六项互换性基础标准的做法

    Practice Carried Out Six Foundational Exchangeability Standards in SHANGHAI Electrical Machinery Works

  14. 我厂是如何进一步开展六项互换性基础标准工作的

    How Develop the Work about Six Interchangeable Fundamental Standards in Our HEMW

  15. 而在科学方面,有54%达到或是高于基础标准。

    And54 % performed at or above the basic level in science .

  16. 导入单位标准,改善作业基础标准成本

    The Improvement of Activity-based Standard Cost System with Unit Standard ; isoelectric level

  17. 加强基础标准,特别是术语标准建设。

    To strengthen the basic standards , especially the construction of the term standards .

  18. 机械工业基础标准情报网

    Fundamental Standards Information NET of Machine Building

  19. 在信息资源管理基础标准中,信息资源本身的标准化和数据标准化是关键。

    Standardization of information resources and data is the key to the standards of information resources management .

  20. 介绍了国外可靠性基础标准、电器产品可靠性标准的制订情况;

    The survey of foreign basic reliability standards and the reliability standards for electrical products are presented .

  21. GB1804转化企业标准所遇到的问题及处理&兼谈上级基础标准转化的意义和方法

    Issues on GB 1804 Transfer into Enterprise Standard and Solutions - Plus significance and method of superior basic standard transfer

  22. 电气制图及电气图形符号是电气技术领域中重要的基础标准之一。

    Electrical drafting and Electrical figure symbol is one of the important basic standard in the field of electrical technology .

  23. 结合目前的国际基础标准,建立了支持网络化制造的信息交换参考模型,阐述了其主要内容和功能。

    A reference model of information exchange based on international standards was set up and its functions and contents were described .

  24. 这几个基础标准对金属制品的生产、销售、对外交流有一定的指导作用。

    In addition , above several basic standards are possessed of a certain guidance function in production , sell and external exchange .

  25. 术语标准是重要的基础标准,正确使用标准术语是实现有效交流的前提和保证。

    It is a foundational work to draft terminology standard , which is a major premise to ensure accuracy of information exchange .

  26. 介绍了我国城市轨道交通技术装备的基础标准和城市轨道交通类型选择标准。

    With an introduction to the basic standards for technical equipment and UMT patterns in China , this paper analyses the level of UMT equipment development .

  27. 数字音视频编解码标准是数字音视频产业的共性基础标准,具有巨大的产业需求。

    As the common base standard in digital audio and video industry , the digital audio video coding standard has a great amount of requirements in information industry .

  28. 前言:“七十一项水质国家环境标准的制订”是一个历时8年完成的研究课题,包括基础标准和分析方法标准,以分析方法标准为主体。

    Establishment of items of national water quality standards have been taken for8 years to be completed , including basic standards and standard methods of analyses , mainly standard methods .

  29. 初步探讨了数字参考咨询的标准规范体系,分为业务应用标准、业务操作规范和通用基础标准三个部分进行介绍和论述。

    The paper discusses the standards and guidelines of digital reference . It introduces mainly three issues , which are the operation application standards , operation guidelines and general standards .

  30. 该取水工程的建设运行,不但要求加强上游来水水质的监测和评价,周围水环境的基础标准也必须同步提高。

    It is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and estimate of upriver water quality and improve the water quality standard around it in the process of building this water fetching project .