
jī jīn ɡuǎn lǐ ɡōnɡ sī
  • fund management company
  1. 预计rab将作为一家规模缩小的基金管理公司继续经营,业务将主要围绕在最初的旗舰特别机会基金上。

    Rab is expected to continue operating as a slimmed-down fund management company centred around its original flagship Special Situations Fund .

  2. 纽银梅隆资产管理公司(bnymellonassetmanagement)已获得监管部门的批准,将在中国设立一家合资基金管理公司,这是过去两年来外国基金管理公司首次达成此类协议。

    Bny Mellon asset management has won regulatory approval to set up a joint-venture fund management company in China , the first agreement of its kind for a foreign fund manager for the past two years .

  3. 本文作者是索罗斯基金管理公司(sorosfundmanagement)创始人及董事长

    The writer is the founder and chairman of Soros Fund Management

  4. 基金管理公司北方信托(NorthernTrust)也利用技术,为全球13000名员工提供辅导项目。

    Financial Manager Northern Trust also relies on technology to open up the mentoring process to its more than 13,000 employees across the globe .

  5. 市场分析和基金管理公司NedDavisResearch的策略师们认为,当前的形势通常会导致不同行业和不同股票出现分化。

    This environment typically leads to disparate performances between sectors and stocks , according to strategists at Ned Davis Research .

  6. 本文在第一章介绍了开放式基金管理公司的风险控制流程与风险控制指标,并引入VaR风险控制指标。然后介绍了VaR的概念及相对于其它风险控制指标的优点。

    Risk controlling process and index of open funds management corporation are discussed and risk controlling index VaR is presented .

  7. CapitalInternational的机构客户账户在4年中缩水约20%,估计金额达700亿美元。CapitalInternational是全球规模最大、最具影响力且最为神秘的基金管理公司之一。

    Capital International , one of the world 's biggest , most influential and secretive fund managers , has lost about 20 per cent of its institutional client accounts in four years , an estimated $ 70bn .

  8. 美林(merrilllynch)昨日公布的一项调查显示,基金管理公司因信心增强正着手部署资金。

    A Merrill Lynch survey yesterday showed fund managers are deploying cash as they become more confident .

  9. 纽银梅隆西部基金管理公司也计划在年内推出QDII产品。

    BNY Mellon Western is also planning to launch QDII products this year .

  10. 国外已有很多金融集团、投资机构和养老基金管理公司采用VaR方法控制金融风险。

    There is a lot of financial groups , investment organizations and pension fund companies abroad adopting VaR method to control the financial risk .

  11. 下月,美国私人股本及对冲基金管理公司城堡基金(fortress)将在纽约上市。

    Next month fortress , the US private equity and hedge fund manager , is floating shares in New York .

  12. 证监会宣布这一决定之前,券商、基金管理公司以及计划进行首次公开发行(IPO)的企业纷纷在周末承诺帮助稳定市场信心。

    The regulator 's announcement came after brokers , fund managers and groups planning initial public offerings pledged to help stabilise market confidence over the weekend .

  13. 近来这家公司已进行了一系列重大投资,斥资10亿美元收购美国对冲基金管理公司Och-ZiffCapitalManagementGroup9.9%的股权即是其中之一。

    It has made a series of big investments recently , spending more than $ 1 billion for a9.9 % stake in Och-Ziff Capital Management Group , a U.S.hedge-fund manager .

  14. 易方达基金管理公司(efundmanagement)指数与量化投资部驻广州总经理刘震表示,允许专户投资于大宗商品期货的规定,将促使基金公司开发能产生绝对回报的产品。

    Allowing segregated accounts to invest in commodities futures will encourage fund managers to develop products that generate absolute returns , says Liu Zhen , Guangzhou-based general manager of the index and quantitative strategies department at e fund management .

  15. 3月份,澳大利亚养老基金管理公司localgovernmentsuper采纳汇丰和碳追踪计划的观点,在一项股权投资方案中完全摒弃了煤矿:在该国经济依赖煤炭资源的情况下。

    In March , an Australian pension fund manager , local government super , used the HSBC and CarbonTracker arguments to rationalise A shares investment option that excludes coal mining completely : this in an economy reliant on it .

  16. 如果不放开利率,就会推动更多资金转入地下,基金管理公司RCMAsiaPacific驻香港的钟秀霞(ChristinaChung)表示。

    Without interest rate deregulation , you will drive more money underground , says Christina Chung at RCM Asia Pacific in Hong Kong , a fund manager .

  17. 中国工商银行(icbc)预计将扩大在一家与瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)合资成立的基金管理公司的持股比例,这是行业整合的一个迹象。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is expected to expand its share of a fund management joint venture with Credit Suisse in a sign of consolidation in the industry .

  18. 普华永道(pwc)近期一份报告称,在中国市场运营的多数基金管理公司均预期,外国基金管理公司会退出该市场。

    And the majority of companies operating in China expect foreign departures from the industry , according to a recent PwC report .

  19. 最后一点是放宽ETF发行条件,鼓励更多的基金管理公司开发更多的类型丰富的ETF产品。

    Finally , to relax the conditions of issuing ETF and encourage fund companies to exploit more extensive type of ETF products .

  20. 基金管理公司ArmytagePrivate的投资组合经理金(BradKing)说,管理层需要重建整个公司的信誉。该公司持有TreasuryWine的股票。

    ' Management need to rebuild credibility across the board , ' said Brad King , a portfolio manager at fund manager Armytage Private , which owns Treasury Wine shares .

  21. 原译:GMO基金管理公司的杰若米?兰森提出均值回归实例的一个微变量。

    A subtle variant of the mean reversion case is put forward by Jeremy Grantham of the fund management group GMO .

  22. 包括贝莱德(BlackRock)和法国巴黎投资管理公司(BNPPIP)在内的基金管理公司,正通过自己在中国的独资企业向机构投资者提供咨询服务。

    Fund houses such as BlackRock and BNP Paribas Investment Partners ( BNPP IP ) are offering advisory services to institutional investors via their WFOEs .

  23. 尽管一些qdii基金管理公司已决定自己投资,但它们仍在其它领域与外国伙伴展开合作。

    Although some QDII fund managers have decided to invest on their own , they are still working with their foreign partners in other areas .

  24. 尽管一些qdii基金管理公司认为它们有能力自己投资,但市场观察人士表示,它们仍需要外部的建议。

    Although some QDII fund managers believe they have the ability to invest on their own , market observers say they still need external advice .

  25. 当佰仕通(blackstone)这类公司在去年上市时,作为基金管理公司的所有者,他们还要面对估值的剧烈波动。

    As owners of the management companies , they also had very high valuations dangled in front of them when the likes of Blackstone floated only last year .

  26. 即使是在始于6月中旬的A股暴跌前,这种前景也让很多MSCI的基金管理公司客户感到紧张。

    Even before the share crash that began in late June , such a prospect made many of MSCI 's fund manager clients nervous .

  27. 它固然有帮助,但央行所能做的也仅此而已,英国基金管理公司Hermes首席经济学家尼尔威廉姆斯(NeilWilliams)表示。

    It is helpful but there is only so much that central banks can do , said Neil Williams , chief economist at Hermes , the UK fund manager .

  28. 不过他担心,在两地签署最新的cepa协议后,这些内地投资者在香港进行投资时,会更倾向于选择内地基金管理公司。

    He fears , however , that after the latest CEPA agreement , these mainland investors will prefer remaining with mainland fund managers when investing in Hong Kong .

  29. 香港的基金管理公司可能会考虑申请新的qfii额度,并在得到当地监管部门批准后,把相关额度用于人民币计价的共同基金。

    Hong Kong fund managers may be looking to apply for new QFII quota and , subject to local regulatory approval , place such quota in Renminbi denominated mutual funds .

  30. 胡斌表示,有股东美国纽约梅隆银行(bnymellon)的支持,纽银梅隆西部基金管理公司在投资海外方面就具备了一项优势。

    With the support of its shareholder , US-based bny Mellon , the company has an advantage in investing overseas , says Mr Hu .