
  1. 在充分地占有材料的基础上,着重分析了吏读音。

    On the basis of full possession materials , put emphasis on the pronunciation of the officials .

  2. 本文尽可能竭泽而渔地占有材料,力图全面展现各时期《永乐大典》辑佚之面貌,弄清辑佚之成就。

    This article tries to gather the materials as many as possible , in order to show the complete features about collection and compilation from Yongle dadian and figure out their achievements in different periods .

  3. 第一章为《唐代节日概说》,共分三部分,一为唐代节日的名目与类别,它在全面占有材料的基础上,对唐代节日的基本状况和类型分别进行了描述和划分。

    Part one is " Items and Types of Festival in Tang Dynasty ", which , on the basis of complete data , describes and classifies the basic cases and types of festivals in Tang Dynasty respectively .

  4. 本文的研究方法是,在大量占有语言材料的基础上,作出修辞、语义、语用等学科的阐释。

    The research technique of this paper is , on possessing the foundation of language material in large quantities , make the subject such as rhetoric , semantic and pragmatics explain .

  5. 在占有大量新材料和努力吸收了多年来六朝文化研究新成果的基础上,作者深层次挖掘了许多新问题,提出了不少具有创新意义的观点。

    A lot of new problems are profoundly excavated and many views with innovative significance are put forward .

  6. 第三,单从计量史学使用统计学的方法这一方面看,使用统计学的研究方法必须占有大量的数据材料。

    Third , from single use statistical methods measuring historiography this aspect see , used statistical research methods must possess a large amount of data materials .

  7. 在占有大量语音调查材料的基础上,分别从声母和韵母两个方面、宏观和微观角度两个角度,对常熟方言中的语音变体进行阐述。

    Based on a plenty of investigation materials , this paper explained the Phonetics variety of Changshu Dialect from the two points of view of initial and final , macroscopical and microcosmic .