
zhēn duì
  • be directed against;be aimed at;point at;counter;direct;aim
针对 [zhēn duì]
  • [direct; counter; be aimed at] 专有所指

  • 这件事是针对我来的

针对[zhēn duì]
  1. 馈赠要针对个人,即使是以公司的名义。

    The present should be directed against individual , even in the name of company .

  2. 第二,学习环境的个性化,即学习环境要针对每一个学生的与众不同的智能组型,而不仅是针对所有学生的共性;

    Second , study the individualization of the environment , namely study the environment in the intellectual group type out of the common to be directed against every student , and not only direct against all students ' generality ;

  3. 这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。

    The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students .

  4. 我们的全部课程都是针对个人需要设计的。

    All our courses are personalized to the needs of the individual .

  5. 让我们作泛泛的批评,不要针对个人。

    Let 's keep the criticism general and impersonal .

  6. 这个宣传计划显然是针对青年人的。

    The campaign is clearly targeted at the young .

  7. 我的批评不是针对你的。

    My criticism wasn 't aimed at you .

  8. 她喜欢针对每一位崇拜者的来信,亲自予以回复。

    She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch .

  9. 要尽量避免针对个人的言论。

    Try to avoid making personal remarks .

  10. 一位发言人说,这些变动不是针对公司最近的损失而作出的反应。

    A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company 's recent losses .

  11. 促销活动采取渔翁撒网的方法,表示并非针对特定的人群。

    The scattergun approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals .

  12. 我们须针对我们的听众对象,即年龄在20到30岁之间的妇女。

    We need to concentrate on our target audience , namely women aged between 20 and 30 .

  13. 该报告谴责美国对工人的培训毫无针对性。

    The report condemns America 's scattershot approach to training workers .

  14. 他的音乐走商业化路线,针对的是一般大众。

    His music is commercial . It is aimed at the masses

  15. 他通过几句有针对性的话不断督促着队伍。

    He chivvies the troops along with a few well-directed words .

  16. 针对通货膨胀作出调整之后投资上升了5.7%。

    Investment is up by 5.7 % after adjustment for inflation .

  17. 针对学生的暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。

    The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia

  18. 实习教师对任何针对他们表现的批评意见都异常敏感。

    Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance .

  19. 讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。

    It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers

  20. 英国政府针对这些提议提出了另一较缓和的版本。

    The British government introduced a watered-down version of the proposals .

  21. 他已聘请了一位律师针对这些指控为自己辩护。

    He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations

  22. 针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。

    The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease

  23. 他正就有关针对他的暗杀阴谋的报道作出回应。

    He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him .

  24. 这场角逐开始针对个人了,甚至话语也变得尖刻起来。

    The contest has become personalised , if not bitter .

  25. 德鲁说了一些不针对任何人的话就告辞了。

    Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye .

  26. 与他分居的妻子已经申请到了针对他的限制令。

    His estranged wife had taken out a restraining order against him .

  27. 针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。

    Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism .

  28. 他声称这一切都是一场针对他的阴谋。

    He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him

  29. 他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。

    His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics

  30. 政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。

    The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders