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zhān bǔ
  • divine;divination;practise divination
占卜 [zhān bǔ]
  • [divination] 用龟甲、蓍草、铜钱、骨牌等推断吉凶(迷信)

占卜[zhān bǔ]
  1. 据导游说,在芬兰,人们会把熔化的液体铅倒进冷水里,通过铅在水中形成的形状来占卜新的一年的命运。

    In Finland , say tour guides , people pour molten lead into cold water to divine the year ahead from the shape the metal sets in .

  2. 《易经》虽是中国古代占卜的工具书,但在筮辞中记录了有关战争的内容,为后世研究中国奴隶制社会的军事思想,提供了极其珍贵的史料。

    Although The Book of Changes is a reference book on divine in ancient China , but there were contents about wars recorded in it . It contributes the most precious historical materials for studying of military thoughts of the Chinese slave society .

  3. 88是中国数字占卜学中非常幸运的数字。

    The number eighty-eight is very lucky in Chinese numerology .

  4. 他说用占卜杖探测水源完全是胡说八道。

    He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense

  5. 为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?

    Why not get a diviner to expound my dream ?

  6. 占卜是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分。

    Augury is the important part of Chinese traditional culture .

  7. 占卜是由一些谬误和迷信构成,再加上大量的欺骗。

    Divination is made up of a little error and superstition , plus a lot of fraud .

  8. 我和妹妹、Michelle一起使用着占卜板。

    My sister and I were using the board along with Michelle .

  9. 我想有一件事情应该现在告诉你,这块占卜板并不是Michelle买来的。

    I think it is the appropriate time to tell you that Michelle did not buy this Ouija board .

  10. 房子所在的小区环境很好。Michelle的房间在楼上,但并不是发现占卜板的那间。

    Michelle was in an upstairs bedroom , but not the one that the Ouija board was found in .

  11. Michelle和她妈妈把那块占卜板扔到了垃圾堆里,之后再也没有见到过它。

    Michelle and her mother took the board to the garbage dump and left it there . They have never seen it since .

  12. 现在回想起来,占卜板可能想让我和Kelly警告Michelle和她的家人那场火灾。

    Now that I look back on the situation Kelly and I were probably used to warn Michelle and her family about the fire .

  13. 你猜对了!就是从发现占卜板的那个壁橱里开始的,占卜板一直放在那里,此外壁橱里还存放着Michelle一家人喜欢玩的其他玩具。

    You guessed it , in the closet where the Ouija board was found and always kept with the other games family liked to play .

  14. 之前几个星期,Michelle不止一次地跟我们提起她得到了一块占卜板,她想让我和妹妹陪她一起试用一下那块占卜板。

    She had been telling us for weeks how she had an Ouija board and wanted my sister and I to experiment with her on it .

  15. 她的话让我焦躁不安起来。我差一点就要打电话给Michelle了,告诉她晚上不要用占卜板,但是我又改变了主意,因为我觉得她会认为我们发疯了。

    I almost called Michelle to tell her not to use the board that night but I changed my mind because I thought she would think we were nuts .

  16. 自那以后,我们再也没有碰到过什么事情,而且我们也再也没有玩过占卜板了.至少Cynthia再也没玩过了。

    Nothing ever happened to us again , and we never again , played with another Ouija board again . At least she didn 't.

  17. 第二天,Michelle打来电话,希望我们晚上去她家,再做一次占卜。我告诉她我不会再做了。

    When Michelle called the next day she wanted us to come over and do it again the next night and I told her that I wasn 't going to do it .

  18. 我也不知道到底这个占卜是真的,或者只是cynthia为了吓我自己在板子上移动着指针。

    Anyhow , whether this part was real or it was just Cynthia moving the cursor around on her own trying to freak me out , I 'd never know .

  19. 哈利将开始学习NEWT等级考试的课程,包括魔药课而撤消了占卜课。我们将知道赫敏和罗恩选择的职业生涯是怎样的。

    Harry will start NEWT-level classes , which will include Potions but not Divination . We 'll also learn what career paths Hermione and Ron have chosen .

  20. 从表面上看《周易》的确是一部占卜吉凶的书。

    Superficially , the Book of Changes is indeed about divination .

  21. 商族很早就有用兽骨进行占卜的习俗。

    The Shang practiced augury with animal bones very early .

  22. 断没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。

    There is no sorcery against Jacob , no divination against Israel .

  23. 千万别信新闻日报里的星座占卜。

    " Never trust the horoscopein the " daily news .

  24. 我不能,我又不是占卜师。

    How can I ? I 'm not a fortuneteller .

  25. 此前,他们的首选方式是掌占卜。

    Before that , palmistry was their preferred method of fortune telling .

  26. 村里的一个占卜者说,我会找到一把剑。

    A soothsayer in my village says I 'll find a sword .

  27. 他们是古希腊占卜仪式的一部分。

    They 're part of an ancient Greek divination ritual .

  28. 但是我无法占卜接下来会发生的事。

    But I never could have foretold what came next .

  29. 占卜,预言通过或似通过占卜术预言。

    To foretell through or as if through the art of divination .

  30. 经济指标的分析,象征着预测者用以占卜的水晶球。

    Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster 's " crystal ball " .