
  • 网络rvi;reactor internals;internals;reactor internal
  1. 采用振动时效(VSR)和热时效两种方法对核电堆内构件304L不锈钢方形筒体(控制棒导向筒)进行焊后去应力处理。

    One of the nuclear reactor internals , stainless square tube ( conduit of control cylinder ), has been treated with VSR ( Vibrate Stress Relief ) and heat treatment respectively .

  2. 堆内构件是核电站反应堆中的主要设备。

    The reactor internals are main equipments in the reactor of NPP .

  3. 300系列奥氏体不锈钢是PWR堆内构件、压力边界系统和控制棒驱动机构管座的主要材料,疲劳破坏是其失效形式之一。

    The 300 series austenitic stainless steel , which is the main material of the containment buildings pressure boundary and the control rod drive mechanisms ( CRDMs ), will be damaged for the fatigue .

  4. 国内池式轻水研究反应堆中,尽管其燃料元件包壳材料、反应堆水池覆面材料和主要堆内构件材料以及运行温度不一样,其冷却剂pH值都定为偏酸性。

    Although the materials of nuclear fuel cladding , internal surface and the main reactor internals , and operating temperatures of the pool type light water reactors in China are different from each other . All of pH value of water in the pools are always selected as slight acidity .

  5. 核电厂堆内构件水下电视检查系统研制

    The System of Underwater CCTV Inspection for Reactor Internal Components Television

  6. 堆内构件防断支承组件流致振动分析

    Flow-induced vibration analysis for the secondary support assembly of reactor internal

  7. 引起堆内构件振动的诸多因素都具有随机性和模糊性。

    The factors which lead the vibration all have randomness and obscureness .

  8. 核岛大型设备和堆内构件的吊装

    The installation of large nuclear island facilities and reactor structure

  9. 反应堆堆内构件流致振动试验的极值载荷分析

    Analysis of Extreme Value Loads on the Flow induced Vibration Testing for Internals

  10. 指出了堆内构件的主要失效模式和危险区域,并对这些失效模式和危险区域进行了分析。

    Typical failure mode and dangerous region of the reactor in-ternals are determined and analyzed .

  11. 堆内构件设计与研制

    Design and Manufacture for the Reactor Internals

  12. 核岛主设备中的结构力学问题核岛大型设备和堆内构件的吊装

    Structural Mechanics in Primary Components of Nuclear Island The installation of large nuclear island facilities and reactor structure

  13. 最后根据流致振动的振动机理对这些堆内构件进行流致振动评价。

    At last , all these reactor internals are evaluation according to the vibration mechanism of flow induced vibration .

  14. 核电站堆内构件振动可靠性的模糊因素分析及防振措施

    The Obscure Factor Analysis on the Vibration Reliability of the Internals of Nuclear Power Plant Reactor and Anti-Vibration Measures

  15. 1.20对堆内构件的流致振动行为进行了综合评价。

    1.20 . , This comprehensive assessment of the reactor internals is the first time for the PWR in our country .

  16. 吊篮筒体是堆内构件的重要零部件,过去依赖进口。

    The core barrel , one of the most important components of reactor internal , relied on imports in the past .

  17. 核电站反应堆发生泄漏的最主要原因是反应堆堆内构件发生振动。

    It is pointed out that the main reason making nuclear power plants reactors leak is the vibration of internals of reactors .

  18. 介绍了对堆内构件中潜在失效部件应开展的研究内容,包括预防措施、潜在的失效部件、失效模式、失效过程和基本接受条件;

    This paper presents some observations which are related to life management of the reactor internals of the PWR , which include precaution measures , potential failure devices , failure mode , failure process and basic requirements on acceptance .

  19. 核电站环行起重机运行于核反应堆厂房上方的环形轨道上,用于吊运反应堆压力容器顶盖和堆内构件,对其吊装定位精度要求极高。

    The polar crane for nuclear power plant runs on a circular orbit on the top of the reactor plant , lifts the pressure vessel cover and components for reactor , and the positioning accuracy of polar crane must be strictly controlled .

  20. 对反应堆堆内构件、控制棒驱动系统、燃料组件和蒸汽发生器传热管等设备进行地震加失水事故联合作用下详细的动力分析与评定,是核电厂设计规范和安全审查的要求。

    The detail dynamic analysis and evaluation for the reactor internals , control rod drive system , fuel assemblies and the steam generator tubes , under combined application of the earthquake and LOCA loads , are the requirements of design codes and safety review .

  21. 核电站反应堆堆内构件是核电站运行的心脏,与堆芯直接接触,是影响电站寿命的关键部件,其主要用材为核级304不锈钢。

    Reactor internals of nuclear reactor are said to be the heart of nuclear power plant , which direct contact the reactor core , and are the key components for the life of nuclear power station . The main materials of reactor internals are the nuclear grade 304 stainless steel .

  22. 对于流致振动分析,无论是理论分析还是试验验证,结果是相同的,即堆内所有构件都不发生流致振动,满足CARR设计要求;

    For the analysis of flow induced vibration , the results of both theory analysis and test verification are same , and it 's that all the reactor internals will not occur flow induced vibration . It has satisfied the demand of CARR design .

  23. 压水堆堆内构件寿命管理中的关键问题

    Key Issues in Life Management of PWR Reactor Internals

  24. 本文介绍了按相似准则设计的实堆1:5的堆内构件试验模型,进行流致振动试验采用的试验方法,完成的试验内容以及试验数据的分析和处理。

    This paper introduced the 1:5 experimental model , test method , test case , test data analysis and process .

  25. 堆芯容器及堆内构件是中国先进研究堆(CARR)中的关键设备之一。

    The core vessel and core structure of China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR ) are one of the key components .

  26. 中国先进研究堆堆芯容器及堆内构件设计研究

    Design of Core Vessel and Core Structure in China Advanced Research Reactor

  27. 当它们在堆芯上腔混合时,可能会出现温度波动现象,造成堆内构件的热疲劳,影响快堆的安全运行。

    The temperature fluctuation phenomenon will occur when the hot and cold fluids are mixed in the upper plenum of the core . It may cause thermal striping and even affect the safety of the reactor .

  28. 压水堆堆内进口环腔及下腔室内流动现象异常复杂,深入了解该现象对于进行可靠的反应堆堆内构件的设计及安全性分析具有重要的指导作用。

    The 3 - D coolant flow in the annular and lower plenums at PWR nuclear POwer station is very complex , and its mechanism is fundamental for design of comPOnents and analysis of safety in reactor .