
  • 网络plastic cup
  1. 公司生产成千上万种一次性产品:纸盘、塑料杯和照相机等等。

    Companies produce thousands of different kinds of disposable products : paper plates , plastic cups , and cameras , to name a few .

  2. 去年,《环球邮报》(GlobeandMail)从一场比赛现场报道称,周边商品放在“一张小桌子上售卖,包括三条士力架和三个塑料杯的焦糖爆米花”。外国银行的规定有时也导致给球员支薪的困难。

    The Globe and Mail reported from a game last year that concessions " were sold from a small table that included three Snickers bars and three plastic cups of caramel popcorn . " Foreign bank rules also made payments to players difficult at times .

  3. 塑料杯放哪儿了?

    Where is the plastic cup ?

  4. 简单的做法比如将塑料杯换成玻璃杯,或者将一次性塑料瓶换成不锈钢瓶,日久天长,就能带来大的改变。

    Simple swaps steel bottles instead of single-use plastics can go a long way to making a difference .

  5. 20ml塑料杯的研制及应用

    Development of 20 ml Plastic Scintillation Tube and its Application

  6. 这是因为这款塑料杯盖里蕴藏着詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)式的拍摄和窃听设备,虽然它的外表几乎和星巴克(Starbucks)或是尼路咖啡(CaffeNero)等咖啡连锁店中使用的千千万万个咖啡杯盖没什么两样。

    For the plastic lid , which is almost identical to millions handed out by coffee chains such as Starbucks and Caffe Nero , contains James Bond-style filming and listening equipment .

  7. 护齿牙套须配戴适当。使用活动式塑料杯之下裆护具是不被允许的,发现违规使用者将受处罚。当Max长大能使用这手套时吗?

    Gum shields must fit properly . Groin protectors using a removable plastic cup slipped into a jockstrap are not permitted and persons wearing them will be held at fault . when Max is ready to use it ?

  8. 继美国玩具制造商美泰(Mattel)和孩之宝(Hasbro)之后,这家总部位于西雅图的咖啡企业宣布召回25万只2006年5月至今年8月期间销售的儿童塑料杯。

    Following in the steps of Mattel and Hasbro , the largest US toymakers , the Seattle-based coffee company is recalling a quarter of a million plastic children 's mugs sold at its stores between May 2006 and August this year .

  9. 塑料杯、雨衣、羹匙、玩具、手表

    A plastic cup , raincoat , spoon , toy , wrist-watch

  10. 塑料杯防护罩除草新技术研究

    A new technology for weeding with plastic cup as protective cover

  11. 塑料杯豆奶生产技术

    The Production Technology of Bean Milk Held with Plastic Cups

  12. 你有没有想过塑料杯可以自己清洁?

    Do you have had thought the plastic cup may be clean ?

  13. 最后拿出的应该是塑料杯和香槟酒。

    The last item you remove should be the glasses and champagne .

  14. 备注:其它特殊塑料杯可定做。

    NOTE : Other special plastic cups can be made to order .

  15. 我先取来两个塑料杯和一个空矿泉水瓶。

    Firstly , I fetched two plastic cups and an empty bottle .

  16. 品牌的故事从一个塑料杯开始。

    The brand story starts with a plastic cup .

  17. 一定还记得那个塑料杯里的小小的种子吧?

    Remember the little seed in the plastic cup ?

  18. 你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?

    What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup ?

  19. 她手中拿着一个塑料杯,正在喝水。

    She had been sipping water ; a plastic cup was in her hand .

  20. 我发现塑料杯是不错的选择。

    I found that plastic cups work OK .

  21. 塑料杯封口机的设计

    Design of Seal Machine of Plastic Cup

  22. 乙:当然可以,把一个塑料杯放在龙头下面。

    B : Of course . Put one of these plastic cups under the spout .

  23. 聚苯乙烯或者彩色的塑料杯

    a polystyrene or coloured plastic cup

  24. 创新设计的压花塑料杯

    Embossing design for cups

  25. 该协会的尼尔·威廉姆斯表示,他担心酒客对塑料杯不满。

    Neil Williams from the association said he was concerned that drinkers would notice a drop in quality .

  26. 它通常被装在透明的塑料杯里出售,外带一根用来吸食“大珍珠”的大好吸管。

    It 's usually served in large see-through plastic containers with an extra-wide straw to sip these jumbo pearls .

  27. 我和室友坐在地板上用塑料杯喝啤酒,谈了一宿。

    My roommate and I were sitting on the floor drinking beer out of plastic glasses , talking all night .

  28. 他们看比赛时一直亲密依偎,蕾哈娜喝着塑料杯里的啤酒看上去精神很好。

    She sipped beer from a plastic cup and seemed in good spirits as the pair kept close during the game .

  29. 纸盘,塑料杯和器皿等一次性物品的制造过程耗费大量的资源,丢弃非常可惜。

    One-time use items like paper plates , plastic cups and utensils take a tremendous amount of resources to produce and dispose .

  30. 用杯子或是能重复使用的饮料瓶替代一次性纸杯。要牢记塑料杯500年仍不会分解。

    Use cups or re-usable drinking bottles instead of disposable cups . Remember a disposable plastic cup does not decompose even after 500 years .