
  • 网络Tatra mountains;High Tatras;High Tatra Mountains
  1. 这个位于塔特拉山脉山脚下的小镇除了特别漂亮之外,价格也非常实惠,特别适合冬季运动,夏季和冬季也是登山的好去处。

    Apart from being extremely beautiful this little town at the base of Tatra mountains is very affordable and great spot for Winter sports as well as Mountain climbing in summer and winter .

  2. 星期五早上在波兰华沙,他吃了他所形容的“超量早餐”,包括烟熏鳟鱼、草莓沙拉、波兰塔特拉山脉的奶酪、芦笋火腿荷包蛋和芝士蛋糕。

    On Friday morning in Warsaw , Poland , he was confronted with what he described as a ' three course breakfast ' , including smoked trout , strawberry salad , Polish cheese from the Tatra mountains , asparagus with poached egg and ham , and cheesecake .