
  1. 快速增压技术(Rapidcompression)是介于静高压技术和动高压技术之间的一种加压方式,在新材料的制备和物性测量方面起到了独特的作用。

    Rapid compression which is a new high-pressure technology between the static pressure and shock-wave pressure , plays a unique role in preparation of new materials and property measurement of materials .

  2. 最后,从中选取了两个最为关键的参数:进气压力与压缩比,分别结合EGR讨论其对发动机性能的影响,发现与提高压缩比相比,增压技术对内燃机性能的改善更为合适。

    Finally , the two most critical parameters : the inlet pressure and compression ratio were selected to discuss with EGR rate on engine performance . It was founded that if it is separately used , the technology of boost on engine performance improvement is more appropriate .

  3. 车用涡轮增压技术的发展回顾、现状及展望

    Retrospect , Status , and Expectation for Turbocharger Technology of Vehicle

  4. 电控可变增压技术改善柴油机性能的研究

    Study on Ameliorating Performances of Diesel with Electro-control Variable Supercharge Technique

  5. 人工增压技术的高海拔矿井通风系统

    Ventilation system based on artificial increasing pressure technology in high-altitude mines

  6. 柴油机涡轮谐振复合增压技术的应用

    Application of a Resonant Combined Turbocharging Technology to Diesel Engine

  7. 车用柴油机增压技术的应用及展望

    Application of Supercharging Technology in Vehicle Diesels and its Prospects

  8. 本文对增压技术工作有着重要的参考价值。

    This paper may be a valuable reference to the supercharging technology .

  9. 高原柴油机的涡轮增压技术研究

    Study on Turbo-Charge Technology of Plateau Applied Diesel Engine

  10. 涡旋增压技术在轻型车用发动机上的应用优势

    Analysis on the Applicability of Swirl Supercharging Technology to Engine for Light Vehicle

  11. 车用发动机增压技术的发展

    The Development on Turbocharging Technique for Vehicle Engines

  12. 近几年国外增压技术的进展

    Progress of Foreign Supercharging Technology in Recent Years

  13. 柴油机采用涡轮增压技术能够提高进气压力、进入气缸内的空气质量,进而改善柴油机性能。

    Adopting turbo-charging can increase the intake pressure and air quality into the cylinder .

  14. 采用进气增压技术,有利于改善燃烧,降低排放和能量消耗率。

    Supercharging can improve combustion , exhaust emissions and energy consumption of DME engine .

  15. 利用涡轮增压技术提高航空发动机性能

    Improvement of the Properties of Aeroengine by Turbocompressor

  16. 拖拉机制动余气增压技术初探

    Preliminary approach to the technic of boosting the residual air from the brake in farming tractor

  17. 涡轮增压技术在摩托车上的应用

    Application of Turbocharging Technique to Motorcycles

  18. 12V190ZDT-2型天然气发动机的增压技术

    Supercharging technique on gas engines

  19. 两级涡轮增压技术是改善发动机性能、降低废气排放的一种有效手段。

    The two-stage turbocharging technique is an effective measure to improve performance and reduce emissions of diesel engine .

  20. 对该技术的发展现状做出归纳总结,进而对涡轮增压技术在汽车行业的未来发展方向进行基本展望。

    Finally , we give the expectation for the development of turbocharger technology of vehicle in the future .

  21. 主要采取了提高压缩比、改变点火提前角及采用进气脉冲增压技术。

    The major technologies used include increasing compression ratio , changing spark advance angle and using intake pulse turbo-charging .

  22. 泡沫增压技术在煤矿瓦斯抽放长钻孔施工中的应用前景

    Prospect of Application of Foam Pump Increasing Pressure Equipment in Construction of Drilling Long Hole for Sucking and Exhaling Mash Gas

  23. 目前,增压技术已成为高海拔环境下发动机功率恢复最为有效的技术手段之一。

    At present , the supercharger technology has become the most effective means of the high-altitude environment engine to restore its power .

  24. 萨博公司对于能让它发挥自己涡轮增压技术以及引擎管理系统技术的黄金排量引擎相当感兴趣。

    The company is keen on what it calls'right-sized'engines , which it can modify using its extensive experience in turbocharging and engine management technology .

  25. 涡轮增压技术作为提高柴油机功率、改善其燃油经济性、降低排放的最有效措施之一,已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Turbocharging technology as one of the most effective measures to increase diesel engine power and improve its economy , has been widely applied now .

  26. 井下增压技术是在现有钻井工艺条件下提高钻进速度的有效途径之一。

    Down-hole hydraulic pressurizing technology is one of the most effective ways to improve the rate of penetration under the existing conditions of drilling technology .

  27. 涡轮增压技术的发展是内燃机发展的另一个里程碑,它推动了内燃机的发展。

    The development of turbocharger technology is another milestone in the development history of Internal combustion engine which promoted the development of Internal combustion engines .

  28. 涡轮增压技术是利用发动机废气推动涡轮旋转,带动同轴的叶轮旋转,从而实现对从空滤器来的新鲜空气进行增压的目的。

    Turbocharging technology use the engine exhaust gas to turn turbine wheel , drive the compressor wheel to compress the fresh air from air filter .

  29. 相继增压技术是改善中高速大功率柴油机低负荷性能最有效的措施之一。

    The sequential turbocharging ( STC ) technology is one of the most effective methods to improve the low condition performance of the highly turbocharged diesel engines .

  30. 增压技术不仅是强化内燃机的最有效手段,而且对降低内燃机的污染、噪声和提高经济性也有积极的影响。

    Turbocharging is not only an effective way to strengthen the engine , but also plays an important role in reducing the emission and the noise of the engine .