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shēng qiāng
  • tune;common systematic tunes of many varieties of Chinese operas
声腔 [shēng qiāng]
  • [tune] 许多剧种所共有的成系统的腔调,如昆腔、高腔、梆子腔、皮黄

声腔[shēng qiāng]
  1. MEMS光声气体传感器光声腔的研究

    Study on PA cells for MEMS PA gas sensors

  2. 在CO2激光光声谱仪上,对T形腔性能的测量结果表明,耦合谐振光声腔有高达900左右的Ω值;

    With the CO2 laser photoacoustic spectrometer the measured results of the T-type cell prove that it has a high quality factor Q ( up to 900 ) .

  3. 基于线性预测分析和mel倒谱分析的浊音声学模型,刻画了说话人声腔的共振特性。

    The voiced acoustic model is built on linear prediction analysis and mel cepstrum analysis to characterize the resonance of the vocal tract of speakers .

  4. 通过实验和CAE模态分析建立了某SRV白车身的有限元模型和声腔有限元模型。

    To a certain SRV ( sport recreational vehicle ), firstly BIP ( body in prime ) FE model and acoustic FE model were built by experiments and CAE modal analysis .

  5. 介绍了RG理论:以一个圆柱形光声腔为讨论模型,分析了光声信号的产生机理,导出了光声信号的一般表达式,并针对几种特殊情况做了讨论。

    Considering the cylinder-shaped photoacoustic chamber as our discussion model , we derive the general expression of photoacoustic signal based on the analysis of its mechanism and have a discussion over some special situations .

  6. 基于格林函数法的封闭声腔的结构-声耦合分析

    Analysis of Structural-Acoustic Coupling of an Enclosure Using Green Function Method

  7. 声腔深度和相对开口面积的确定

    Determination of the Depth and Fractional Open Area for Acoustic Cavity

  8. 论皮黄腔在戏曲声腔发展史中的贡献

    The Contribution Of Pi-Huang Tune To Developing The Traditional Chinese Opera

  9. 液体火箭发动机燃烧室声腔建模方法研究

    Modeling methods of acoustic cavity in combustion chamber of liquid rocket engine

  10. 计算二维声腔传递矩阵的正方形线声源模型

    A square lines-source model for calculating transfer matrix of two-dimensional acoustic cavity

  11. 液体火箭发动机中声腔抑制不稳定燃烧的声学分析

    Acoustic analysis of resonators for combustion instability suppression in liquid rocket engines

  12. 讨论了在声腔设计安排中正确选择声腔的几何尺寸,且比较了不同长度和不同直径声腔的阻尼特性。

    The damping characteristics of various length and various diameters resonators is compared .

  13. 戏曲音乐的主体是声腔艺术,而戏曲声腔艺术,则萌芽于金、元时期的北曲与南戏。

    The art of operatic tune is the main part of operatic music .

  14. 解读马友仙声腔艺术

    Interpretation of the Ma Youxian ′ s Tune Arts

  15. 非谐振式光声腔在火灾探测中的应用

    Application of Nonresonant Photoacoustic Cell in Fire Detection

  16. 笔者认为:传统的戏曲如黄梅戏,在声腔造型上积累了丰富的经验。

    The author argued that traditional opera such as Huangmei Opera accumulated abundant experiences .

  17. 双组元轨控发动机声腔技术方案及试验验证

    The acoustic cavity technique options and test validation of the bipropellant orbit control rocket engine

  18. 二是创造与时代合拍的新声腔;

    Two , to build up a contingent of new actors progressing with the times ;

  19. 昆剧是一种戏曲声腔、剧种、简称昆腔、昆曲或昆剧。

    Kun is an opera tune , drama , called Kun , Kun opera or .

  20. 其腔调的形成离不开一个“化”字,即外来声腔的民族化和本土腔调的戏剧化。

    The tunes of Zhuang 's drama have nationalized foreign tunes and dramatized local ones .

  21. 计算二维矩形声腔传递矩阵及传递函数的声源模型探讨

    Source model discussion for computing the transfer function and transfer matrix of two-dimensional rectangular cavity

  22. 朝廷倡导、保护昆曲,并抑制昆、弋以外声腔,江南民间深受这一戏曲文化政策的影响。

    Besides , it was influenced by cultural policy which was supported and protected by the government .

  23. 秦腔是中国戏曲四大声腔中最古老、最丰富、最庞大的声腔体系。

    It boasts the most ancient , affluent , and largest musical system of all Chinese operas .

  24. 使用有限元和边界元法分析了白车身结构和声腔的动态响应特性。

    FEM and BEM were used to analyse the dynamic response of the BIP and acoustic cavity .

  25. 女伶还在音乐声腔、表演技巧和心理体验等方面拓展了戏曲艺术的表现力。

    Actresses broadened the expressive power of drama in aspects such as singing , acting and psychological rendition .

  26. 在音乐新课标的指导下,专攻二人台声腔教学法,解决二人台唱腔的科学定位。

    Into the leading of new musical futures , I try my best to solve the scientific position .

  27. 计算结果表明,由于隔声罩内声腔与结构振动的相互作用,考虑声固耦合后,隔声罩透射损失曲线峰值较多。

    Because of taking the sound-solid interaction into account , there are more peak value in transmission loss curve .

  28. 中国戏曲声腔艺术历史久远,是中华民族优秀的文化遗产。

    Art has a long history of Chinese opera tune , is the excellence of the Chinese cultural heritage .

  29. 对闵惠芬器乐演奏声腔化的思考与认识钢琴协奏曲演奏得很好。

    Cognition of Min Huifen 's ' Instrument Playing Vocal Tune ' with Considers The piano concerto was well rendered .

  30. 身体美学视野下的声乐艺术&以民族唱法的声腔美为个案

    The Vocality Art under the Visual Field of Body Aesthetics & Take Vocal Beauty of the Ethical Singing as Example