
  • 网络complex design
  1. 它是建立在近代数学最优化方法和计算机程序之上,解决复杂设计问题的一种有效工具,是计算机辅助设计(CAD)应用中的一个重要方面。

    It is an available tool based on modern optimization method and computer program , resolving complex design problem . It is an important aspect on computer aided design ( CAD ) .

  2. 反求工程(RE)和快速成型技术(RP)作为敏捷制造技术的重要分支,在产品概念设计与复杂设计中担任着重要角色。

    Reverse engineering and rapid prototyping as the important branches of agile manufacturing ( AM ), which play critical roles of product concept design and complex design .

  3. 产品性能设计是涉及多学科、多领域、多层次的相互融合的复杂设计方法。

    Performance design of product involves in a number of disciplines and fields , multi-level .

  4. 给出了相应的仿真事例,结果表明:该方法能模拟运行复杂设计活动,为项目的计划和控制提供科学的依据。

    The result of a given simulative example shows that the method can simulate complex design activities and plan the project in terms of scientific basis .

  5. 然而对一个复杂设计,通常在调用综合工具时会进行重定时等时序优化,这些优化容易破坏综合前后设计触发器间对应关系。

    Synthesis tools may often apply sequential optimizations such as retiming to complex designs and hence destroy the correspondence between flip-flops in both the reference and implementation designs .

  6. 针对成形模拟易受干扰和强非线性特点,提出采用逐次逼近模型,分解复杂设计函数为显式简单函数组合,进行递进全局寻优,避免出现局部最优解和过程发散现象;

    Sequential approximation models that can decrease highly non-linear effects were carried out to decompose complex design functions into combinations of explicit functions and to find a global optimum .

  7. 对于建筑爱好者布拉德·皮特来说,他也会喜欢这座建筑复杂设计中极为精美的细节。他曾经承认,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特改变了他的一生。

    The finer details of its intricate design will not be lost on architecture fan Brad , who once admitted that Frank Lloyd Wright ' changed his life ' .

  8. 优雅、有机的复杂设计体现在毂盖上,它们看上去就像是从轮胎长出来的一样,而轮辐就像外星树的枝条。

    Their elegant , organic complexity is mirrored in the hub caps , which appear to grow from the tyres , with spokes like the branches of an alien tree .

  9. CAE技术在烟气脱硫装置复杂结构设计中的应用

    Application of CAE technology to a complicated structure design in FGD apparatus

  10. 为解决长喉道量水槽复杂的设计计算困难,基于Windows98/2000,运用VISUALBASIC6.0开发了长喉道量水槽设计软件。

    A software for adding calibration in long throated flume design is developed based on Windows 98 / 2000 and Visual Basic programming language .

  11. X微处理器是一款采用全定制设计方法设计的微处理器,处理器中包含动态分支预测和超标量等微体系结构技术,内部结构复杂,设计规模很大,对其进行功能验证有很大难度。

    X processor uses full-custom design method , includes dynamic branch prediction and super scalar technology , and its scale is very large .

  12. 面向Agent技术和Petri网理论已日益成为复杂系统设计和分析中的两种必不可缺的工具。

    Agent oriented technique and Petri net theory have increasingly become two kinds of absolutely necessary tools in the design and analysis of complicated system .

  13. 在复杂的设计环境下基因演算法(GeneticAlgorithm;GA)却可以搜寻到近似的全域最佳值。

    Under complicated design environment , the state-of-art genetic algorithm ( GA ) can rapidly search for the approximate global optimum while the optimization problem involves discrete design variables .

  14. IP软核是IP核形式之一,它的灵活性高,在复杂IC设计中有很大优势。

    IP soft core is a kind of IP core , it had a big advantage in complicated Integrated Circuit design because of its flexibility .

  15. 我试驾过的那辆CLA具有非常复杂的设计,内饰的感觉也很相称。

    The CLA I drove had a surprisingly sophisticated design and a smartly fitted interior .

  16. 而RBC系统逻辑相对复杂,设计和开发一种实用的RBC功能测试方法显得甚是必要。

    Due to the complex logic of the RBC system , to design and develop a practical functional testing method becomes necessary .

  17. 本文介绍个人CAD系统进行复杂刀具设计和绘图的全过程,以及完成全过程软件的3个模块:信息输入模块;设计和计算模块;

    This paper describes the complete process of the design and drawing of complex cutting tools on the self-made personal CAD system and its three modules , the information input , design calculation and drawing .

  18. 论文在阐述可编程逻辑器件及其发展趋势的基础上,探讨了知识产权复用理念,MCU的复杂化设计以及数字信号传输与处理的速度要求。

    Base on expounding PLC and its developing trend , it investigates IP Reuse methodology , complex MCU design and the requirement of the transfers and dealing speed of digital signal .

  19. 本文以挡土墙的智能设计为例,探讨了在开发道路智能CAD系统时,如何用概念化的知识描述复杂的设计过程这一关键性问题,提出了抽象道路设计知识的两种方法。

    Abstract Taking retaining wall design for an example , this paper discusses how to represent the complex process of design in concept form when developing a Road Intelligent CAD System , and puts forward two methods to get the knowledge about road design .

  20. 随着深亚微米技术的不断演进,集成电路的结构和功能日益复杂,设计尺寸日益缩小,测试已成为一个越来越困难的问题,对IC设计的自动化和测试技术的要求十分强烈。

    With the development of the deep sub-micron technology , the complexity of IC structure and function has increased and the size of the transistor has decreased , which makes testing technology a more and more hard issue for IC designer .

  21. 一方面,随着集成电路(IC)设计技术和制造工艺的不断发展,市场需求不断增加,如何在规定的时间内完成复杂的设计已经成为越来越多的设计人员经常要面对的问题。

    With the development of the IC design technology and manufacturing process , along with the increasing demand of the market , the problem more and more design engineers face is how to complete the layout design in the given time .

  22. Bayes可靠性评定方法计算复杂,设计开发软件系统以解决Bayes可靠性评定中的复杂计算问题,支持Bayes方法在武器装备可靠性试验鉴定中的工程应用具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , to design and develop the software system for solving complicated Bayes reliability evaluation calculation problem , which is important to support the Bayes method to be used in weaponry reliability test evaluation project .

  23. 为满足企业的需求,CAPP系统应是一个集任务管理、工艺设计、工艺信息管理、审批管理、版本及发放管理、文档管理等功能于一体的复杂的设计和管理体系。

    CAPP system demanded by enterprises should be an integrated system of process planning and management , which includes task management , process planning , process information management , examining and approving management , version management and document management .

  24. 基于知识的工程(KBE)是一种新型的以知识为中心的智能设计方法,基于知识工程的复杂刀具设计与研究改变了传统的参数化CAD设计方法,弥补了传统CAD设计方法的不足。

    KBE is a new-style intelligent method which depends on knowledge , and the design and research of the complex cutter based on KBE has changed the traditional method of the parametric CAD design , and has fetched up the shortcomings of CAD .

  25. 随着MEMS技术的发展,有限元分析越来越不能适应复杂器件设计的要求,系统级的模拟和分析对器件的设计与优化起着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of MEMS technology , Finite Element Analysis ( FEA ) cannot meet the requirement of design for complex devices . The system-level simulation and analysis play a more and more important role in the design and optimization of devices .

  26. 对软件工程中的数据流图(DFD)加以改进,用扩展的数据流图来描述复杂的设计流程,并建立设计信息模型;

    Extended data flow diagram ( EDFD ), which is achieved by improving data flow diagram ( DFD ) used in the software engineering , is proposed to represent complex design flow and construct its information model .

  27. 分形设计:复杂产品设计的新途径

    Fractal Design : A New Approach to Design for Complex Products

  28. 复杂产品设计中基于业务构件的集成方法研究

    Research of business component based integration in complex product design environment

  29. 分形设计为复杂产品设计提供了新的途径。

    Fractal design offers a new approach to design for complex products .

  30. 一种IEEE802.11b基带处理器的低硬件复杂度设计

    The design of an IEEE 802.11b baseband processor with reduced hardware complexity