
  • 网络LOFT;duplex;Split-levels
  1. 各向异性和复式结构导致了x偏振和y偏振有不同的带隙结构、透射率和态密度等。

    The anisotropy and duplex result in different band gap structures , transmission probabilities and state densities for x polarization and y polarization .

  2. 建筑规划主要有:LOFT办公展示,单复式结构60-325平方米;

    Construction planning are : LOFT office display , single duplex structure of60-325 square meters ;

  3. 二维嵌套复式结构声子晶体的带隙研究

    Study on the Band Gaps of 2D Nesting Complex Structure Phononic Crystal

  4. 双组分防渗漏胶结粉柔刚复式结构防水

    Compound Flexible and Rigid Structure Waterproof : Double Component Anti-seep Cementing Powder

  5. 用博奇编码的方法制作缺陷结构和复式结构的二维光子晶体

    Fabricating Defect or Compound Structure 2D Photonic Crystal Using Burch Coding Method

  6. 论柳宗元永州八记的复式结构模式

    On the Compound Structure Models in Liu Zongyuan 's " Eight Records of Yongzhou "

  7. 国家贸易协会的一个人被派去检查城镇东部靠北的复式结构建筑安装的情况。

    A man from the National Institute of Trades was sent to inspect the condition of an installment of duplexes on the upper east side of town .

  8. 最令人瞩目的应属LoftSuite级别套房,位于船上最高处的17楼、18楼,是分上下两层楼的复式结构。

    The most eye-catching should be LoftSuite-level suites , located on the highest point on board the17 floor , 18 floor , is divided into upper and lower two floors of the duplex structure .

  9. 为了满足振荡器对高频率的要求,设计并实现了一种复式结构的环形压控振荡器,主体部分仅有8个反相器构成,电路简单且振荡效果良好。

    A duplex structure ring-shaped voltage-controlled oscillators , whose main body included only 8 inverters with simple but excellent oscillation circuit was designed in the paper so as to meet the design requirements for higher frequency .

  10. 采用多级复式结构,在现有技术的基础上增加一个二级蒸汽环形喷嘴,与一级混合室一起构成环形喷嘴,即一个O形喷嘴和一个环形喷嘴;

    Based on the existing technology , a second-level steam annular nozzle is added and forms an annular nozzle together with a first-level mixing chamber , that is , a O-shaped nozzle and an annular nozzle ;

  11. 复式BN结构固/气型声子晶体的带隙研究

    Study on the Band Gaps of Complex BN Lattice Phononic Crystals with Solid / Air System

  12. 新型纯二维嵌套复式周期结构光子晶体的光学禁带特性及制备研究

    Investigation on Preparation of Photonic Bandgap of Nesting Complex-period Photonic Crystals

  13. 宽平台复式海堤结构在围涂工程中的应用

    Application of composite seawall with a broad-berm in shore protection engineering

  14. 江河复式断面结构堤防采用爬山虎植物护坡技术

    Slope Protection of Plant Ivy in Dyke Project with Multiple Sections in Rivers

  15. 复式框架结构的内力计算&协同工作计算方法的典型教学案例

    The Inner Force Calculation of Compound Frame & An Example of Coordination Analytical Method Teaching

  16. 同时首次利用软刻蚀图案掩膜保护电化学阳极氧化方法制备出了这种全新嵌套复式周期结构。

    And this new nesting complex-period structure was prepared by electrochemistry with polymer isolate mask first time .

  17. 根据纯二维嵌套复式周期结构较简单周期具有更强偏振模式调制能力的特点以及嵌套复式周期结构的超窄带特性,提出了将这种新型嵌套复式周期结构应用于偏振伪装和激光防护领域的设想。

    According the stimulated optic properties that 2D nesting complex-period had more modulation on polarization mold and nesting complex-period structure could produce super narrow photonic band , the latent applications in camouflage for recognition with polarization information and laser protection for detection systems were introduced .

  18. 有限二维复式晶格电子结构的尺度效应

    Size effect of the electron structure of the two-dimensional finite compound lattice

  19. 框架语义结构可以分为基式框架语义结构、扩展式框架语义结构和复式框架语义结构三种类型。

    The frame-semantic constructions can be classified into three types : the basic construction , the lengthened construction and the compound construction .

  20. 然后做了试验验证,通过对比不同复式型孔结构的排种过程,得到轴向柱面复式型孔在实际排种过程中,具有减少种子摩擦的特点。

    Then do a test , through the comparison of different seeding process of double hole structure , to get the axial cylindrical double hole in the actual discharge process , can reduce seed friction advantage .

  21. 复式晶格的几何结构因子的计算及消光规律

    The Calculation of Geometry Structure Factor of Compound Crystal Lattice and the Law of Extinction

  22. 介绍了复式型孔的结构、基本原理和控制排种量的方式。

    The paper introduced the structure , basic principles and control patten of seed rate of the double hole .

  23. 介绍了所设计的驱动式中耕除草复式作业机的结构、工作原理、性能参数及主要工作部件的设计。

    In the paper , the stucture , principle , performance and the main work part design of XQ-7 compound and driving machine for intertill and weeding were studied .