
  • 网络spirit of sacrifice;SACRIFICE;spirit of self-sacrifice
  1. 鲁迅研究中,研究者多注意到并积极宣扬了鲁迅先生的牺牲精神,但却有意无意地忽略或回避其强烈的复仇精神。

    Many studies have noticed Luxuns spirit of sacrifice , but speak nothing or ignore of his strong spirit of vengeance .

  2. 造成如此尴尬的原因是强烈的负罪意识,忘我的牺牲精神,无法排解的矛盾。

    Such an embarrassment stems from his intense awareness of blamefulness , the selfless spirit of sacrifice and the irreconcilable contradictions .

  3. 她对于家庭具有着强烈的奉献精神和牺牲精神。

    She has the spirits of devotions and sacrifices to her family .

  4. 这些人都登上了荣誉之颠,好像生来就具有牺牲精神和英雄气概。

    All climbing to heights of glory as if born to sacrifice and heroism .

  5. 他们的牺牲精神,激励了更多的三湘儿女继续进行英勇斗争。

    They sacrifice vigour encourage more Hunan 's children carry out heroic struggle continuously .

  6. 徐庆华教授以一生的经历实践了复旦的“牺牲精神”。

    The life of Professor Xu was a practice of the dedication spirit of Fudan .

  7. 这需要严格的纪律和伟大的牺牲精神。

    This requires great discipline and self-sacrifice .

  8. 教师的德性人格是教师奉献精神和牺牲精神的体现。

    The moral personality of teachers is the representation of teachers ' devotion and sacrifice spirits .

  9. 即使是生活在更加安全的近代的政治家也被崇高的承诺和牺牲精神所驱动。

    Even politicians in more recent , safer ages were driven by grand commitments and sacrifice .

  10. 理想主义,并有牺牲精神。

    You are idealistic and self-sacrificing .

  11. 没有他们的智慧,创造力和牺牲精神,要取得那样的成就是不可能的。

    Without their intelligence , their creativity and their sacrifices , we will never achieve so far .

  12. 基于此认识基础,涂尔干以社会为基础提出其三大核心要素&纪律精神、牺牲精神以及自主精神。

    Based on this knowledge , Durkheim presents its three core elements-the spirit of discipline , self-sacrifice and the spirit .

  13. 韩信为追求实现自己的人生价值以及为之不惜忍辱负重的牺牲精神,都直接与司马迁的感情产生了强烈共鸣与契合。

    His commitment and sacrifice to fulfill the life values produce strong resonance and direct accordance with Sima Qian 's feeling .

  14. 而且她的良心,她的牺牲精神,她的快乐,一切都在壮她的胆。

    She was strong , too , in the clearness of her conscience , in her devotion and in her happiness .

  15. 其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。

    His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity .

  16. 狼人世界是严苛的,即使这样的严苛孕育了伟大的牺牲精神和英雄主义。

    The world of the werewolves is harsh , yet this harshness provides contrast to great acts of sacrifice and heroism .

  17. 剖析了原创精神的内涵:自立精神、牺牲精神、作品独具的思想性。

    The paper analyses the intension of initiating spirit : self reliancing spirit , sacrificing spirit and the unique idea of works .

  18. 但是,试图在冒险中重获活力、牺牲精神和快乐并非徒劳地重拾过去。

    But to try to regain energy , sacrifice and a delight in risk is not a futile shuffle backwards in time .

  19. 他们害怕一个崇尚什叶派牺牲精神的神权政体是不会受到核武器的制约的。

    They fear a theocratic regime that embraces the Shia tradition of martyrdom may not be deterred by a nuclear balance of terror .

  20. 他强调要有牺牲精神,承诺恢复美国的国际声望,负责任地结束伊拉克战争,较少地关注政府的规模,而主要关心政府的运作。

    S.global standing , responsibly end the war in Iraq and focus less on the size of government and more on whether it works .

  21. 由于我们的男女军人的超乎寻常的牺牲精神,伊拉克人民有机会创造他们自己的未来。

    Thanks to the extraordinary sacrifices of our men and women in uniform , the Iraqi people have the chance to forge their own future .

  22. 鲁迅用自己的苦难经历在世人面前树立了一个受难者形象,诠释着受难意识的牺牲精神、拯救意识和牺牲而不忍从、直面而保持自我的新的伦理观念。

    Lu Xun builds up an image of suffering in the world , illuminates suffering soul from immolation , salvation and keeping what he is .

  23. 重要的是每个行动之中都有正直和勇气的气概,伟大的同情心和牺牲精神,并且鼓励他人遵从榜样。

    What will matter is every act of integrity , compassion , courage and sacrifice that enriched , empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example .

  24. 在神学的发展变化中,虽然费利克斯和他的父亲相比是更新的一支的产物,但是却缺少了父亲的牺牲精神,多了自私自利的特点。

    Felix , though an offshoot from a far more recent point in the devolution of theology than his father , was less self-sacrificing and disinterested .

  25. 中国语文现代化是语言学及应用语言学的重要分支学科,需要科学头脑、超前意识、牺牲精神。

    Chinese modernization is an important branch of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics , and it requires scientific thinking method , consciousness of foresight and sacrificial spirit .

  26. 无处不在的十字架并非是一种宗教意义上的信仰,而是表明人类现时的存在困境,同时也表征着自救意识、抗争精神、牺牲精神、爱的精神,还意味着一种否定。

    The Cross everywhere means people 's plight , meanwhile , it means the spirit of fight and sacrifice and love , furthermore , it means No.

  27. 大学必须坚定科学理性这一伟大的精神气质,弘扬探索精神、实证精神、原理精神、独立精神、创新精神和牺牲精神;

    A university must strengthen the great quality of scientific reason ; carry forward the spirits of explorations , principles , independence , creativity and scarification .

  28. 这些灵魂的团体通常是由于已经同意以那种方式而服务你们,所以如果你们能够感恩它们的牺牲精神就好了。

    The group souls that are often involved have agreed to serve you in that way , and it would be nice if you appreciated their sacrifice .

  29. 这就要求他们除了要具备地方高校教师的基本素质之外,还要有军校教员必须具有的高度组织纪律性和奉献牺牲精神。

    This requires , besides the basic diathesis of the local university teachers , they must also be highly disciplined and has a sacrifice spirit as a military instructor .

  30. 《铸剑》的主要人物不是眉间尺,主题亦非赞扬古代人的抗暴牺牲精神。

    The main characters in " Sword Casting " are not the rulers of eyebrow . The theme is not to praise the spirit against violent repression of ancient people .