
  • 网络t. hsia;Hsia Chih-tsing;C.T.Hsia;Chih-Tsing Hsia
  1. 夏氏范式与新文学史编著&兼评夏志清《中国现代小说史》

    The Xia s Schema and New Literary History Composition : Concurrently on Xia Zhiqing s History of Modern Chinese Fiction ;

  2. 第二章归纳夏志清重构式的史论思维,分析他的代表作如何入思及理论来源,总结其研究方法的可取与不足之处。

    The second chapter concluded the reconstructive thinking on history and theory of C.T.Hsia , analyzed his representative works how to conceive and their theory source , including his feature and deficiency .

  3. 第四章梳理夏志清关于小说讽刺的论述,概括其审美原则,指出他如何融会中西的讽刺、喜剧和悲剧意识。

    The fourth chapter summarized his judgment about satire , gathered up his aesthetic principle and pointed out how he combined the Chinese sense of comedy and tragedy with that of the Western .

  4. 第三章从接受主体、小说观念、道德伦理和翻译传播等方面,考察夏志清如何进行跨文化的比较研究。

    Through the part of the received main body , the conception of novel , the morality and the translation , chapter ⅲ observed C.T.Hsia how to make a comparative study from a viewpoint of cross-culture .

  5. 第一章以夏志清的《中国现代小说史》为开端,讲述冷战时期的美国丁玲研究如何确立其政治与文学二元对立的视野。

    The first chapter begins with " The History of Modern Novel " and reviews how the research on Ding Ling in America during the Cold War period establishes binary opposition vision of politics and literature .