
  1. 他说,方便、快捷的网络动漫、手机动漫已经成为了他接触动漫的主要途径。

    He said , convenient , fast online animation , mobile animation animation has become the main way to his contacts .

  2. 相反,从动漫广告接受群体、动漫受众对于企业营销的价值来看,网络动漫广告是有着巨大发展空间的广告形式。

    On the contrary , in light of its extensive audiences and its value to the enterprise marketing , it has great potential for further growth .

  3. 网络动漫、手机动漫、动漫演出等新业态发展迅速,形成了日趋完善的动漫产业链条。

    Online animation , mobile animation , animation shows the rapid development of new formats , the formation of a maturing of the animation industry chain .

  4. 从产业发展的角度,分析了当前我国新媒体动漫发展的政策,技术,市场和文化环境,以及网络动漫和手机动漫的发展现状和存在的问题。

    From the perspective of industry development , this paper analyses the current situation of policy , technology , market and cultural environment for the development Chinese New meida ACG , as well as the status and the existing problems .

  5. 在渠道策略方面,除了传统的出版和播放渠道外,新媒体渠道的出现使得手机动漫和网络动漫越来越普及,并且占据了越来越多的市场份额。

    In place strategies , in addition to traditional publishing and broadcasting channels , mobile phone comics and animation and network comics and animation are becoming increasingly popular and occupy more and more market share with the continuously developing new media channels .

  6. 网络游戏和动漫,这些通过数码技术创造出来的新艺术形式中有许多可以渗透包含英雄主义价值观的空间。

    Net games and animated cartoon , these new art forms created by means of digital technology , are of ample space for infiltration of values , including the values of heroism .

  7. 随着移动网络的发展、动漫产业的兴起,结合无线通信技术与矢量图形技术的手机动漫正逐渐成为无线增值产品中的一个重要组成部分。

    With the development of mobile networks and the rise of animation industry , Mobile animation combined with wireless communication technology and vector graphics technology are becoming an important component of wireless value-added products .

  8. 间接效益来自于依托文化事业的相关产业,如文化旅游业、网络文化业、动漫产业、音像产业、影视产业、其他版权产业、艺术品市场等。

    The indirect benefits are from culture-related sectors , such as cultural tourism , network culture industry , animation industry , audiovisual industry , film and television industry , other copyright-based industries and art market .

  9. 各互联网文化经营单位停止一切网络音乐、网络游戏、网络动漫、网络影视等娱乐活动。

    Various Internet culture Management unit stops all recreational activities and so on network music , network game , network animation , network film and television .

  10. 随着网络、数字技术的发展,网络文化、动漫游戏、数字音乐、数字电影等新兴文化产业迅速崛起,拓宽了文化产业的领域。

    With the Internet , digital technology , Internet culture , animation games , digital music , digital movies and other emerging cultural industry is booming , broadening the field of cultural industries .

  11. 网络兼容并蓄,网络文化产业更是丰富多彩,包括网上新闻资讯、网络文学、网络音乐和电影、网络游戏和网上动漫等内容。

    Network incorporates things of diverse nature and network culture industry is even richer and more colorful , including news resources and information in the internet , network literature , network music and film , network game and cartoon , etc.

  12. 网络文化是一种新型的媒介文化,定位于精神心理层面的网络文化,突出表现在网络语言、网络文学、网上动漫和网上娱乐等方面。

    Network culture is a new-type media culture . Positioned at the psychological level , network culture has most obviously been manifesting itself in such aspects as network language , network literature , network cartoon and network entertainment .