
  1. 世界互联网大会发布的蓝皮书指出,根据最新发布的世界互联网发展指数,中国在全球的排名仅次于美国,且发展形势处于稳步上升状态,排名前五的其他三个国家分别是德国、英国和新加坡。

    China has been ranked second in the latest Global Internet Development Index , after the United States , and has steadily , with Germany , the United Kingdom and Singapore in the top five , according to the Blue Book for the World Internet Conference .

  2. 腾讯公司董事长兼CEO马化腾在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,中国互联网行业的发展具有明显的中国特色。

    Pony Ma , chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Ltd , said to media during the third WIC that Chinese internet industry 's development has distinct Chinese characteristics .

  3. 近日,中国官方媒体新华社在中国东部浙江省乌镇举行的第五届世界互联网大会上,首次启用了人工智能(AI)新闻主播。

    China 's state-run news agency Xinhua debuted its first artificial intelligence ( AI ) news anchors at the ongoing fifth World Internet Conference that kicked off in Wuzhen , east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  4. 雷军在第三届世界互联网大会上表示,智能手机要与大量的人工智能技术相结合。

    Speaking at the third World Internet Conference , Lei said smartphones would need to integrate a large number of AI technologies .

  5. 世界互联网大会为乌镇带来了机遇和活力,而这个城镇本身就完美体现了自然、传统、发展与现代。

    The World Internet Conference brings opportunities and vigor to Wuzhen , a city which perfectly reflects nature , tradition , development and modernity .

  6. 这款无人驾驶汽车计划在12月16日-18日在中国东部浙江乌镇的世界互联网大会上首次亮相。

    The driverless car is scheduled to make its debut at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen Township in east China 's Zhejiang Province from Dec.16 to 18 .

  7. 作为中国东部浙江省的一个著名景点,不管是举办世界互联网大会还是国际戏剧节,乌镇总能占据新闻头条。

    As a well-known tourist site in East China 's Zhejiang province , Wuzhen is often in the headlines - either for the World Internet Conference or for its theater festival .

  8. 第二届世界互联网大会上还新设了互联网之光博览会以及80多场新闻发布会,展示来自世界各地的约260家企业的前沿科技和最新成果。

    An expo and more than 80 press conferences will be held during the second WIC , showcasing cutting-edge technology and the latest achievements from about 260 enterprises from all over the world .

  9. 世界互联网大会的永久场馆——乌镇互联网国际会展中心由中国首位普利兹克建筑奖得主、中国美院教授王澍领衔设计。

    The Wuzhen International Internet Convention Center , a permanent home for the World Internet Conference , was designed by Wang Shu , a professor at the China Academy of Art , winning a Pritzker Architecture Award .

  10. 李书福在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上表示:“在互联网汽车制造这件事情上,互联网公司和汽车公司没有本质上的区别,汽车公司内部都有互联网部门。”

    Speaking at the sideline of third World Internet Conference , Li said : " There is no essential distinction between internet companies and automakers in internet automobile manufacturing , and internet technologies are being already used by car companies . "

  11. 搜狐网董事长兼首席执行官张朝阳在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上表示,近年来互联网行业发生了巨大变化,其中最大的改变是移动互联的诞生。

    Zhang Chaoyang , chairman and CEO of , said at the sideline of the Third WIC that great changes have happened to the internet industry in recent years , of which the biggest is the emergence of the mobile internet .

  12. 台湾鸿海集团董事长郭台铭在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上对媒体表示,掌握网络技术的制造业巨头比没有制造业经验的互联网公司更具优势。

    Guo Taiming , also known as Terry Gou , president of Taiwan 's Hon Hai Group , said to media at the sideline of the Third WIC that manufacturing giants with internet technologies have more advantages than internet companies without manufacturing experience .

  13. 会展中心占地8.1万平方米,由三个功能区组成(会议中心、接待中心以及展览中心),将满足世界互联网大会的所有需求,包括举办会议、论坛和展览。

    Covering 81000 square meters and consisting of three functional areas ( a conference center , a reception center , and an exhibition center ) , the venue will meet the needs of the event , including hosting meetings , forums , and exhibitions .

  14. 阿里巴巴董事局主席马云16日在第三届世界互联网大会开幕式上发表演讲,称未来,数据是生产资料,计算是生产力。

    Jack Ma , chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd , said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the third World Internet Conference ( WIC ) Wednesday that in the future , data will be the means of production and computing is productivity .

  15. 奇虎360科技公司董事长兼首席运营官周鸿祎16日在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,随着物联网和万物互联越来越流行,网络已经成为整个社会运行机制的基石。

    Zhou Hongyi , chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360 Technology Co , said to media during the third WIC Wednesday that with the popularity of internet of things ( IoT ) and internet of everything , internet has become the basis of the whole social operation .

  16. 阿里巴巴大文娱战略与投资委员会主席古永锵在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上对媒体表示,未来的十年是文娱产业的黄金时代,内容制作以及用户方面都会产生翻天覆地的革命性变化。

    Victor Koo , chairman of Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Strategy and Investment Committee , said to media at the sideline of the third WIC that the next decade is the golden age of entertainment industry , in which content and users will see revolutionary changes .

  17. 11月23日,浙江乌镇举行的世界互联网大会上发布的一份报告显示,中国的互联网发展水平在全世界排名第二,仅次于美国,而且正在稳步提升。

    China has been ranked second in the world in terms of internet development , after the US , and has steadily maintained its upward trajectory , a new report said on Monday . The report was released during this year 's World Internet Conference in Wuzhen , East China 's Zhejiang province .

  18. 随着世界首届互联网大会在这里举办,来自全世界的人们将可以一睹这里的美丽。世界互联网大会主要关注的是网络空间里的热点议题,比如网络安全,网络反恐,移动网络以及跨境电子商务。

    And today people from all over the world will be able to enjoy its beauty as the world 's first internet conference is held there , focusing on topical issues in cyberspace , including cyber security , online anti-terrorism crackdown , mobile network and cross-border e-commerce .