
  • 网络Foreign brands;Outside Brand
  1. VIU是要为中国企业创新出更有视觉效果的品牌形象,对跨国公司、外来品牌进行反击。

    The VIU want to is creative for Chinese business enterprise out even have the brand image of the visual effect , proceed the backstroke to the multinational company , foreign brand .

  2. 外来品牌增长势头锐不可挡

    The unstoppable rise of exotic brands

  3. 在这个品牌至上的年代,外来品牌大举进驻中国市场北京。

    In this age that brand almost is dominant , larges of external brands enter China market .

  4. 难道一定是外来品牌才是国际品牌吗?什么样的品牌才算是国际品牌?

    Be ab extra brand certainly be just international brand ? What kind of brand is just international brand ?

  5. 本地市场采取低价策略,以构筑市场的价格壁垒,抵御外来品牌的进入;

    The group may form price barrier by taking low-price policy in order to resist the intrusion of other brands in the local market .

  6. 本研究中,笔者收集了大量外来品牌的汉译数据,全面分析其基本结构,并进一步阐述社会文化因素对商品品牌汉译的影响。

    In the present paper , the researcher collected quite a lot of data on foreign brands to analyze the basic structure of their Chinese translations , attempting to figure out the possible social factors that influence the translation of foreign brands .

  7. 合肥家电产业基础雄厚,近年来在引进外来品牌投资和重组本地企业的基础上,发展步伐逐步加快,被授予中国家电产业基地称号。

    Hefei appliance industry base , the introduction of foreign brands in recent years , investment and restructuring of local enterprises , based on the pace of development is picking up speed , was awarded the " Chinese home appliance industry base ," the title .

  8. 所以,对外来化妆品品牌的汉译进行一次客观科学的研究变得非常必要。

    So it is very necessary to make an objective and scientific study on Chinese translation of foreign cosmetic brand names .

  9. 外来商品品牌的汉译是其进入中国市场首要的也是关键的一步。

    The Chinese translation of foreign brands is a key step for the products to enter the vast markets in China .

  10. 日趋激烈的市场形势加上外来保健品牌的竞争挤压,本土保健品企业面临内忧外患的严峻考验。

    Because of the fierce market situation and the outside health product brand 's competition , the native health product enterprises face " interior anxiety and foreign aggression " test .

  11. 第三、四章就本土品牌和外来连锁品牌在福州区域的品牌传播策略整体把脉,就品牌意识、品牌定位、品牌传播、品牌延伸方面作了细致的分析并指出了问题。

    The third , the fourth through examining the brand communication strategies of the local brand and outside chain brand in Fuzhou , this paper presents a detailed analysis and points out the existing problems .