
  • 网络licensed brand;franchise;licensed brand name;License Brand
  1. 近年来,国内餐饮特许经营取得了巨大的发展,众多的餐饮特许品牌如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现出来。

    In recent years , the franchise restaurant systems have made tremendous development , a large number of franchise food brands have emerged one after another .

  2. 这些研究成果为特许总部依据合同阶段把握自己与加盟商的关系质量,适时调整关系治理机制,提升加盟商经营绩效以至特许品牌长远发展无疑有着重要的现实意义。

    These research findings are really meaningful for the franchise headquarter to hold the relationship quality with franchisees , adjust relationship governance mechanism accordingly and improve franchisees ' operating performance so as to make long-term development for the franchise brand according to the contract phase .

  3. 印第安纳琼斯系列影片和《星球大战》一样成为了蓝筹特许经营品牌。

    The Indiana Jones series became a blue-chip franchise like Star Wars .

  4. 本文还提出了特许经营品牌战略的实施方案,包括实施原则和实施策略。

    This paper also proposed a franchising brand strategy implementation plan , including the principles of implementation and strategies .

  5. 随着老字号餐饮企业的创新与发展,以及海外特许经营品牌的大规模进入,餐饮业逐渐发展成为国内最成熟、最成功的特许经营行业之一。

    With the innovation and development of the old and famous catering business and with the large-scale entry of overseas franchising brands , catering industry has gradually come to one of the most mature and the most successful domestic franchising industries .

  6. 在西方发达国家,其以极高的发展速度渗透到餐饮、超市、服装、汽车、美容以及IT等各行各业,并建立起了众多知名的商业特许经营品牌。

    In western industrial countries , franchising has penetrated into a variety of industries , namely restaurants , supermarkets , fashion , auto , cosmetics and IT , and so forth , at an extraordinarily high speed ; abundant name-brands , have been established due to franchises .

  7. 第二章介绍资源的概念和服饰企业的资源范畴,并结合特许经营制品牌服饰企业的特点,解释这类企业经营所需的关键资源。

    Chapter II presents resource conception and finery corporation resource category , and combining with the characteristics of franchise finery brand corporations , interprets key resources of these corporations .

  8. 选择国外和我国两家著名的特许经营成功品牌作为对比分析的案例,比较二者特许经营模式的环境差异,以及对影响特许经营模式扩张的几个重要因素的分析。

    Select foreign countries and our two well-known franchise successful brand as a comparative analysis of the case ; compare the two franchise business expansion environmental differences , and the impact of franchise business model and expansion of several important factors to be analyzed . 3 .

  9. 最后,在案例分析和研究的基础上,指出了特许企业在实施品牌战略时应注意的问题。

    Finally , on the basis of case analysis , this paper has pointed out the issue that the franchising enterprises should pay attention to in the implementation of brand strategy .

  10. 本文之研究结论对于国内相关房地产品牌经营具有一定的可借鉴意义,关于房地产品牌特许连锁经营与品牌传播也具有一定的可推广性。

    In the paper , the research findings can draw on certain significance for the domestic related real estate brand operation and also has certain degree of reliability for about the real estate franchise brand operation and brand communication .

  11. 此外,本文在回顾和总结国内外相关研究的基础上,根据品牌建设的发展阶段:品牌整体规划、品牌导入和品牌经营,结合特许经营的特点,构建了特许经营的品牌战略模式。

    In addition , this paper reviewed and summed up relevant research both at home and abroad , according to stage of brand-building : brand planning , brand introduction and brand management , with the characteristics of franchising , builds a brand strategy mode of franchising .

  12. 进入20世纪,特许经营以其双赢模式席卷全球,在加入WTO之后,海外特许经营品牌全面进驻中国市场,国内也如雨后春笋般出现了不少特许经营企业。

    Beginning of the 20th century , the franchise sweeps the world in mutual benefit . After joining the WTO , overseas franchise-found entry into the Chinese market , China has mushroomed in a number of franchise businesses .