
  • 网络Special permission;Special Leave
  1. 他有在这条河里捕鱼的特殊许可证。

    He has a special permit to fish in this river .

  2. 他有访问这个国家的特殊许可。

    He had a special permit to visit the country .

  3. 免费的图片搜索引擎,其资源多来自于免费的照片和一些有特殊许可的照片。

    A search engine for free photos come from many sources and are license-specific .

  4. 看起来,这些移民是凭特殊许可证通行的。

    They were evidently country people , moving , who had been allowed through by special permit .

  5. 该校得管理人员必须申请莱斯特市议会的特殊许可才能聘用他,因为他实在是太年轻了!

    Admin staff had to apply to Leicester city council for special permission to employ him because he was so young .

  6. 除了印控“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”,中国声称,曼尼普尔邦是唯一的外国人需要特殊许可才能访问的地方。

    Apart from Arunachal Pradesh , mostly claimed by China , Manipur is the only state where foreigners need a special permit to visit .

  7. 根据美国实施的制裁,在没有获得特殊许可证的情况下,美国公民不允许到古巴消费,使得前往古巴的旅程非常困难。

    Under US sanctions , American nationals are not allowed to spend money in Cuba without securing special permission , making travel there very difficult .

  8. 即使教区主教得到特殊许可可以向信徒读经,每本都是拉丁文,实际上农民听不懂。

    Even if a local parish priest was given permission to read the Bible to his flock , every copy was written in Latin , so virtually no peasants would understand what he or she was hearing .

  9. 埃及今年早些时候在埃及总统穆巴拉克被赶下台后开始放宽边境管制,不定时开放边境给那些因为医疗或其他需要而获得特殊许可的民众。

    Egypt began easing restrictions on this border crossing earlier this year following the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , opening this crossing sporadically for those with special permits that were granted on the basis of medical and other needs .

  10. 此条法令规定,少量的材料和物品可以存放在一定的地点,而无需特殊贮藏许可!

    This Ordinance stipulates that small quantities of materials and objects may be stored at certain locations without special storage approval !

  11. 其作为专利法中一种特殊的许可形式,具有共享性,能够促成企业间在技术创新和收获利润上的双赢甚至多赢局面。

    As a special license form in Patent Law , cross license can encourage win-win situation in technological innovation and interest between companies .

  12. 将为残疾人发放特殊的停车许可证。

    Special parking permits will be given to people with disabilities .

  13. 比如,在欧洲,人们可以从一个国家旅行到另一个国家,而不需要政府的任何特殊签证或许可。

    This is very common , for example , in Europe , where people can travel often from one country to another without any sort of special visa or permission from the government .

  14. (四)品检测报告,或特殊行业产品生产许可证、制性产品认证证书。

    Product inspection report , or production license for special industry , compulsory product certificate .