
wài bù xínɡ zhènɡ xínɡ wéi
  • external administrative act
  1. 银行(对外国银行开出的)汇票,银行票据内部行政行为与外部行政行为之模糊领域分析

    Banker 's draft ( bill ) On the Fuzzy Scopes between the Internal Administrative Acts and the External Administrative Acts

  2. 依法行政中的“行政”,主要是指外部行政行为;

    The administration mainly refers to the actions exercised exteriorly and the application of the administration must be based on law .

  3. 在外部行政行为中,公务员既不是行政主体,也不是行政相对人,而是作为国家行政机关代理人。但是公务员在内部行政法律关系中具有主体地位。

    In external terms of it , the public servant is neither administrative body nor counterpart , but the agent of national administration .

  4. 这种惩戒行为,就其法律属性而言,是一种行政行为,是一种外部行政行为和行政处罚行为。

    In regard to the law attribution , this kind of punishment behavior is a kind of administrative behavior , exterior administrative behavior and administrative punishment behavior .

  5. 高等公立学校对违反教育管理规定的学生实施的惩戒行为,就其法律属性而言,是一种行政行为,是一种外部行政行为、具体行政行为和行政处罚行为。

    With regard to the law attribution of state-run public universities the act of giving punishment to the student who has broken the educational management provision is a kind of administrative behavior , exterior administrative behavior , concrete administrative behavior and administrative punishment behavior .

  6. 行政程序违法的司法审查,仅限于法定的外部强制性行政行为并应遵循合法性审查、合理性审查、无司法变更权原则以及一定的步骤。

    The judicial review of the illegality of the administrative procedure is only limited in the outside legal compulsory administrative acts ; besides , it should abide by the principles of the review of legitimacy and reasonableness and no-judicial-power-to-modify-administrative-acts doctrine , including some specified steps .