
  • 网络administrative factual action
  1. 行政事实行为侵权之法律救济探讨

    Discussible Study on Legal Aid to the Infringement of Administrative Factual Action

  2. 行政事实行为是行政主体所作出的一种不以对行政相对人产生法律效力为目的的行政行为。

    The administrative factual action means that the administrative subject performs official powers not for binding force to people .

  3. 其次,在确立将意思表示和直接拘束力作为分类标准的基础之上,作者对行政事实行为进行了分类,并将行政事实行为分成了三类;

    Secondly the author divides the administration fact behavior into three types ;

  4. 正文第二章转入对行政事实行为实践制度构建的探讨。

    The second chapter studies the establishment of practical institutions of AFA .

  5. 行政事实行为研究

    The Study of the F act ual Act in Administration

  6. 试论行政事实行为与行政赔偿诉讼

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Administrative Factual Act and Administrative Compensatory Suit

  7. 本文分析和讨论行政事实行为及其救济的问题。

    This paper analyzes and discusses the administrative factual act and its remedies .

  8. 行政事实行为问题主要为大陆学者所关注。

    Scholars in continental countries mainly concern this issue .

  9. 论行政事实行为救济制度的构建

    On Establishment of Remedy System of Administrative Factual Act

  10. 因此,本文就行政事实行为的概念、特征、分类、法治化、救济制度等问题进行探讨。

    So this article discusses the administrative real act and other related issues .

  11. 论行政事实行为及其救济

    On the Administrative Factual Act and Its Remedies

  12. 另外,还对确认行政事实行为判决之类的提法作了深入的分析。

    Furthermore , the parlance of affirmation of administrative factual behavior is analyzed in this chapter .

  13. 行政事实行为若干问题研究

    Research on the Administrative Real Act

  14. 第二节比较研究了大陆法系主要国家和地区行政事实行为的救济制度。

    Section Two does a comparative study on the remedy mechanism of major civil law states .

  15. 论行政事实行为的规范化

    On Standardization of Actual Administrative Behavior

  16. 行政事实行为的出现源于行政职能的变化。

    The coming of administrative factual act ( AFA ) originated from the variation of administrative function .

  17. 行政事实行为之界定

    Defining the Administrative Real Act

  18. 行政事实行为是行政法学的重要范畴,在行政法学中占据重要地位。

    The administrative real act is an important category of administrative law . It occupies a significant position .

  19. 第二章第一节对研究行政事实行为的理论与实践价值进行了简要论述。

    Section One of Chapter Two focuses on the theoretical and practical value of the administrative factual act .

  20. 第一部分在介绍不同国家和地区对行政事实行为的研究概况基础上,根据对民事事实行为的理解,确定了行政事实行为的内涵。

    Chapter I overviews and evaluates different opinions of the administrative real act in different countries and district .

  21. 最后,笔者提出了对行政事实行为的规范化设计,以期解决保障行政主体依法行政、保护行政相对人合法权益的问题。

    Finally , the writer designs the system that can regularize the administrative real act and protect civil rights .

  22. 第三节则结合前述回顾过的理论对传统行政事实行为理论进行了反思和检讨,并对其在诉讼救济实务中引发的困扰进行了分析。

    Section Three comments and criticizes the aforementioned theories and analyzes issues that those traditional theories create in litigation practices .

  23. 学界对行政事实行为的概念、类型、分类以及是否具有可诉性缺乏统一一致的认识。

    It is not universally concerted on the concept , types , classification and the legislative nature of administrative factual action .

  24. 行政事实行为在我国一直没有在法律上得到正名,只是停留在学理的研究上。

    The article holds that administrative real action must be standardized so that we may have a theory on it to follow .

  25. 同时也对不区分行政事实行为和行政法律行为的美国的救济制度予以介绍,以期对我国的相关问题的解决提供借鉴。

    Meanwhile , the relief system in America , where administrative fact behavior and administrative legal action are not separated is also introduced .

  26. 但是,我国学者对于行政事实行为一直缺乏系统而深入的研究。

    But Chinese scholars have not made a systematical and profound study of the administrative real act as yet or a long time .

  27. 行政事实行为是从民法概念移植到行政法中的,因而在实际运用是产生了许多歧义。

    Many misunderstandings related to the employment of the law occur because the concept of administrative fact behavior is transplanted into administrative law from civil law .

  28. 行政事实行为不以设定、变更和消灭行政法律关系为目的的职权行为,但却可能对相对人产生客观影响。

    Administrative fact action does not aim to set 、 change 、 eliminate administrative lagal relation , but may produce an objective impact on administrative counterparts .

  29. 然后通过与民法上事实行为理论的相比较,对行政事实行为进行分类,进而总结出行政事实行为的几个主要特征。

    Through the comparison with acts in fact in civil law , this paper classifies administrative acts in fact , and summarizes its characteristics and composing items .

  30. 文章最后,在前文分析的基础上,从程序法和实体法等方面,对行政事实行为的法律控制和救济制度的构建作了初步设想。

    In the end , an elementary suggestion is put forward to set up legal control system and remedy system of AFA in substantive and procedural law .