
  • 网络Diversified Fund
  1. 他表示,投资者更应该通过一个覆盖广泛的多元化基金,来考虑自己对新兴市场的投资,然后按照自己的喜好补充单一国家基金,而不是把注意力全放在一个金砖四国基金上。

    He says investors should rather consider exposure to emerging markets through a broad diversified fund and then add single country funds if they like rather than focus solely on a BRIC fund .

  2. 文章还提出完善户籍制度、法律制度,建立多元化基金筹集机制,构建养老保险管理平台等配套措施的建议。

    At last , a complete set of the household registration system , legal system , to establish a diversified fund-raising mechanism , building endowment insurance management platform supporting measures .

  3. 基金分析公司理柏(Lipper)的数据显示,截至10月份美国多元化股票基金平均下跌2%,而同期标准普尔500指数上涨了1.3%。

    The average diversified U.S. stock fund fell 2 % through October , according to Lipper , compared with a 1.3 % rise in the S & P 500 .

  4. 投资者会发现,专业管理且投资多元化的基金不可避免地会收取较高费用。

    Investors will find that professionally managed , diversified funds inevitably come with higher fees .

  5. 我国新投资基金已经有三年的发展历程,从一开始的积极投资发展到指数投资,投资目标趋于多元化,基金的持股时间相对拉长。

    From the beginning of the active investment to the index investment , our new investment funds have been developing for three years . The funds have tended to the various investment areas and the longer holding-time of stocks .

  6. 寻求投资组合多元化的养老基金也对这一资产类别表现出兴趣。

    Pension funds are also showing interest in the asset class , seeking to diversify portfolios .

  7. 她表示,这包括促进多元化的融资、基金管理、风险管理和绿色发展。

    She said this includes promoting diversified financing , fund management , risk management and green development .

  8. 因为存在一些可疑账目,使得用多元化投资组合的基金有很多不能得到合适的资金保障。

    Thanks to some dubious accounting , a large number of such schemes have not been funded properly .

  9. 该投资组合每年都追随前一年业绩最佳,且无需销售佣金就能购买的多元化美国股票共同基金。

    Each year it followed the previous year 's best-performing diversified U.S. stock mutual fund that could be purchased without a sales commission .

  10. 多元化的增长型基金投资选择面很广,除了股票,其他的还包括投资级债券、私募股权、房产、甚至是新兴市场主权债务。

    Your typical diversified growth fund has an array of options , from equities to investment grade bonds , private equity , property , even emerging market sovereign debt .

  11. 许多银行热情地鼓励客户不要再将对冲基金看作绝对回报产品,而要将之看作相对回报产品、或使投资组合多元化的产品对冲基金的机构投资者早已开始这种观念转变。

    Many banks are keen to encourage clients to stop viewing hedge funds as absolute return products and instead view them as relative return offerings or portfolio diversifiers a shift that has already taken place among institutional investors in hedge funds .