
  • 网络Multimedia Service;Multi-media Services;MMS
  1. 通过在863项目中的应用,验证了该系统架构对IPTV、VoD及VoIP等多媒体业务的支持。

    Applying to 863 project , the architecture is verified by IPTV , VoD and VoIP multi-media services .

  2. 基于ATM/MPLS技术的通信网络是承载宽带多媒体业务的综合平台。

    Communications network based on ATM / MPLS technology is an integrated platform bearing wide-band multi-media services .

  3. 如何提高IP网络多媒体业务的服务质量等。

    How to promote the service quality of IP Internet multimedia .

  4. 下一代全IP通信网移动多媒体业务的仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Mobile Multimedia Service of Next Generation All - IP Network

  5. 一种基于无线多媒体业务的可升降级QoS动态带宽分配与优化策略

    A Changeable QoS Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Optimization Strategy Supporting Wireless Multimedia Traffics

  6. 下一代网络是以IP技术为核心的,可以同时支持语音、数据和多媒体业务的,开放的,融合的网络。

    The next generation network ( NGN ) will be an integrated network merging voice , data and multimedia services .

  7. IP电话是VoIP(VoiceOverIP)提供的多媒体业务的一种,本文主要研究VoIP所涉及的重要问题。

    IP phone is one of the multimedia services provided by VoIP ( Voice over IP ) .

  8. 随着Internet和视频/音频技术的迅速发展,高带宽的应用和多媒体业务越来越多,组播技术也得到了广泛的应用。

    Along with the development of Internet and video / audio technology at very fast speed , more and more applications of multimedia and high-bandwidth appear .

  9. 支持Ad-hoc网络中多媒体业务的MAC层协议

    A MAC Protocol that Can Support Multimedia Services in Ad-Hoc Networks

  10. 随着adhoc网络传输多媒体业务需求的增加,相应地提出了服务质量(QoS)的要求。

    With the increasing need of Multimedia services in Ad Hoc networks , providing QoS support is proposed .

  11. 中国移动通信集团新疆有限公司经过多年运营,已逐步转变为提供话音、数据、Internet及多媒体业务的综合业务运营商。

    After many years of operations , China Mobile group Xinjiang Company Limited has gradually integrated business operators that provide voice , data , Internet and multimedia services .

  12. 一种用于无线ATM网络多媒体业务的CAC方案

    A Call Admission Control for Multimedia Service in Wireless Mobile ATM Networks

  13. 多速率传输技术是3G(第三代移动通信)中的一项基本技术,是在第三代移动通信系统中实现多媒体业务的基础。

    Multi-rate transmission technology is an essential technology for multimedia services in the 3G mobile communication system .

  14. LEO卫星网络中多媒体业务的切换策略

    Handover Strategy for Multimedia in LEO Satellite Network

  15. 因此,3G技术与智能手机的结合必将促进移动多媒体业务的飞速发展。

    Therefore , the 3G technology combining with smartphone will promote the rapid development of mobile multimedia services .

  16. 江苏省宽带多媒体业务VOD的系统组成

    The Configuration of Broadband Multimedia VOD Service in Jiangsu

  17. Internet已成为全球范围的网络平台,随着实时和多媒体业务的广泛应用,它正朝提供综合服务的综合业务Internet过渡。

    Internet has become the world-wide network platform , and with the wide use of real-time and multimedia applications , the current Internet is evolving to the Integrated Services Internet .

  18. 随着用户对各种多媒体业务需求的增加,3GPP提出了长期演进系统(LongTermEvolution,LTE)。

    With the increase of demand on the multimedia services , 3GPP has proposed its long term evolution ( LTE ) system .

  19. 随着各类多媒体业务及实时业务的普及和推广,在adhoc网络中提供QoS支持越来越重要。

    With the popularization of multi-media and real-time projects , QoS technology is becoming more and more essential in Ad Hoc networks .

  20. 下一代(4G)移动通信系统需要为用户提供不同种类不同QoS需求的多媒体业务。

    Next-generation ( 4G ) mobile communication systems are expected to support multimedia traffics with diverse QoS requirements .

  21. 根据像网络电视这样的宽带多媒体业务的需要,提出了一种简单有效的分布式QoS组播路由协议来支持动态成员组播。

    A simple but effective distributed QoS multicast routing protocol has been proposed to meet the requirements of broadband multimedia service like ip-tv .

  22. IMS(IPmultimediasubsystem)是3GPP提出的支持IP多媒体业务的子系统。

    IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem ) is a subsystem which supports to IP multimedia operation that is brought forward by 3GPP .

  23. ATM网络是既能支持传统数据业务,又能支持实时/多媒体业务的网络。

    The ATM Network is the only Network that can support traditional data business and real-time / multi-media business at present .

  24. 随着UWB技术的出现,无线移动多媒体业务在自组网中的应用成为可能。

    With the development of UWB technology , it is possible for wireless mobile multimedia to apply to MANET .

  25. 再次,随着Internet中交互式多媒体业务量迅速增加,人们对低轨卫星多媒体通信的需求日益迫切。

    Thirdly , with the rapid increasing of the interactive multimedia traffic in the Internet , the LEO satellite systems are required to provide services for data traffic , such as video communication .

  26. 在异构无线网络环境下,如何为移动中的终端设备选择合适的无线网络并为其提供具有服务质量(QoS)保障的多媒体业务,是异构无线网络需要解决的关键问题。

    How to select an appropriate wireless network to provide mobile users with multimedia services with guaranteed QoS is one of the key problems .

  27. 并对两种具有吞吐量最优特性支持实时多媒体业务应用的分组调度算法在典型语音和视频多媒体应用环境下的QoS需求公平性进行了理论分析。

    Two throughput optimal real-time multimedia packet scheduling algorithms are analyzed in terms of QoS demand fairness for typical real-time voice and video application .

  28. TINA在未来多媒体业务中的应用

    Application of TINA in the Future Multimedia

  29. 传统的IP网络并不能完成如此多的多媒体业务,而IMS(IPmultimediasubsystem)网络无疑是目前堪称完美的解决方案。

    The traditional IP network can not complete so many multi-media businesses , and IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem ) network undoubtedly is a perfect solution .

  30. 随着Internet业务、多媒体业务的迅速发展,以及移动电话用户的迅猛增长,人们对高速、高可靠性的无线多媒体通信的需求越来越大。

    Along with the raped development of Internet operation and multimedia operation and the rapid increase of mobile telephone user , people require more and more high speed and high security wireless multimedia communication .