
  • 网络Multimedia Communication Technology
  1. 基于IP多媒体通信技术的联合反事故演习系统

    Combined anti-accident maneuver system based on IP multimedia communication technology

  2. 首先介绍多媒体通信技术的最新发展,然后讨论多媒体通信系统的设计和实现,给出基于ATM网络的宽带多媒体可视电话系统设计框架及其关键技术。

    This paper introduces the latest development of multimedia communication technology . The design framework of videophone system on ATM broadband network is given and several key technologies are presented in detail .

  3. IP网络中多媒体通信技术的分析及其发展

    The development of multimedia communication over IP network and its technical analysis

  4. 基于IP的网络多媒体通信技术在视频监控中的应用

    IP-based Network Multimedia Communications Technology in Video Surveillance Applications

  5. 本文结合《多媒体通信技术》网上教学课件实例介绍了基于Web的多媒体CAI课件的设计及制作技术。

    With the instance of MCAI on Web about multimedia telecommunication technique , this paper introduces the technique of designing and developing MCAI on Web .

  6. IP增值网络系统凭借先进的多媒体通信技术支撑及强大的市场竞争力迅速发展。

    Depending on the advanced multimedia communications technique support and its strong market competition ability , IP service add network system has been developed rapidly .

  7. 同时随着多媒体通信技术发展,在智能手机上的VoIP通话也成为了一种越来越成熟的技术。

    With the development of multimedia communication technologies , VoIP calls on the smartphone also become an increasingly mature technology .

  8. 流媒体技术的基础是多媒体通信技术,一般是指通过IP网络传送媒体(如视频、音频)的技术总称,它是当前十分流行的多媒体技术之一。

    Stream media technique is use to refer to a technique integration that can transmit media signals ( e.g. video or audio ) by IP networks , which is one of popular multimedia techniques based on multimedia communication technology .

  9. 近年来网络技术、嵌入式技术、计算机技术和多媒体通信技术发展迅速,3G牌照也已于2009年发给了国内的三大电信运营商,并且在紧锣密鼓的部署3G网络当中。

    Recently , networks technology 、 embedded technology 、 computer technology and multimedia communication technology having develop rapidly , the 3G license had issues to three domestic telecom operators in 2009 , and deploying the 3G networks in full preparation .

  10. 本文作者深入研究了VOD技术中相关的多媒体通信技术、多媒体数据库技术和多媒体压缩技术,最后建立搭建一个VOD点播模型的软件平台。

    The author has deeply studied the multimedia communication technique , multimedia database technique , multimedia compress technique related to the VOD . In the end , the author created a software model system of VOD .

  11. 随着3G通信系统的快速发展,移动多媒体通信技术已成为时代焦点,各种多媒体应用已逐渐从有线领域向无线领域发展,全方位地满足人们对于多种媒体、多种感观的需求。

    With the quick development of communications system of the third generation ( 3G ), application of multimedia in mobile field has been focused on and moved from internet into mobile field in order to meet requirements from people in every aspect .

  12. 同时随着互联网技术与多媒体通信技术的迅速发展,音频、视频、数据传输、在线游戏等多媒体功能也逐渐被广泛地引入IMP应用中。

    With the development of Internet and multimedia technology , more multimedia communication capabilities , like voice chat , video , file exchange and online game are involved in the IMP applications .

  13. 远程协作由于其高效、快速、廉价、丰富的交互特点,成为CSCW(计算机支持的协同工作)领域的热点之一,研究内容包括支撑平台技术、多媒体通信技术等方面。

    As an efficient and low-cost way for cooperation , remote cooperation technology has became a hotspot of CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) research . Branchs of this technology include cooperative platform , multimedia communication and so on .

  14. 随着多媒体通信技术的发展,视频压缩编码成为多媒体通信领域研究的重点,基于H.263标准的视频通信系统将在人们日常生活当中发挥巨大作用,具有很高的实用价值。

    With the development of multimedia communication , digital video coding has become more important . The video communication system , encoded compliant with H.263 recommendation , will play an important action in our daily life and have high practical value certainly .

  15. 网络教室管理系统中多媒体通信技术的应用

    Application of communication technology in the management system of network classrooms

  16. 多媒体通信技术的研究及其在远程教育中的应用

    Research on Multimedia Communication Technology and Its Application in Distant Education

  17. 多媒体通信技术产品市场发展趋势和对策探讨

    The Developing Trends of Multi-media Communication Technology Product Market and Exploratory Countermeasures

  18. 一种矿山救援应急多媒体通信技术

    An Emergency Communication Technology of Multimedia Used in Mine Rescue

  19. 窄带多媒体通信技术的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Multimedia Communication Based on Narrow Band

  20. 本文主要讨论多媒体通信技术及其应用。

    This paper discusses multimedia communication technique and its applications .

  21. 多媒体通信技术的重要应用让多媒体走入英语课堂

    The important application of the multimedia telecommunication technique

  22. 多媒体通信技术及其在铁路通信网应用

    Multimedia communication technology utilization in railway communication networks

  23. 多媒体通信技术及实验网

    Multimedia Communications Technology and Applications Network

  24. 音视频的数字化处理与传输是数字电视技术和多媒体通信技术的核心,国际标准化组织和国际电工委员会制定了相应的一系列声音、图像压缩编码的国际标准。

    ISO and IEC have established a series of international standards for sound and image compressing and coding .

  25. 目前,多媒体通信技术的发展及应用已经初具规模。

    At present , the technology development and application of multimedia intercommunion have been being in an increasing scale .

  26. 随着多媒体通信技术飞速的发展,有声有色的可视电话逐渐成为了人们追求的热点。本文主要研究了H。

    With quick development of multimedia communication technology , the vivid and dramatic videophones have gradually become the popularity which people pursue .

  27. 多媒体通信技术的应用领域非常广,主要包括信息检索、远程教育、异地医疗诊治、娱乐、办公室的自动化等。

    The application scope of multimedia communication is very vast including information searching , distance learning , distance medical treatment , entertainment and automation in office etc.

  28. 随着计算机和宽带技术的迅速发展,基于互联网的多媒体通信技术已经成为当前多媒体通信领域研究的热点。

    With the rapid development of the computer and broadband technology , Internet - based multimedia communication technology has become a hot researching field of communications .

  29. 随着数字移动通信和多媒体通信技术的飞速发展,需要有低码率的语音编码器来解决宽带资源的限制。

    It is necessary to make low-rate speech coder resolve the limit of broadband resource with the very fast development of digital mobile and multimedia communication .

  30. 随着大规模集成电路、计算机网络技术和多媒体通信技术的进步,图像技术得到了爆炸性的发展。

    With the progress of large-scale integrated circuit , technique of computer network and technique of multimedia correspondence , the technique of image has been developed explosively .