
jīnɡ shén shí liánɡ
  • Spiritual food;mental food;nourishment for the mind;nourishment attitude;mental outlook
  1. 他们从中获得的那种精神食粮,从其他地方是很难得到的。

    They gain mental food such as few companions can supply .

  2. 电影作为一种娱乐方式,也是一种宣传手段,既是老百姓满足自身需求的精神食粮,也是服务政府的喉舌。

    Film , as a form of entertainment , is kind of mental food for civilians to meet their spiritual needs in daily life . While as an important propaganda , it is also a good way to serve for the government .

  3. 书籍是精神食粮。

    Books are food for the mind .

  4. 我希望本文已为你当下或将来基于Web的项目提供了精神食粮,并正确评价在底层利用ETag响应头的做法。

    My hope is that this article has provided you with food for thought for your current and future web based projects , and an appreciation for the under utilized ETag response header .

  5. 中国精神食粮的情况也差不了太多。

    Much the same can be said of Chinese food for thought .

  6. 是你们把丰盛的精神食粮呈现给了英语爱好者。

    You presented wonderful food of spirit for English learners .

  7. 来点精神食粮怎么样?

    Father : How about some food for thought instead ?

  8. 我希望这能给你带来精神食粮!

    I hope that this gives you food for thought !

  9. 那新的想法已给了我精神食粮。

    That new idea has given me food for thought .

  10. 在失去航向的绝望中,在寻求精神食粮的过程中,他想到了宗教。

    In rudderless despair and searching for ideological sustenance , he contemplated religion .

  11. 她的眼睛给予了他十分欣赏的精神食粮。

    Her eyes gave him the food he enjoy .

  12. 这是一部叫做《精神食粮》的电视剧。

    It 's a drama called Soul Food .

  13. 不管是国内还是国外的儿童文学作品,都是儿童重要的精神食粮。

    The literatures both at home and abroad are important spiritual food of children .

  14. 买化妆品的钱是否能多给孩子补充一些精神食粮。

    Buy cosmetics of money if you can give children added some mental nourishment .

  15. 更需要补充精神食粮。

    People need more food for their mind .

  16. 多么充饥的精神食粮。

    How to eat spiritual food .

  17. 报纸是我的精神食粮;

    Newspapers are my spiritual food ;

  18. 每天读书:你的身体需要面包;你的心灵需要精神食粮。

    Read everyday : your mind needs bread of spirit as your body needs bread everyday .

  19. 它为我和整个我们的农业团队提供了充足的精神食粮。

    It provided ample food for thought for me as well as the whole Agriculture team at our foundation .

  20. 她能用欲火将你的热血化作耀眼的火焰,她的存在是你的精神食粮。

    Who cant run your blood to molten fire with desire , their presence being food for your soul .

  21. 书籍是人类文明进步的象征,是人类的精神食粮。

    Books are symbols of the progress of human civilization , and books are spiritual food for our mind .

  22. 一本好书像是一顿丰富的精神食粮,在不同方面滋养着读者。

    A good book is similar to a plentiful spiritual dinner that nourishes the reader in many different ways .

  23. 对精神食粮和对营养身体的食物同样必须谨于选择。

    The food that enters the mind must be watched as closely as the food that enters the body .

  24. 正如石油、汽车制动液的需求,我们必须经常在情绪和精神食粮。

    Just as much as a car needs oil and brake fluid , we need regular emotional and spiritual nourishment .

  25. 他一贯关注儿童读物,期望把最好的精神食粮送给儿童。

    He observed reading matters for children all the time , hoping to send the best spirit nutrition to children .

  26. 不停地汲取积极有营养的精神食粮对你的生活和将来都有好处。

    Continuously feed your mind with positive , nourishing information that is good for your life and for your future .

  27. 社会上各行各业,包括各种宣传教育媒体,文化艺术行业要给大学生提供健康的精神食粮,发挥正面教育作用;

    All walks of life including mass media , cultural and art circles should provide healthy spiritual food for college students ;

  28. 土特产在地方中不仅仅是一种商品,更是一种文化与传承,是民众的精神食粮。

    Native places , not just a commodity , but also a cultural and heritage is the spiritual food of the people .

  29. 随着生活水平的提高,国内消费者对经营精神食粮的场所&书店也提出更高的要求。

    With the improvement of living standards , the domestic consumer business places of spiritual nourishment-the bookstore also put forward higher requirements .

  30. 社区图书馆是一项公益性的政府社会事业,它向社会奉送的是公共的文化精神食粮服务。

    Community library is a public welfare government social programs , it is to the society with public cultural spiritual food service .