
  1. 多层楼房电梯井道结构的力学模型

    Mechanical Model of Lift Channel Structures of Muti - Storey House

  2. 本文着重介绍激光技术在多层楼房及烟囱的倾斜变形观测中的应用。

    In this paper , the application of laser techniques to observing tilting deformation of multistorey buildings and chimneys is presented .

  3. 据新华社报道,自2009年以来中国已经发生了至少六起多层楼房倒塌事故,其中包括上海发生的一起在建住宅楼整体倒塌事件。

    At least six multiple-story buildings have collapsed in China since 2009 -- including one in Shanghai under construction that bizarrely toppled over virtually intact -- though not all have caused casualties .

  4. 根据多层楼房仓结构设计中存在的一些问题,结合钢管混凝土框架结构的优点及在实际工程中的应用情况,分析了在楼房仓中应用钢管混凝土结构的优越性及可行性。

    The paper analyses the advantages and possibility of concrete filled steel tubular structure used in multi-story building based on the problems in the structure design of this kind building , the advantages of concret filled steel tubular frame structure , and its practical applications .

  5. 还有石匠用窑烧砖在东西和南北向的棋盘式街道边,建造多层的楼房。

    Masons employed kiln-fired brick to build multistory houses that were placed along north-south and east-west street grids .

  6. 平改坡规划就是在建筑结构许可的前提下,将现有的低层或多层平顶楼房改建成坡型屋面,并对外立面进行修整,达到改善住宅性能和建筑物外观视觉效果的房屋修缮行为。

    Flat to pitched planning permission is the premise of building structures , the existing low-rise or multi-level top floor of the housing reform into slope-type roof , and facade to repair , to improve the appearance of residential properties and visual effects house building maintenance behavior .

  7. 多层砖混结构楼房顶层墙体裂缝的预防和处理

    Prevention and Disposal of Top-floor Wall Cracks in Multistory Brick-and - concrete Structural Building

  8. 多层钢筋混凝土框架楼房震害预测方法研究

    Study on the method of earthquake disaster forecast for multi-floor ferroconcrete frame buildings

  9. 在普通人眼里,最直观的无疑是被称为钢筋混凝土的多层与高层的楼房。

    In the eyes of ordinary people , no doubt most intuitive is known as multi-storey and high-rise reinforced concrete building .