
  • 网络flexible multibody systems
  1. 基于部件模态的多柔体系统非约束频率估计

    Based on component modes estimate of the unconstrained frequencies of flexible multibody systems

  2. 微分几何与向后差分相结合的多柔体系统动力学数值方法

    A Numerical Method Combining Differential Geometry with Backward Differentiation Formula for Dynamics of Flexible Multibody Systems

  3. 传统的多柔体系统动力学建模理论,往往基于小变形线性动力学的基本假定,采用线性的Cauchy应变理论描述应变&位移关系。

    The traditional dynamic theory for flexible multi body systems is based on the small deformation assumption , which describing the linear strain displacement relations by Cauchy strain theory .

  4. 提出了有限元方法和数值积分相结合获得多柔体系统集中参数模型的近似方法,并基于lagrange方程,对有根树型拓扑结构的多柔体系统进行建模。

    This paper presents an approximate method of flexible multibody system lumped parameter model combined finite element with numerical integration . Based on Lagrange 's method , the flexible multibody dynamics model of rooted topological tree is built .

  5. 多柔体系统动力学符号演算的研究

    The Study on Symbolic Computation for Dynamics of Flexible Multibody Systems

  6. 有限柔度多柔体系统刚柔耦合运动分析

    The Analysis of Rigid-Flexible Coupled Motion for Finite Flexible Multibody Systems

  7. 含动力刚化项的一般多柔体系统动力学研究

    Generally flexible multi-body system dynamics in consideration of dynamic stiffening terms

  8. 有限转动张量的保角参量及在多柔体系统中的应用

    Parameters for finite rotational tensor and its application in multibody systems

  9. 多柔体系统动力学碰撞研究中的若干基本问题

    Some basic problems in impact dynamics research of flexible multi body systems

  10. 多柔体系统动力学模型的特征值降阶方法

    Eigenvalue Reduced-order Method for Dynamic Model of Flexible Multibody System

  11. 多柔体系统动力学方程一种数值求解方法

    A Numerical Solution Method for Solving Dynamic Equations of Flexible Multibody System

  12. 基于多柔体系统的塞拉门机架动态仿真分析

    Dynamic Simulation Analysis of the Plug Door Frame Based on Multiple-Flexible-Body System

  13. 多柔体系统动力学建模理论及其应用

    Dynamic Modeling of Multi-Flexible System & Theory and Application

  14. 火炮多柔体系统参数化仿真平台研究

    Study on parametric platform for dynamic simulation of flexible multibody systems of gun

  15. 考虑摩擦作用的多柔体系统点&面碰撞模型

    The Point-Surface Impact Model Considering the Friction Effect In Flexible Multi body System

  16. 求解多柔体系统动力方程的违约修正零空间法

    The Violation Correction Null Space Method of Dynamical Equation of Flexible Multi-body Systems

  17. 火炮多柔体系统动力学的自动建模技术

    Techniques of automatic modeling for dynamic analysis of flexible multibody system of guns

  18. 应用转动规范理论建立多柔体系统动力学方程

    Application of Rotor Norm Theory : Formulation of a Flexible Multibody Dynamics Equation

  19. 多柔体系统动力学建模中部件模态的选择

    Selection of component modes for multi - flexible system

  20. 多柔体系统动力学部件两级降阶响应分析

    Two-stage component model reduction analysis of flexible multibody stimulation

  21. 多柔体系统动力学中的间隙接触内碰撞

    Impact Dynamics Of Flexible Multi-body Systems With Clearance Joints

  22. 多柔体系统刚柔耦合动力学有限单元法

    A finite element method of the rigid-flexible coupling dynamics for a flexible multi-body system

  23. 多柔体系统碰撞的动力学建模研究

    Dynamic Modeling Analysis of Multi-Flexible Body System Impacting

  24. 综述多柔体系统动力学在汽车技术中的应用

    Comments on the Application of the Flexible Multibody System Dynamics on the Field of Automobile Technology

  25. 在多柔体系统动力学分析的基础上,利用人工神经网络方法计算柔性机构模糊随机动态响应的分布特性。

    Based on flexible multi-body dynamics , artificial neural network was applied to generate distribution of stochastic responses .

  26. 柔性机械臂作为最典型的多柔体系统,被广泛地用作多柔体系统的研究模型。

    Flexible manipulator as the typical flexible multibody system , was widely used as the flexible multibody system model .

  27. 通过数值仿真算例,界定了传统多柔体系统动力学建模方法的适用范围。

    The application range of traditional dynamic modeling of flexible multi-body system is obtained based on the simulation illustrations .

  28. 指出困难在于对活体步态参数的测量,不足之处是没有运用多柔体系统动力学。

    Research-deficiencies and research-difficulties were analyzed , including gait-parameters-measurements of living human-body , and dynamics of flexible multibody systems not applied .

  29. 多柔体系统动力学建模及数值方法研究柔性多体系统动力学新型广义-α数值分析方法

    Research of Modeling and Numerical Method for Dynamics of Flexible Multibody Systems ; New Generalized - α Algorithms for Multibody Dynamics

  30. 最后,将各子结构单元通过适当的约束关系装配,建立了完整的空间精密展开机构的多柔体系统动力学仿真模型。

    Lastly , the dynamics models of flexible multibody systems about the space precision deployable mechanism are built by assembling all the substructures .