
  • 网络flexible body
  1. 互补算法在柔性体接触碰撞中的应用

    The Applications of Complementarity Algorithms in Flexible Bodies ' Contact

  2. 柔性体碰撞是工程中常见的现象。

    Impact involving flexible bodies is very common during the engineering and projects .

  3. 在小变形条件下,用Green应变张量得到了柔性体的耦合形函数。

    The coupling shape function is obtained by Green 's strain tensor the assumption of small deformation of the arbitrary flexible body .

  4. 基于ADAMS柔性体的分析及在太阳阵展开中的应用

    Analysis of ADAMS flexible body and application of solar array deployment

  5. 基于ADAMS的甘蔗柔性体模型建模研究

    Study on Flexible Sugarcane Modeling Based on ADAMS Software

  6. ADAMS中的柔性体分析研究

    A Study on Flexible Body Using ADAMS

  7. ADAMS柔性体运动仿真分析及运用

    Application of ADAMS flexible body kinetic simulation

  8. 基于ADAMS柔性体的高速磨床主轴系统结构分析及优化设计

    Real Time Stuctural Analysis and Optimization of High Speed Grinder Spindle System Based on ADAMS

  9. 然后利用ADAMS、ANSYS和PRO-E等软件建立了复杂的刚、柔性体机械模型和液压模型。

    Secondly build the complex rigid-flexible and hydro-mechanical model by the software of ADAMS 、 ANSYS and PRO-E.

  10. 结合有限元分析软件ANSYS、动力学仿真软件ADAMS建立直线进给系统多柔性体的机电耦合仿真模型。

    Combined with FEM software of ANSYS and dynamic simulation software of ADAMS , the simulation model for the linear feed system was established .

  11. 用MSCNASTRAN生成舱门的柔性体(.MNF)文件与.op2文件;

    Using MSC Nastran creates the soft body of the port ( . MNF ) file and .

  12. 首先,应用有限元软件建立转向横拉杆的柔性体模型,并得到其固有模态和振型;其次,结合ADAMS软件建立车辆的刚柔耦合模型;

    Then it establishes a rigid-flexible coupling vehicle model combining ADAMS software , compares dynamics characteristics with multi-body rigid model and rigid-flexible coupling model .

  13. 联合运用ADAMS和ANSYS建立了大臂为柔性体的钻臂刚柔耦合虚拟样机模型,为下一步的动态特性仿真奠定了基础。

    A rigid-flexible hybrid virtual prototype of the boom with all three sections of telescopic arm flexible was constructed by jointly using both ANSYS and ADAMS , which laid a foundation for further dynamic characteristic simulations . 3 .

  14. 利用HYPERMESH建立了滚筒及升降系统的柔性体MNF文件,在ADAMS环境下建立了滚筒及升降系统的刚柔耦合模型。

    By using HYPERMESH and flexible coupling models of the drum and lifting system in ADAMS , the MNF file of flexible body was created .

  15. 基于ANSYS/LsDyna建立了柔性体多齿动态接触模型,并对齿轮进行了动态接触分析。

    Meanwhile , the dynamic contact model of many teeth based on ANSYS / LS-DYNA was built up and the dynamic contact was analyzed .

  16. 用有限段方法并依据Kane方程建立了梁式柔性体的动力学模型,编制了该方法的应用程序。

    Using finite segment method and according to Kane 's equation this paper established the dynamics model of beam typed flexible body and worked out the applied program of that method .

  17. 对模型中柔性体,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行模态分析,利用ADAMS/Flex模块,将模态变形融入柔性多体系统的运动学、动力学仿真中。

    As to the flexible part in the models , the finite element analysis software , ANSYS , was used to process model analysis , and the ADAMS / Flex module was employed to amalgamate the module deformation into the kinematic and dynamics simulation .

  18. 介绍建立超长平面铣钻专用机床床身大梁模型后,在ANSYS中生成模态中性文件,进而在ADAMS中生成柔性体的方法。

    This paper presents a method for generating the flexible body in ADAMS , in which mode neutral file is generated in ANSYS after the establishment of the model for the machine-body crossbeam of special mill and drill machine with over-length plane .

  19. 介绍ADAMS柔性体基本理论及在ADAMS中调入柔性体的几种方法,着重分析如何在ADAMS中引入ANSYS模态中性文件,构建机械系统仿真模型。

    Introduced the basic theory of ADAMS flexible body and some methods of adding flexible bodies to a model to study the dynamic characteristics of the mechanical system . Analyzed how to apply ANSYS mode neutral file in ADAMS , constructed mechanical system simulation model .

  20. 本文探讨多柔性体系统动力学的一种新的数值仿真方法一多体有限元方法(MultibodyFiniteElementMethod,MUFEM)。

    The paper addresses a new numerical simulation method on flexible multibody system dynamics-Multibody Finite Element Method ( MUFEM ) .

  21. 本论文基于Kane方程建立了任意形状柔性体动力学模型,并且在此基础上将一般柔性体动力分析方法推广到一般柔性多体系统,且系统可以具有任意的拓扑结构。

    Based on Kane 's equation , dynamics model of flexible body of arbitrary shape is established , and then the general dynamics analysis method for flexible body is extended and applied to general flexible multibody system with no constrains on its topology .

  22. 其后,课题组提出基于共旋坐标系的建模方法(MBCR),对柔性体的非线性变形场进行描述,虽然能解决上述问题,但是计算效率较低。

    Later , the group proposed a modeling method base on Co-rotational coordinates ( MBCR ) to describe the non-linear deformation field of flexible bodied , which could break the limitation of MBAI .

  23. 柔性体的有限质点模型弹道计算研究

    The Study of Ballistic Calculation in Finite Particles Model of Flexible Body

  24. 基于衬套的准柔性体离散化建模方法研究

    Study on Quasi-Flexible Body Discretization Modeling Method Based on Bushing

  25. 柔性体和气动力之间的相互作用导致飞行器气动弹性问题。

    Aeroelasticity is the mutual interaction between aerodynamics and a flexible body .

  26. 柔性体撞击瞬态波子结构法研究

    Substructure Technique for Transient Wave of Flexible Body with Impact

  27. 一般柔性体连续系统的动力学建模方法

    A dynamic modelling method of continuous system for a general flexible body

  28. 拖缆的弹簧柔性体模型在拖曳式空中发射系统中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Towline Model in Towed Air-Launch System

  29. 二维流场中板状柔性体与流体相互作用的研究

    The Interaction between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimensional Flow

  30. 根据刚性体、柔性体和钢丝绳的特点,分别给出了不同的建模方法。

    Different methods are provided for rigid parts , flexible parts and wireropes .