
  • 网络PAHs;Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon;polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pahs
  1. 由于长期的燃料燃烧、石油泄漏等人为释放,多环芳烃化合物(polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons,简称PAHs)已经对自然环境和人类健康构成了严重威胁。

    As the long-term fuel combustion , oil spills and other anthropogenic emissions , PAHs ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons , referred as PAHs ) have posed a serious threat to the natural environment and human health .

  2. 在渤海海峡(S44和T4站位)柱状沉积物中运用气相色谱法定量地检出13种多环芳烃化合物,并对其含量分布及来源进行了分析。

    Thirteen compounds of PAHs were identified by GC in the core sediments of Bohai Straight ( S44 and T4 Stations ) .

  3. 基于新近发展的直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP),本文提出了一个对二维数据进行同时定性定量的分析方法,并将其成功地用于环境样本中多环芳烃化合物定性定量解析。

    Based on a recently developed chemometric method , heuristic evolving latent projections ( HELP ), a new procedure for the analysis of two dimensional HPLC-DAD data is proposed in this paper .

  4. 多环芳烃化合物对鲤鱼肝微粒体EROD的体外诱导

    EROD induction of carp liver microsome by PAHs in in-vitro

  5. 将城市污泥与玉米秸秆进行自然通风堆肥处理,应用GC/MS检测方法对污泥堆肥中的多环芳烃化合物(PAHs)进行了分析。

    Co composting of municipal sludge and maize straw by natural aeration was carried out and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in compost were determined by GC / MS.

  6. 本文利用CNDO方法对十个多环芳烃化合物的~(13)C-NMR的化学位移进行了理论上的计算,并提出了一个联系分子电荷密度、键级和键长等多数的半经验公式。

    A high accurate equation for the theoretical prediction of  ̄( 13 ) C-NMR Chemical Shift of 10 benzenoid parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ) has been put forward in this paper . It is calculated by CNDO method .

  7. 目的研究烟焦油对小鼠肺多环芳烃化合物受体(AHR)、细胞色素P4501A1(CYP1A1)基因表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of the smoke tar on the expression of aromatic hydrocarbon receptor ( AHR ) and the cytochrome P4501Al ( CYP1A1 ) gene of mice lungs .

  8. 人肺癌组织中多环芳烃化合物的检测及意义

    The Determination and Significance of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Human Lung Cancer

  9. 室内外空气悬浮颗粒物中8种多环芳烃化合物粒径分布的研究

    Study on Size Distribution of 8 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Airborne Suspended Particulates Indoor and Outdoor

  10. 应用热分析技术对多环芳烃化合物催化氧化反应过程中催化剂初活性进行评价。

    The application of thermal analysis on the evaluation the catalyst activity in the deep oxidation of polyaromatic compounds was investigated .

  11. 基于分子表面静电势参数研究多环芳烃化合物的定量结构-性质关系

    QSPR Studies on the Physicochemical Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons & The Application of Theoretical Descriptors Derived from Electrostatic Potentials on Molecular Surface

  12. 多环芳烃化合物在原油及岩石抽提物中普遍存在,有关参数作为热成熟度和沉积环境的标志受到了广泛的关注。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are common constituents of petroleum and rock extracts and a considerable attention has been paid to their relevant parameters being as indicators of thermal maturity and environment .

  13. 叶蜡和叶组织中16种多环芳烃化合物分布谱相似,但高环化合物更多在叶蜡中聚集,而低环多环芳烃在叶组织中占优。

    While the PAH profiles in the leaf wax and leaf tissues were similar in general , the relative contents of volatile compounds were higher in the tissues than in the wax .

  14. 电厂燃煤和高效民用锅炉燃煤产生的多环芳烃分子化合物的稳定碳同位素组的范围为-22.0‰~-31.2‰,随着分子量的增大PAHs分子化合物中13C含量降低。

    The δ 13C values of PAHs from coal combustion in power plant are similar to those of domestic high efficiency coal combustion , ranging from - 22.0 ‰ to - 31.2 ‰ and PAHs decreases in 13C with the increase of molecular weight .

  15. 催化裂化柴油的硫80%以上以多环芳烃含硫化合物(PASH)形态分布,而热裂化柴油的硫主要以易被脱除的烷基硫形态分布。

    Over 80 % of the sulfur-containing compounds in FCC diesel exist in the form of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles ( PASHs ), while mainly in form of alkyl sulfides in thermal cracking diesel , which are easy to be removed .

  16. 结果表明,粉尘有机提取物及其有机酸、多环芳烃、极性化合物可使微核率和SCE率显著增高,并有一定的剂量-反应关系。

    The results showed that the dust organic extraction and its polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , organic acids , polar compounds increased micronucleus and SCE frequency significantly with a dose effect .

  17. 东太湖沉积物中多环芳烃-菲系列化合物的来源探讨

    Determination and Sources Recognition of Phenanthrene Series in the Sediments of East Taihu Lake , China

  18. 以多种溶质为探针(包括非极性的烷基苯和多环芳烃、芳香族化合物位置异构体及极性的核苷和碱基等),较系统地研究了该新固定相的色谱性能。

    The chromatographic performance of new bonded stationary phase was evaluated by using different solute probes , including nonpolar alkylbenzenes and polycyclic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), aromatic positional isomers , polar nucleosides and bases , and so on .

  19. 多环麝香与多环芳烃、多氯联苯等化合物性质相似,具有较强的亲脂、憎水性,容易吸附在有机物上,在环境中难降解,有很强的生物富集作用,呈现一定的雌激素活性。

    Polycyclic musks exhibit same properties , hydrophobic and lipophilic , bioaccumulation as polycyclic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) and polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) .

  20. 多环芳烃是指含有两个以上苯环的氢化合物,多数多环芳烃对人体健康都有一定程度的危害,有研究表明一些多环芳烃化合物能够致畸致癌致突变。

    PAHs are hydrogen compounds containing two or more benzene rings , most of the PAHs are harmful to human health , studies have shown that some PAHs could make teratogenic carcinogenic mutagenic .

  21. 多环芳烃在重庆地区降尘中的分布存在明显的季节特征,检出的15种多环芳烃化合物总量的平均浓度变化为夏季秋季春季冬季。

    There is an obvious seasonal characteristics of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in dust in the area of Chongqing distribution . The average concentration of the 15 kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons compounds of detection raising order was : summer autumn spring winter .