
duō xiàng
  • multiphase;polyphase;heterogeneous;inhomogeneous
多相[duō xiàng]
  1. 基于DSP的多相滤波正交数字下变频

    Polyphase Filters Quadrature Digital Down Converter Process Based on DSP

  2. 复信号多相滤波器的无盲区算法与FPGA设计

    Algorithm on Complex Polyphase Filters Without blind-zone and FPGA Design

  3. 基于DSP全数字多相无刷直流电动机控制系统

    Digitized Multiphase BDCM Control System Based on DSP

  4. 由氯化钴与CO制备四羰基钴盐是一个多相羰化反应。

    The preparation of calcium cobalt tetracarbonyl from cobalt chloride and carbon monoxide is heterogeneous carbonylation .

  5. 高强度多相DP和TRIP钢;

    High strength multi-phase DP and TRIP steel ;

  6. 新的淋巴结显像剂~(99m)Tc-油酸多相脂质体

    A new lymph node imaging agent Tc-99m-polyphase liposome

  7. 在RH吹氩气液两相区的处理上,应用了非均相多相流模型。

    An inhomogeneous multiphase flow model is applied to deal with the problems in argon blowing area .

  8. 激光化学反应法制备CaO超精细粉末及激光多相催化1&庚烯异构化的研究

    A Study of Laser Induced Solid-phase Reaction to Produce CaO Ultrafine Powders and Laser Heterogeneous Catalysis 1-Heptene Reaction

  9. 多相介质多波AVO正演模拟对比研究

    Multiphase Medium MultiWaves AVO Forward Modeling Comparison Research

  10. 基于HART协议的混合型环保疏浚多相流体测控系统

    A Hybrid Measure and Control System for Multiphase Liquid in Environmental Dredging Based on HART Protocol

  11. 应用Euler理论的多相流体模型,建立了剩余推进剂排放气-粒两相湍流流动的数学模型;

    The mathematic model of turbulent gas-particle flows of remained propellant space emission is established by applying multi-phase fluid model of Euler theory .

  12. 结论:对MG病人在术中、术后早期应用多相监测,可以及时了解到病人生命体征变化,为及时处理提供治疗依据;

    Conclusion : The heterogeneous monitoring was helpful in discovering the changes of vital index during operation and in the early stage after operation which might offer therapeutic basis for timely management .

  13. PPh3修饰多相催化剂上的气态烯烃氢甲酰化研究异相同位素氧交换反应动力学方程

    Olefins Hydroformylation on PPh_3 Modified Heterogeneous Catalyst in a Fixed-bed Reactor KINETICS OF HETEROGENEOUS EXCHANGE OF OXYGEN

  14. 基于匀相流假设,建立了自然空化流动的多相流CFD模型,并在商业软件Fluent的框架下实现。

    Based on homogeneous flow hypothesis , a multi-phase CFD model for natural cavitating flow was built and realized under the frame of general CFD software Fluent .

  15. 橡胶增韧PP为多相结构体系,橡胶粒径、粒子微区结构和界面层结构是影响共混物增韧效果的主要因素;

    Rubber toughening PP is a system of heterogeneous structure . Rubber particle diameter , particle microstructure and interface transition zone structure are main factors that influence toughening result of the blend .

  16. 氟两相催化体系(FBC)是一种新型均相催化剂固定化(多相化)和相分离技术。

    The FBC ( fluorous biphase catalysis ) is a new nonaqueous immobilization and phase-separation tech-nique .

  17. 遗传Marquardt神经网络识别油气水多相流流型研究

    Study on Intelligent Identification of Flow Regime of Oil-Gas-Water Multiphase Flow by Genetic-Marquardt Algorithm

  18. 运用基于欧拉多流体法的多相流模型,通过全自动网格生成技术,对喷孔内部的流动进行了多维CFD数值模拟。

    Dependent on an automatically generated unstructured grid , the multidimensional CFD numerical simulations are performed on both of them with the multiphase flow model based on an Eulerian multi-fluid approach .

  19. 用共沉淀法制备了Zn-Al水滑石,并用于多相催化酯交换合成碳酸二苯酯的反应。

    The Zn-Al hydrotalcite prepared by co-precipitation method was used to catalyze the transesterification of phenol and dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) .

  20. 本文通过对软件无线电基本理论的研究,得出一种多相滤波数字正交变换的中频软件无线电结构,AD的采样频率只有原采样频率的一半,这样,就降低了对采样器件的要求。

    Based on the essential theory research of software radio , a IF architecture of SDR receiver with polyphase filter digital orthogonal transform are brought out in the thesis and the sample frequency of ADC decrease a half .

  21. 随钻MPR测量系统属于多相测量电阻率仪器,具有32条原始电阻率曲线及8条补偿后的曲线,能够提高测量精度。

    MPR system while-drilling bellows to multiphase measurement electric resistivity equipment , it has 32 original resistivity curves and 8 compensate curves , promoted measurement accuracy .

  22. 这种多相滤波器组信道化接收机与低通滤波器组信道化接收相比,运算量减少N2倍(N为信道数)。

    Compared with low-pass filter bank channelized receiver , the amount of operation of the multiphase filter bank ( receiver ) can be reduced by N ~ 2 ( N is the number of channels ) .

  23. 目前处理器的供电单元大多采用高效能稳压模组(VRM)&多相直流转换开关模块。

    Most of state-of-the-art processors utilize high efficient multi-phase DC switch modules ( voltage-regulator-modules , VRM ) as supply units .

  24. 对国内某厂生产的中密度纤维板TVOC释放进行多相传质模型验证。

    The work adopts the domestic medium density fiberboard for some plant to perform multiphase mass transfer model verification . 2 .

  25. 介孔材料MCM-41具有规则孔道结构,在多相催化、吸附分离、复合材料、纳米组装等领域有着重要的学术研究与应用价值。

    MCM-41-based crystalline mesoporous molecular sieves are of great academic and practical importance to such fields as heterogeneous catalysis , absorption stripping , composites and nano-materials science .

  26. 文章采用雷诺应力湍流模型和拉格朗日多相流模型,对波纹板除雾器单通道内的流场进行了全面的计算流体力学(CFD)模拟。

    Based on the Reynolds Stress model and Lagrangian multiphase model , the 2-D two phase flow field in a channel of chevron mist eliminator is simulated using computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) method .

  27. 本文提出一种汽液液多相平衡计算新方法,即用FORTRAN语言向商业流程模拟软件PRO/Ⅱ的接口添加用户热力学子程序&用户添加子程序。

    A new method for vapor-liquid-liquid phase equilibrium calculations , based on establishing FORTRAN subroutines for simulation software PRO / II , was adopted for calculation of multiphase equilibria using EOS .

  28. 深入研究了多相阵列FFT分路算法,基于正交采样原理对算法进行了改进。提出了一种适于硬件实现的FFT分路模块解决方案。

    Based on thorough studying of the Multiphase Array FFT De-multiplex Algorithm , the algorithm is improved by using the Orthogonal Sampling Principle , and further a implementation scheme which can benefit its hardware design is proposed .

  29. 实验结果表明:抗冲PP是一个含有PP均聚物、丙烯与乙烯-丙烯两嵌段共聚物、乙丙橡胶(EPR)、聚乙烯均聚物等的多相体系。

    The experimental results demonstrate that in the impact specimen there exists a multiphase system comprising homopolymer of propylene , diblock copolymer of propylene and ethylene - propylene , ethylene-propylene rubber ( EPR ) and homopolymer of ethylene .

  30. 为了研究立管严重段塞流及其控制方法,中国石油大学(北京)多相流实验室建造了一套半U形管实验架。

    A transparent semi - " U " type experimental rig was constructed at Multiphase Flow Lab in CUP ( China University of Petroleum , Beijing ) in order to study the characteristics of severe slug flow and the control method .