
  • 网络The Multilateral Trading System;Multilateral Trade System
  1. 在当前多边贸易体系存在不确定的情况下,世界贸易组织(wto)应当研究是否有可能在国家资本主义这个领域设定一些基本规则。

    At a time of uncertainty for the multilateral trading system , this issue of state capitalism is an area where the world trade organisation should see whether some ground rules are possible .

  2. “多边贸易体系无疑正在经受考验,”Leipziger说。

    " The multilateral trading system is no doubt being tested ," says Leipziger .

  3. 开放、包容、非歧视、透明和基于规则的多边贸易体系

    an open , inclusive , non-discriminatory , transparent and rule-based multilateral trading system

  4. WTO多边贸易体系的缺陷及其改革

    On Problems and Reform of the WTO Multi-Trade System

  5. 从坎昆会议看WTO多边贸易体系存在的缺陷及其改革

    The Drawbacks and Reformation of WTO Multi-Trade System after Canc ú n Ministerial Conference

  6. 协调贸易与发展的温尼伯原则促进WTO将环境措施融入了多边贸易体系之中。

    Winnipeg Principles have promoted WTO to integrate the environment measures into the multilateral trade system .

  7. 近20年来,特别是WTO成立之后,全球区域性经贸合作组织呈现激增态势,其原因一是区域经贸合同比全球多边贸易体系障碍少,较易达成协议;

    In the latest 20 years , especially after the establishment of WTO , regional economic organizations increase rapidly .

  8. 因此,作为多边贸易体系的WTO对中国国有企业补贴问题进行了规制。

    Therefore , WTO , as a multilateral trade system , has put regulation on subsidies to Chinese SOEs .

  9. 与WTO多边贸易体系相比,区域贸易安排更容易在短期内达成,其经济效应也就越容易发挥出来。

    Compared with WTO , it is easier for regional trade arrangement to get an agreement so that the economical effect is displayed .

  10. 从GATT到WTO&全球多边贸易体系的发展

    From GATT to WTO & The Development of Multilateral Trade System

  11. 由于发达国家与发展中国家的重大分歧,WTO在短期内尚无法将核心劳工标准纳入其多边贸易体系。

    The core labour standards can not be incorporated into the multilateral system of WTO due to the great difference between developed countries and developing countries .

  12. 由此,各国政府和企业在对外贸易关系中如何实施相应策略将给WTO领导的全球多边贸易体系的运转带来重大挑战。

    Therefore , what relevant strategies the various governments and enterprises take would post a remarkable challenge to the operation of the global multilateral trade system led by WTO .

  13. WTO多边贸易体系的特征决定了其在自身的发展的过程中,需要通过多种机制的复合运作来实现其设立的宗旨。

    WTO needs to realize its set target through compound operation of various mechanisms in its self developing process , which is decided by the characteristics of WTO multilateral trading system .

  14. 欧盟贸易专员彼得曼德尔森(petermandelson)表示,要维护多边贸易体系的可信度,需要各方做出妥协。

    Peter Mandelson , EU trade commissioner , said compromise was needed to preserve the credibility of the multilateral trade system .

  15. SA8000自1997年颁布以来,对国际多边贸易体系产生越来越大的影响。

    Since SA8000 promulgated in 1997 , it has exerted more and more influence on international multilateral trading system .

  16. WTO《农业协定》将世界农业贸易纳入到多边贸易体系,具有非常重要的历史意义,但该协定仍然存在着一些不公平的缺陷,需要在新一轮农业谈判中进行改革和完善。

    It is a historical significance the WTO Agreement on Agriculture ( AOA ) combining agriculture trading into its rule system . Unfairness can be found which is needed to be settled in the new round .

  17. 但是在区域经济一体化和世界多边贸易体系的矛盾越来越突出、WTO的路越走越困难的今天,APEC的出现将成为区域一体化的另外一种选择。

    Yet the contradiction between regional economic integration and world multilateral trade system is conspicuous day by day . The APEC 's emergence will be another choice for regional integration .

  18. 尽管中国明显有意保持多边贸易体系,但在已破裂的多哈(Doha)回合贸易谈判中,中国的贡献毫无助益。

    Despite its obvious interest in the maintenance of a multilateral trading system , China 's contribution to the failed Doha round of trade negotiations was notably unhelpful .

  19. 我国消费者保护立法在产品责任保护水平、消费信用法律制度、网络消费者权益保护、消费者教育制度、消费者诉讼制度及消费环境等方面存在许多弊端,不能适应WTO下的多边贸易体系。

    Chinese Consumer Protection Law system has some defects in many directions , such as , standards of product liability , consumption credit law system , consumer education law system , consumer litigation system , consumption environment , internet consumer rights , and so on .

  20. 我们强烈支持将WTO争端解决机制作为确保多边贸易体系安全性和可预见性的基石,加强在与之有关的实质性和务实性问题上的对话,包括正在进行的WTO争端解决机制改革。

    We strongly support the WTO dispute settlement system as a cornerstone of the security and predictability of the multilateral trading system and we will enhance our ongoing dialogue on substantive and practical matters relating to it , including in the ongoing negotiations on WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding reform .

  21. 《TRIMs协议》作为关贸总协定所确立的多边贸易体系的规范第一次涉足国际投资领域,对国际投资活动和国际投资法影响深刻。

    The Agreement on TRIMs has great significance to International Investment and International Investment Law , because it is the first time in GATE history that the Foreign Investment issue is actually being dealt with under GATT principles .

  22. 这不仅对美中贸易关系是令人鼓舞的消息,美国贸易代表迈克弗罗曼(MikeFroman)表示,它还表明,美国和中国可以开展合作,既推进我们的双边经济议程,也支持多边贸易体系。

    This is encouraging news not just for the US-China trade relationship , said Mike Froman , the US trade representative . It shows that the US and China can work together to both advance our bilateral economic agenda but also to support the multilateral trading system .

  23. 15、我们重申支持公开、透明、基于规则的多边贸易体系。

    15 . We reaffirm our support for an open , transparent and rules-based multilateral trading system .

  24. 作为世界贸易组织成员和贸易大国,这一建立在规则基础上的多边贸易体系对双方的繁荣至关重要。

    As WTO members and major trading nations , such a rules-based multilateral trading system is vital for our prosperity .

  25. 他还呼吁两国共同维护国际秩序,维护多边贸易体系。

    He also calls on the two countries to jointly uphold the international order and maintain the multilateral trading system .

  26. 该书重点探讨了,应将中国纳入一个有效的多边贸易体系,以此形成约束。

    The book touches the surface of this question , focusing on binding China into a functioning system of multilateral trade .

  27. 此间舆论界认为,中国对贸易保护主义会随着新的多边贸易体系的出现而消失这一点不会抱任何幻想

    Media here say that China is under no illusions that trade protectionism would fade into new multilateral trade regime in place

  28. 比较深入地分析了次区域经济组织与区域经济组织和多边贸易体系之间相互作用的学习效应。

    Meanwhile , analyses the learning effects of multi-action among sub-regional economic organization and regional economic organization , multilateral trade system .

  29. 美国霸权的表现是主导多边贸易体系规则的制定和主导区域经济一体化规则的制定。

    The American hegemony performance is the leading the formulation of multilateral trade system rules and the region economic integration rules .

  30. 印度是世界贸易组织的创始成员国之一,在这个多边贸易体系中属于元老级角色,目前排名世贸组织25个主要成员国之列。

    India is one of major members of the WTO arrangement and plays an important role in regulating this global trade institution .