
  • 网络Multilateral Development Banks;Mdb;MDBs
  1. 确保国际货币基金组织、世界银行及其他多边开发银行拥有足够的资源继续在应对危机中发挥应有的作用。

    Ensure that the IMF , World Bank and other MDBs have sufficient resources to continue playing their role in overcoming the crisis .

  2. 这次峰会的声明将承诺采取扩张性政策、避免保护主义以及动员imf和多边开发银行,以帮助最弱小的国家。

    The summit statement will contain pledges to adopt expansionary policies , avoid protectionism and mobilise the IMF and multilateral development banks to help the weakest countries .

  3. 我们将继续同多边开发银行合作,并鼓励各国开发银行,通过优化资产负债表的方式提供额外贷款,并确保G20在基础设施领域的工作惠及低收入国家。

    We will continue to work with multilateral development banks , and encourage national development banks , to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending and ensure our work on infrastructure benefits low-income countries .

  4. 与多边开发银行和发展融资有关的几个问题及其思考

    Reflection on Multilateral Development Banks and Financing for Development

  5. 该计划鼓励多边开发银行及其他机构共同提供资金。

    The initiative encourages joint financing by multilateral development banks and other sources .

  6. 多边开发银行共同努力

    Multilateral Development Banks Join Effort

  7. 多边开发银行并不是为基础设施项目提供长期、较为廉价融资的唯一来源。

    Multilateral development banks are not the only source of long-term , reasonably cheap funding for infrastructure , he said .

  8. 我们正在推出一个新的公开世界银行数据的政策。就在上周,我们与其他多边开发银行达成了一项针对腐败个人和公司的联合制裁协议。

    Just last week , we concluded an agreement with other multilateral development banks on the cross-debarment of corrupt individuals and companies .

  9. 二十国集团会议强调了确保给多边开发银行配备足够资金来满足危机期间需求的重要性。

    The G-20 underscored the importance of ensuring that the Multilateral Development Banks are adequately financed to meet the needs of this crisis .

  10. 这一威胁如果成为现实,将对多边开发银行造成严重后果,因为这些机构以自身资本金为抵押进行商业贷款,为各类活动融资。

    If this threat is carried through , it will have serious consequences for the multilateral development banks , which finance their activities by borrowing commercially against their capital base .

  11. 中国财政部长楼继伟表示,这一信托基金的建立表明,“我们在支持新成立的多边开发银行的同时,与现有多边开发银行的合作也在不断发展。”

    Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said the establishment of the trust fund signals that " our partnership with existing multilateral development banks is growing , even as we support new ones " 。

  12. 我们希望看到全球共同努力,通过资金充足的多边开发银行和区域开发银行向基础设施建设提供融资和投资。

    We would like to see concerted global effort towards infrastructure financing and investment through the instrumentality of adequately resourced Multilateral Development Banks ( MDBs ) and Regional Development Banks ( RDBs ) .

  13. 认识到亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称银行)通过与现有多边开发银行开展合作,将更好地为亚洲地区长期的巨额基础设施建设融资缺口提供资金支持;

    REALIZING that the considerable long-term need for financing infrastructure development in Asia will be met more adequately by a partnership among existing multilateral development banks and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( hereinafter referred to as the " Bank ");

  14. 将有逾800亿美元流向其它发展中国家,这些国家一直要求多边开发银行快速拨付几乎不带任何经济政策条件的巨额贷款,使银行的正常经营模式受到威胁。

    More than $ 80bn would flow to other developing countries that have besieged multilateral development banks for large sums of quick disbursing credits with few economic policy conditions , threatening to distort the banks ' normal mode of operations .

  15. 在副行长兼董事会秘书这一职位的招聘广告中,亚投行称该职位要求“在多边开发银行重要领导层职能和岗位上拥有至少20年至25年的工作经验,或同等背景”。

    In its advertisement for the vice-president and corporate secretary post , the AIIB said the job required a " minimum 20-25 years in a leadership function and position of influence in multilateral development bank ( s ) or equivalent . "