
  • 网络Datum;Geodetic datum
  1. 从一种大地基准点转换到另一种需要专门的算法,而且要求用户受过训练,SpatialExtender不支持这种转换。

    Conversion from one datum to another requires specialized algorithms and trained users , and is not supported by the Spatial Extender .

  2. 大地基准的现代化和卫星大地测量新成果&参加国际大地测量协会(IAG)2003年日本札晃大会札记

    Modernization of geodetic datum and the new development of satellite geodesy

  3. 最常见的大地基准面是WGS84,这也是现在GPS系统所使用的基准面。

    The most well-known is WGS84 used by the GPS systems today .

  4. 我国建立现代大地基准的思考

    On The Establishment of Chinese Modern Geodetic Coordinate System

  5. 基于大地基准点的舰载雷达零位标校方法研究

    Research on Zero Calibration Method for Shipborne Radar Based on Earth Reference Point

  6. 这个椭球面的中心和方位就构成了我们所说的大地基准面。

    The center and orientation of the ellipsoid is what we call the datum .

  7. 日本大地基准及其现代化的思考

    On the modernization of Japanese geodetic datum

  8. 国家大地基准的现代化

    The Modernization of National Geodetic Datum

  9. 不同大地基准间坐标数据转换的数学模型

    Mathematical models of coordinates transformation between Different Datum Geodetic Systems rock & roll of the earth

  10. 介绍了日本、韩国、蒙古、新西兰、马来西亚和欧洲等国家和地区的大地基准更新和现代化工作。

    The modernization of geodetic datum in Japan , Korea , Mongolia , New Zealand , Malaysia , and in some European countries is introduced .

  11. 由于传统的地理数据属于不同的大地基准框架,使得空间数据的管理和共享存在诸多障碍,为了实现各种基准下空间数据的转化和统一。

    The traditional geographic data , which belong to different geodetic datum frames , make it difficult to manage and share in a common frame .

  12. 数据库本身往往不包含关于大地基准点的信息,所以您必须从创建坐标的应用程序中查明大地基准点。

    Usually , the database itself contains no information about its geodetic datum , so you must find this out from the application that created the coordinates .

  13. 地理和投影坐标系都包含对地球形状的假设(一个略扁的球体);这称为大地基准点。

    Both geographic and projected coordinate systems include a definition of the assumed shape of the earth ( a flattened sphere ); this is called the geodetic datum .

  14. 现代大地基准应为用户在我国任何地点、任何时间测定高精度的三维地心坐标提供可靠的地理空间基础框架。

    The Chinese modern geodetic coordinate system should provide a reliable , suitable geographical spatial fundamental reference frame for the coordinate determination in any time , at any place of China .

  15. 这就是为什么大地基准面的名称后面总是跟着一个年份,这通常是说这组测量点是在这个年份的一月一号采集。

    This is why the name of a datum usually have a year in it , often referring to the position of those points January1st of that year ( although that may vary ) .

  16. 所以大地基准面定义了一个椭球面,并通过大地上的一组测量点与这个椭球面关联起来,从而定义了地球的中心。

    So the datum defines an ellipsoid and through the use of a set of points on the ground that we relate to points on the ellipsoid , we define the center of the Earth .

  17. 基于连续运行GPS基准站系统的城市三维大地测量基准建设方案探讨

    Discussing of the construction project of 3D standard of geodetic survey in city which is based on uninterrupted working GPS base station system

  18. 基于VRS系统建立城市三维大地测量基准

    Establishing 3D geodetic datum in Suzhou City Based on VRS system

  19. 构建山东省新一代大地测量基准的技术关键

    Key technology for constructing new provincial geodetic surveying datum of Shandong

  20. 以上均按三年期测算;1980年香港大地测量基准

    As measured over a three-year period ; Hong Kong 80 Geodetic Datum

  21. 相邻不同大地垂直基准系统的转换及数学模型的研究

    On the Transformation Mathematical Model between Different Vertical Datum in Different Neighboring Nations

  22. 面向数字中国建设中国的现代大地测量基准

    Towards Digital China the Modernization of Chinese Geodetic Datum

  23. 永久性潮汐与大地测量基准

    Permanent Tides and Geodetic Datum

  24. 对大地测量基准中所使用的无潮汐、平均潮汐和零潮汐等概念和相关计算进行了推导和讨论。

    Besides , the concept and relevant computation formulae for the effects from the non tide , mean tide and zero tide are derived .

  25. 提出了国家地理空间信息基准框架内改进与更新原有的大地坐标基准、高程基准和重力基准的建设道路及解决原则。

    The higher requirement of the former coordinate datum , height datum and gravity datum was in dire need of improvement and update in modernization .

  26. 测绘现代化离不开高精度的大地测量基准,本文围绕四维坐标系中的速度场建模展开研究。

    The high-precision geodetic datum is significant to the modern surveying . The researches on Velocity Field Modeling of4_D Coordinate System are studied in this project .

  27. 建设我国现代大地测量基准是为用户在我国任何地点、任何时间提供及时、可靠、适用的地理空间基础框架,其任务应包括建立我国现代化的平面基准、高程基准和重力基准等。

    Establishing the modern geodetic datum is to supply a reliable and proper basic frame of the geographic space for users anytime and anywhere , and its task should include the establishment of planar datum , height datum and gravity datum .

  28. 1984年世界大地测量系统基准

    World Geodetic System 84 Datum

  29. 现代大地测量在大地基准,卫星重力以及相关研究领域的进展

    Advances of Modern Geodesy in Geodetic Datum , Satellite Gravimetry and Their Related Research Domain

  30. 影响夷平面形成的主要因素有前期大地构造、侵蚀基准面、气候、岩性、时间和后期构造运动等。

    We strengthen the investigation of natural factors such as pre-construction , erosion base level , climate , lithology , time and tectonic activities , which affect formation and preservation of planation surface .