
  • 网络mean square error of a point
  1. 相对点位中误差及其在工程测量中的作用

    Relative Mean Square Error of a Point and its Action in Engineering Survey

  2. 提出直接用边长计算待定点的点位中误差及误差椭圆的新方法。

    The new method for using sides directly to calculate the mean square error of a point and the error ellipse of the point of certainty is proposed .

  3. 用两种不同方法计算分析了我国天文大地网的最弱点点位中误差,精度为±2.0m。

    Using two different calculate and analysis methods , we get that the mean variance of the weakest point of the network is ± 2.0m .

  4. 图形放大则提高了定点精度,放大8~10倍以上可以将点位中误差控制在0.08mm以下,即在允许中误差0.2mm的40%以下;

    The errors of mean square and limitation of point position decreased with increasing magnification . High precision was obtained at 8 to 10 times of magnification .

  5. 根据误差传播定律推导出点位中误差更精确的计算公式。

    On the basis of the propagation law of errors the more accurate formulas of calculating position mean square errors are derived .

  6. 通过对经纬仪测绘法1:500地形测图过程中各个工序的分析,得出了1:500地形图上的点位中误差。

    Through the analysis on every procedure of surveying 1 : 500 topographic map with the method of transit mapping , the position error of 1 : 500 topographic map is got .

  7. 在对水平位移观测资料的误差分析中,用误差椭圆替代点位中误差来计算观测的误差量,以便确定是边坡位移还是测量误差。

    In error analyses for horizontal displacement measurement data , the observed errors are calculated with error ellipse instead of point root - mean - square errors , so as to judge whether they are just slope displacement or the measuring errors .

  8. 本文研究了用EDM(电子测距)边长的精度估算方法;用等权代替法估算界址点最弱点的点位中误差;

    This paper discusses the estimating method of side length surveying with EDM ( electronic distance measuring ), applying the method of equal-weight substitution to estimate mean square error of the weakest boundary point .

  9. 结果表明,3点及以上测边后方交会平差后的点位中误差和坐标比两点测边后方交会精度高。

    The research result indicates that three-or more-point linear-resection has a higher accuracy of mean square error of point positions and coordinates after they are adjusted than two-point linear-resection .

  10. 对采用坐标展点器展绘碎部点坐标所测绘的大比例尺地形图的精度进行了系统地分析,并定量地给出了采用不同测距方式展点测图的点位中误差。

    The precision of a large scale topographic map is systematically analyzed , which is measured and drawn with the help of coordinate point distributor for the distribution of the detailed points .