
diǎn lǔ
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  1. 酸性物质可以同样让大豆蛋白凝固,但是“酸水”更大的意义在于伴随着点卤的过程,其中的微生物们也随之流入,像种子一样被埋植进豆腐当中。

    The sour substance can make soy protein clot . What 's more important is that microorganisms flow into the milk with the pouring of sour juice .

  2. 酸性物质可以同样让大豆蛋白凝固,但是酸水更大的意义在于伴随着点卤的过程,其中的微生物们也随之流入,像种子一样被埋植进豆腐当中。

    The sour substance can make soy protein clot . What 's more important is that microorganisms flow into the milk with the pouring of sour juice . It 's just like burying seeds into tofu .

  3. 油豆皮被晾晒在竹筷上,风干后成为毛豆腐的副产品,它们是另一种质感的美食。制作毛豆腐的关键在于用自制的发酵酸水来点卤。

    Tofu skin is hung on the chopstick when air dried and become a by-product of hairy tofu . In other delicacy with a totally different texture , the key to produce hairy tofu is to add self-made sour juice into soymilk for fermentation .