
  • 网络crude oil
  1. 昆虫美洲大蠊油脂化合物的GC-MS分析固定化脂肪酶催化毛油合成生物柴油

    Analysis of the fat-soluble components in Periplaneta americana by GC-MS Synthesis of biodiesel from crude oil by immobilized lipase

  2. PRHA对中性大豆毛油的脱色能力是目前植物油工业中常用的活性凹凸棒石粘土的3倍。

    The decolorizing capability of PRHA for soybeans crude oil was 3 times as much as that of activated attapulgite commonly used in vegetable oil industry .

  3. 利用超临界CO2萃取对毛油进行精炼,是一项新的油脂精炼方法。

    The optimal conditions for aglycone tyrosol extraction from Rhodiola were investigated by using supercritical CO2 extraction technique .

  4. 自乳化和毛油ZR的制备和性能

    Preparation and property of spontaneous emulsification oleine oil ZR

  5. 磷脂酶C水解大豆毛油中丙酮不溶物(AI)的速度和底物浓度、温度、搅拌速度在一定范围内成正相关;

    The hydrolyzed rate of acetone insoluble ( AI ) was positively correlated with the substrate concentration , temperature and stirring speed .

  6. 和毛油ZR是以锭子油、乳化剂EM、太古油、增溶剂等为主要原料,通过优化配方制成的。

    Oleine oil ZR is prepared through optimization of formulations based on spindle oil , emulsifier EM , Turker red oil and solubilizer as raw materials .

  7. 大豆毛油中磷脂含量约为2%,采用正己烷为溶剂,用磷脂酶C水解大豆毛油中的磷脂,生成甘油二酯,可以减少毛油的炼耗,提高精炼率。

    The natural occurrence of phospholipid in crude soybean oil is 2 % , which can be hydrolyzed in hexane and triglyceride ( double solvent system ) by phospholipase C to form DAG in order to increase the nutritious value and decrease the refining loss .

  8. 结果表明:毛油在520nm处有吸收峰,该峰随油色变浅而消失。

    The results show that the crude oil has an absorbing peak at 520 nm in the visible light district , but this peak disappears when the color becomes lighter .

  9. 在本试验条件下,重现性好,粕中残油率不超过1.20%,所得毛油酸价为4.5mgKOH/g,过氧化值为15meq/kg。

    It was also indicated that the meal contained less than 1.20 % residue oil , the acid value and the peroxide value of crude oil were 4.5 mg KOH / g and 15 meq / kg , respectively .

  10. 茶籽毛油不符合食用要求。

    Raw tea seed oil can 't meet edible request .

  11. 茶籽毛油中极性抗氧化物质的研究

    Study on Polar Antioxidative Compounds in Tea ( Camellia sinensis ) Seed Oil

  12. 羊毛梳理纺纱用油剂(和毛油)的发展

    Development review of wool lubricant for carding and spinning

  13. 固定化脂肪酶催化毛油合成生物柴油

    Synthesis of biodiesel from crude oil by immobilized lipase

  14. 用物理方法脱去毛油中磷脂的研究

    Removal of phospholipids from crude oil with physical method

  15. 国产针梳机和毛油喷头研制及其系统完善

    Developing wool oil sprayer on domestic gilling machine and improving on its system

  16. 对从大豆毛油中提取卵磷脂的工艺进行了研究。

    The study is extracting lecithin from soybean oil .

  17. 不同色稻米糠毛油及谷维素含量研究

    Crude oil and oryzanolum content in rice bran among three kinds of color rice

  18. 纺织用复合型和毛油的制备及研究

    Preparation and Study of Compound Combing Oil

  19. 短程蒸馏处理菜籽毛油和碱催化制备生物柴油工艺研究

    Preparation of biodiesel by short path distillation of rapeseed raw oil and alkaline catalyzing reaction

  20. 咖啡毛油的水化与乳化

    Hydration and Emulsification of Rude Coffee Oil

  21. 并且核桃毛油对自由基的清除能力强于精炼核桃油,分析其原因可能是核桃油精炼过程中损失的某些物质具有清除自由基的能力。

    Besides that , after refined , the ability of walnut oil to scavenge radicals declined .

  22. 纺织用复合型和毛油的研制

    Preparation of textile compound wool oil

  23. 自制合毛油加油装置

    Self - making oiling apparatus

  24. 研究了以复合机械油和复合乳化剂为主要原料的和毛油的制备工艺。

    The preparation of wool oil be composed of compound machinery oil and compound emulsifier was studied .

  25. 因此,和光皮树果实油的精炼一样,光皮树毛油的提取同样成了当前亟需解决的问题。

    Therefore , the problem of wilsoniana oil extraction becomes as urgent as wilsoniana fruit oil refining .

  26. 大豆毛油在汽提时,尽可能采用低的温度,可以减少褐色物质的生成。

    Brown color formation may be minimized by reducing the final stage stripping temperature as much as possible .

  27. 浸出的毛油经脱酸、脱色、脱臭处理,获得的精制油达到并超过国际葡萄籽油标准。经N.M。

    The refined oil can reach and exceed international standard of grape seed oil . The blades treated by N.

  28. 分析了油脂水化机理与产生乳化的原因及影响水化与乳化的主要因素,并在试验的基础上提出了咖啡毛油的水化工艺。

    We study the mechanism of hydration and emulsification of coffee oil , and present hydration process of rude coffee oil .

  29. 通过对菜籽毛油、菜籽油脚及菜籽脱臭馏出物中主要成分分析,得到菜籽毛油的水分0。

    By analysis the main component of rapeseed crude oil , rapeseed oil residue and rapeseed deodorizer distillate , Rapeseed crude oil to be0 .

  30. 然而,和其他油料植物油的提取不同的是,目前国内外还没有针对硬质果核油料进行毛油提取的有效压榨设备。

    However , unlike other oil extraction , there is no effective squeezing equipment response to the extraction of hard core oil at present .