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mó yá zào xiàng
  • bas-reliefs on precipices
摩崖造像[mó yá zào xiàng]
  1. 云南石窟与摩崖造像艺术

    Yunnan Grottoes and Bas-reliefs on Precipices

  2. 蒲江邛崃唐代佛教摩崖造像的题材和编年

    Theme and Chronicle of Buddhist Cliff Carvings in Pujiang and Qionglai

  3. 孔望山佛教摩崖造像群堪称世界文化的奇观。

    The Buddhist cliff carvings on Kongwang Mountain are regarded as one the world 's cultural wonders .

  4. 因此,对湖南地区的石窟摩崖造像的系统研究,可以填补湖南地区石窟艺术研究等方面的空白,同时对进一步研究佛教造像艺术及湖南佛教史有着重要意义。

    Therefore , systematic study of the Grottoes and Cliffside Images in Hunan area could fill the gaps in statuary art research .

  5. 在四大石窟以外,还有许许多多石窟和摩崖造像,各有自己的风格,只是规模略小罢了。

    Besides the four big grottos , there are many small grottos and cliff sculptures of different styles on a minor scale throughout China .

  6. 佛文化在齐山的发展,宋代以延庆院为主要标志;元朝以佛教摩崖造像为标志。

    The development of the Buddhism history of Qi Mountain is indicated by Yanqing Academy in Song Dynasty and the Buddhism cliff sculpture in Yuan Dynasty .