
  • 网络capillary curve
  1. 压汞法是测定流纹岩类火山岩储层毛管压力曲线的有效方法之一。

    Mercury intrusion method is one of effective methods of determining the capillary curve in the volcanic rocks of rhyolite type .

  2. 根据裂缝、孔洞和孔隙的毛管压力曲线特征,可分别计算裂缝孔隙度、孔洞孔隙度和岩石孔隙度,以及裂缝宽度、连通孔洞的孔喉直径和连通孔隙的孔喉直径。

    According to the characteristics of the fracture , vug and pore on the capillary curve , the fracture porosity , vug porosity , pore porosity , the wide of fracture , throat diameter of vug and pore can be calculated .

  3. 但以前用饱和水T2分布构造的毛管压力曲线的方法与实际毛管压力曲线匹配性差。

    The available methods using T 2 distribution to evaluate capillary pressure curves result in poor correlation with the real capillary pressure curves .

  4. 事实上,薄膜束缚水部分的存在引起T2分布反映的孔隙空间与毛管压力曲线反映的孔隙空间有差异。

    In fact , core space reflected by the existence of membrane bound-water T 2 distribution is different from that reflected by capillary pressure curves .

  5. 本文提出一种改进方法,在消除薄膜束缚水对T2分布的贡献后,用自由水T2分布构造毛管压力曲线。

    The thesis put out an improved method which uses free-water T 2 distribution to construct capillary pressure curves after eliminating membrane bound-water 's contribution to T 2 distribution .

  6. 本文论证了要使不同的毛管压力曲线转换成同一条J(Sw)曲线的条件,即这些毛管压力曲线必须在单对数坐标系(lgPc&Sw)上相互平行或重合。

    It is proved in this paper that the condition of merging different capillary pressure curves into the sigle J ( S_w ) curve is that these capillary pressure curves must be parallel or overlapped in the single-logarithmic coordinates ( lgP_c-S_w ) .

  7. 统计研究了中国油田河流相与三角洲相的典型油水相对渗透率曲线、典型毛管压力曲线、典型PVT关系,以及多种储层参数的平均值。

    Typical oil-water relative permeability curve , typical capillary pressure curve , typical PVT correlation of fluvial and delta facies in oil field of China and average value of several reservoir parameter are studied statistically in this paper .

  8. 由于储层岩石孔隙结构不符合毛管束模型,使得Laplace公式仅在表现接触角趋近于0°或180°时可用于根据毛管压力曲线计算储层岩石的孔径分布。

    Since the pore structure of porous media is not observed capillary tube model . Laplace equation can be used to calculate the pore size distribution of the reservoir rock based on the capillary pressure curve only when the apparent contact angle approaches to 0 ° or 180 ° .

  9. 核磁毛管压力曲线构造方法综述

    Review of methods for constructing capillary pressure curve by NMR logging

  10. 毛管压力曲线在储层微观非均质性研究中的应用

    The application of the capillary pressure curve in micro-cosmic reservoir heterogeneity

  11. 用毛管压力曲线确定合理注水强度

    Determination of reasonable water injection rate by using capillary pressure curve

  12. 用分形几何法预测毛管压力曲线

    Application of Fractal Geometry to Prediction of Capillary Pressure Curves

  13. 离心毛管压力曲线表征及应用

    Review in characteristics and application of capillary pressure curves for centrifuge data

  14. 毛管压力曲线平均化方法的矿场应用

    On Field Application about Averaging Methods of Capillary Pressure Curves

  15. 砂岩储层的毛管压力曲线反演模型

    Inverse model of capillary pressure curve for sandstone reservoir rocks

  16. 储层毛管压力曲线的拟合及其地质应用

    The Fitting of Capillary Pressure Curves of Reservoirs and Its Geological Applications

  17. 应用麻皮效应对压汞法毛管压力曲线的修正使用方法

    Using Pockmarks - effect to Modify the Capillary Pressur Curves

  18. 相对渗透率曲线和毛管压力曲线的标准化方法

    Standardization on the curves of permeability and capillary pressure

  19. 毛管压力曲线分布特征的确定

    Determination of the distribution types of capillary pressure curves

  20. 岩电实验和岩石的毛管压力曲线分析也证明了这一结论。

    The electricity experiment and the capillary pressure curve analysis also prove this conclusion .

  21. 具有不同渗透率和孔隙度的岩心,测得毛管压力曲线是不相同的。

    Measured capillary pressure curves are different for cores with different permeability and porosity .

  22. 用毛管压力曲线确定原始含油饱和度

    Initial oil saturation determination by capillary pressure curve

  23. 毛管压力曲线的绘制及排驱压力计算法

    Pressure ; the drawing of the capillary pressure curve and the calculation of the displacement

  24. 为了更好地研究和探讨透镜状砂岩体阶段式充注机理,文章提出了借助于油藏开发中常用的毛管压力曲线进行研究的一种方法。

    Stage filling mechanism of lenticular sand body has been studied by using capillary pressure curve .

  25. 根据毛管压力曲线特征,划分出四种孔隙结构。

    According to the capillary pressure curve , the pore structure was divided into four types .

  26. 利用毛管压力曲线计算岩石物性参数的新公式

    The new formula to calculate the physical characteristic parameters of rocks using the capillary pressure curve

  27. 压汞法测定储层岩石毛管压力曲线存在麻皮效应。

    There exists pockmarks - effect during the PC - Curve determination by mercury injection method .

  28. 笔者提出一种新的流体界面估算法,即毛管压力曲线法。

    The author will provide a new method of capillary pressure curve for estimating fluid interface .

  29. 毛管压力曲线是用来评价储层孔隙结构和储层原始含油饱和度的最有效的方法。

    The study of flow units using fractal and fractal dimension methods of capillary pressure curve ;

  30. 因此,对于某一具体的油藏,如何得到一个具有代表性的毛管压力曲线,就显得十分重要。

    Therefore , how to get a representative capillary pressure curve becomes very important for a specific reservoir .